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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Unlike our friends in the right here, I don’t make other boards to support my echo chamber when people disagree with me.
  2. Honey boo boo bear, I wish you were half as smart as you think and weren’t half as dumb as you’ve proven yourself to be. End of story - you support Logan violations against Kerry. Trump has no way to end a war with Russia and Ukraine without violating Logan Act prior to being sworn in. Trump has told you he will violate the Act you care about. So, you either don’t actually care about the Logan Act or you’re ok with violations of the act as long as there is an (R) next to the name , making you just another Republican hypocrite. Now honey pie. Leave the computer and let the adults handle conversations.
  3. Historically that’s been something that’s been done. Biden admin would have done it too. its when you negotiate to change a position that it would become an issue. Trump blamed Kerry for negotiating with Iran. Trumps admin had Flynn who: First, he encouraged world leaders to vote against a United Nations resolution on Israeli settlements, bucking the Obama White House position. Second, he undermined sanctions established under President Barack Obama against Russia in his phone conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak The idea being a non-elected person at the time cannot negotiate against the current Presidents positions. Trump going to Russia or Ukraine to broker a peace would clearly undermine the current admin.
  4. No I was just saying Shapiro really out her in her place. He really added great discussion to the discord with that tweet. He showed her. Lol, I’ve seen what you post and let me just say it’s lacking. If you think of yourself as an intellectual you may want to back and find a book, learn how to read it and come up with coherent arguments. I think if you can follow a basic logic table, you’d see I cleared laid out your a hypocrite that no one should listen to.
  5. Boom - that’s a Ben Shapiro knock out:
  6. Glad you’ve shown yourself not only ignorant, but willfully ignorant as well.
  7. Let ‘em rephrase the rhetorical question into a statement for you then. Trump said he will break the law by negotiating with Russia or the Ukraine prior to becoming President to stop the war before becoming President. Those negotiate a violation of the Logan Act.
  8. How do you propose Trump ends the Ukraine -Russian war before going into office without negotiating with a foreign country?
  9. Since you’re being a bit slow on the uptake, I’ll just lay it out: 1. You really care about the Logan Act and feel Trumps political opponents should be prisoned for the violations. John Kerry to name one. 2. You laid out violations of the Logan Act include negotiating with foreign parties while not registered with FARA and without diplomatic permission. 3. A debate is used to tell the America. people what you will do. This allows Americans to vote for people who will follow what they want. 4. Trump says in the debate, if you vote for him, he will violate the Logan Act by negotiating with Russia to end the war when he has no Constitutional permission to do so. A violation of the Logan Act. 5. You apparently hate people who violate the Logan act and think they should go to jail. 6. Therefore, if elected and Trump violated the Logan Act, like he’s telling you he will do, you believe Trump should go to jail. Lastly I’d add, if you vote for Trump knowing he’d break a law you’re so passionate amount, you probably shouldn’t vote for him.
  10. Trump continued: “I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelenskyy as president-elect before I take office on January 20th. I’ll have that war settled.”
  11. Inwould assume the purpose of the debate is to tell Americans what you’re going to do. Otherwise, why have it. Trump promised to break the law in the debate, yet here you are clamoring for politic opponents to be jailed and yet are silent on Trumps proposed actions. if violations of the Logan act are that high value to you. How can you vote for someone who promised to break it? are you honestly this stupid?
  12. Im just trying to clearly set out your interpretation of the law. so then based on the Logan Act and your response to Kerry. What are your thoughts of Trump in the debate saying he would end the Russia-Ukraine War before going into office? Trump is not registered FARA. He’s negotiating foreign interests and not with diplomatic approval.
  13. Let’s say you’re correct about Kerry. Your accusations for the case are: 1. He didn’t register as FARA 2. He took trips on behalf of US interests to negotiate, broker, and inject in foreign interests. 3. Without diplomatic approval is that correct? So for you that’s breaking the law and should go to jail?
  14. Sorry but they’re not. Maybe you should go into your feels and snowflake yourself.
  15. I think Dems are more pissed off over a President with unfettered control. The decision wasn’t terrible for either party. The Court shut down Trumps impeachment argument which is good. i think Dems are more concerned with Trump doing things like he posts. Like this, after the ruling: The President of the US shouldn’t be using military tribunals to prosecute people who hurt his feelings. Plus the debate showed us how easy it is to hurt Trumps feelings. Biden just had to say how Presidential scholars called him the worst President or tell him he sucks at golf.
  16. I think it’s pretty funny looking back at the first post Trump raised $52m after being convicted. Biden raised $38m after the poor debate performance. Trump has to be found a felon to raise money. Biden just needs to look old.
  17. “Biden has repeatedly defied the Supreme Court on the matter and even bragged about doing so. Is this not above the law in your mind?” - you 1. It didn’t use the words 2. He didn’t repeatedly defy the Supreme Court take the loss and just say you’re ignorant to student loan issues.
  18. His first crack at it used an EO. SCOTUS said no. Second crack is using proper rule making which SCOTUS has not opined on. He also implemented SAVE which is his own student loan plan. Bush, Obama, Trump had all done the same. A lot of the forgiveness we’re seeing is PSFL actually getting processed, which was part of student loan terms that the Trump admin wasn’t really processing.
  19. Unfortunately for you and @B-Man you appear ignorant of the law. Biden took other measures to implement different student loan discharges that did not cross any line set by SCOTUS. It’s cool that you member. Just try membering things that actually happen.
  20. Great ad by the Biden campaign from the debate:
  21. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8vjeUFts_m/?igsh=ZDE0em41Z3owN2o3
  22. Newsom in the best option after last night. He would trounce Trump.
  23. The debate shows Joe should be replaced. The optics of the debate are Trump has the ability to talk. Biden has trouble. Neither can do it coherently. So if you tuned in to decide who to vote for based solely on that, Trump won. If you’re an independent and you tuned in to see how the country will be run in the next 4 years, the only one who gave some answer was Biden. Trump just ignored several important questions and that’s on the moderators for not taking control. They asked, do you think Palestine should be its own state. Trump couldn’t answer. They asked child care is more expensive, what are you going to do. Trump didn’t answer. You can go on and on about Trump not answering simple questions. They both come off as senile. Best outcome tonight is they replace Biden and the country can be run by someone who isn’t a geriatric.
  24. Speaking of fraud, Trump confidently claims a person who was dead for 2 years voted for him. Either voter fraud or cognitive decline.
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