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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. He’s not wrong though that the person lied. Biden on average has issued less Executive Orders than Trump: Part of that average should be considered “good executive orders” as 31 were revoking old executive orders: Biden listened to SCOTUS on student loans and stopped his original forgiveness plan. The new plan has gone through proper notice and comment periods, plus it’s not even implemented yet.
  2. I don’t think any mainstream media has really picked up on Biden vs Trump crowds at this arena. One was for a mid-term election for a Senator 2 years ago and the current one was for a President. I think what people are picking up on is that a person obsessed with crowd size couldn’t get enough people to open up the upper bowl in an arena that holds 10,000 people. No comparison needed. The co comparison that should be made is a 2016 vs 2024 Trump rally. I don’t think you’d see a 2016 Trump rally that empty.
  3. Thread Reopened: https://apnews.com/article/nevada-republicans-fake-electors-indictment-trump-9d06ffc619314f85e0bdb321b820a557 no one found not guilty. case dismissed only because the judge believes the venue was wrong. judges opinion on venue will be appealed.
  4. You can ignore the break out of the poll, as the percentages are among Republicans and Independents. So looking at only independents sampled, 42 percent of the independents said Trump should be in jail and 31 percent said the conviction makes them less likely to support. Of the independents sampled, 50 percent thought Trumps DOJ went after enemies vs 41 percent for Biden. The party cross section doesn’t really matter here since they’re not looking to get an idea of how they’re voting but how a group of people are answering a question.
  5. New poll looking terrible for Trump: https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-06/Politico Magazine Trump Verdict Topline 06 12 2024.pdf Ignoring the Dem responses because they’re in line with expectations, the R and I results are terrible. Question 7 - 8 percent of Republicans now less likely to support Trump. 31 percent of independents less likely to support Trump due to the conviction. Question 9 - 42 percent of Independents think Trump should go to Jail Question 11-3 and 11-4 are really interesting. 41 percent of Independents think Biden uses the Justice Department to go after political enemies, but 50 percent felt Trump uses the Justice Department to go after enemies. Trump can’t win losing that type of support among Rs and Is.
  6. As a person of principals I cannot vote for a felon to be President so I will not vote for Hunter Biden to be President, ever.
  7. Well that’s bad news for MAGA with Polymarket. WI, PA, and MI to Biden give him 270. She’s not an indicted felon yet, not that that seems to matter to people here.
  8. Morning Consult before 44-42 Trump. https://pro.morningconsult.com/trackers/2024-presidential-election-polling After 45-44 Biden. https://pro.morningconsult.com/analysis/donald-trump-polling-guilty-verdict-jury-trial other key takeaways: Over half of voters (54%) approve of the 12 jurors’ historic decision to convict the former president on 34 felony charges related to a 2016 hush-money scheme with adult actress Stormy Daniels. A similar share believes Trump committed a crime. Our Friday survey showed that just 15% of Republican voters nationwide want Trump to drop his White House bid, a bit higher than the 8% of Trump supporters who said the same. That figure among the larger GOP electorate is in line with the share of potential Republican primary voters who supported his last remaining challenger, Nikki Haley, at the end of her campaign. Roughly half of voters said they would oppose the former president’s imprisonment for his 34 class E felonies. The most popular option (at 69%) would be fining Trump, followed by another 49% who would put him on probation.
  9. Yea here’s both polls. https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/642d10aa01f0e174bec6cc08/665a542129264ac3335fae85_Perceptions of Trump Guilty Verdict - HarrisX Overnight Poll - 31 May 2024.pdf https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/HHP_May2024_KeyResults.pdf Harris X does do both. The IPSOS poll is the only true 1 to 1 poll out so far then.
  10. Same IPSOS poll has 10 percent of Republicans less likely support Trump now. Another HUGE blow: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-10-republicans-less-likely-vote-trump-after-guilty-verdict-reutersipsos-poll-2024-05-31/
  11. to add more context. the last Harris poll May 15/16 had Trump +8, +5, +6. iPsos released 5/30, 5/31, same dates as the new Ipsos has Biden +2. The prior IPSos had Trump +2 or them even. so on the 2 newest polls Trump has lost significant ground.
  12. Thats no what happened. If you followed it the judge on the first day of the trial said he didn’t do that “"I specifically said in the summary-judgment decision, I'm not valuating properties," Engoron said on October 2, the first day of the trial. "Please, press, stop saying I'm valuing it at $18 million. There was a tax assessment in that range." You can read all about it here: https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/16/politics/read-ruling-donald-trump-civil-fraud-trial-new-york/index.html The $18 million was a tax assessment, not the judges assessment on the value. The judges main issue with the fraud was that the Trump Organization did conservation easements in perpetuity. These easements made it so that the club could only be used as a social club. However, knowing this, the Trump organization still valued the property as a private residence. In 2020, the Trump organization also appealed that a $26.6 million tax appraisal was too high. They later rescinded their appeal and agreed with this valuation. The court also points out that a billion dollar valuation on the property would be 400 percent higher than the next highest valued property in the country. In order to appeal the decision, Trump will have to pay the fine. It’s dubious that will happen. But you’re welcome to donate to his GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement
  13. Admin filed for proposed rule making to get forgiveness under HEA: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/highered/reg/hearulemaking/2023/negregpublichearingannouncement.pdf could lead to all federal student debt erased.
  14. Wait is the blackmail employing their family members? Like vote for me or I’ll hire your nephew. The House was much better run by George Santos. He probably just doesn’t want to run because he won so many times already.
  15. I saw one that was Republicans finally found a way to re-do an election and they still can’t win. Cracked me up.
  16. He’s so insecure he needs to tell people he’s an alpha male in his handle!! Haha. If you have to say you’re an alpha male, you’re not an alpha male.
  17. Plus for his illegal use of charitable funds, had to pay $2,000,000, admit to stealing the charitable funds for personal use (including that he used it to buy Tebow stuff), and is no longer allowed to run a NY charity. https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation Plus all the other people in Trump orbit like Cohen who are in jail.
  18. You realize the only people who need to worry about Venmo reporting are people who are receiving taxable income via Venmo and not reporting it as income right? The Trump case here deals with fringe benefits and it’s pretty egregious. The fine was what was allowed under NY law. However, the bigger impact is 1) US banks are less likely to loan Trump Org money, which isn’t a good thing in real estate and 2) the guilty verdict brings a lot of facts on things like Trump signing documents, which starts to lay the evidence for the NY civil suit, which would lead to the Trump posse now being able to be officers of companies in NY anymore and other large fines.
  19. Trump Org convicted of criminal state tax fraud: https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/06/politics/trump-organization-fraud-trial-verdict/index.html Biggest thing is it will take away a lot of funding the Trump Org would be able to get going forward.
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