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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/26/what-is-project-2025-trump Still, Heritage claimed credit for a bevy of Trump policy proposals in his first term, based on the group’s 2017 version of the Mandate for Leadership. The group calculated that 64% of its policy recommendations were implemented or proposed by Trump in some way during his first year in office. - So looking at his first term, while they’re not the same we can expect significant influence on Trumps next agenda from Heritage Foundation.
  2. Primaries are controlled by the party. The official nomination is done at the party conventions. Harris doesn’t have to step aside. She has no say on it. It’s a majority vote - 50/39 republicans aren’t controlling either. Maybe the Senate. If they control the Senate, you just vote Harris speaker of the house and keep the VP vacant.
  3. The easier method would be WI and NV pass special legislation to allow MO on the ballot. But I think my plan would work. Nov you vote Biden-Obama ticket. Biden steps down after the election. Obama nominates Harris. Simple majority is needed to get Harris allowed as VP. Again if the Biden-Obama ticket carries 50 percent to 39 percent like the poll suggested, that would be blood bath in the lower level concerts and the Dems would control the house and senate. Just get Michelle on board.
  4. I think it would set a terrible precedent if a Republican controlled chamber wouldn’t allow the President to select their VP. Plus if the popular vote aligns with the polling of Obama polling at 50 percent to 39 percent for Trump, Dems would control both chambers.
  5. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-25/#:~:text=Whenever there is a vacancy,of both Houses of Congress. Section 2 Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress. thats exactly how it works if you know, you care about the Constitution,
  6. Informal understanding that once Obama steps into the P she’d nominate Harris as VP to replace her vacant role.
  7. Toast? 538 has it 51 percent favored for Trump, 49 percent Biden as of right now: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/ Far from toast. But in my scenario, people know they’re voting for Obama who just polled 50 percent to 39 percent ahead of Trump.
  8. My plan; Keep Biden on the ballot Appoint Michele Obama as VP Biden tells everyone after sworn in he will step down for Michelle and Kamala as VP. Everyone wins.
  9. No one wants to kill babies. Just remove fetuses. Even though the orange man told you Dems do abortions after birth, that’s not true. He lied to you.
  10. Ipsos poll just gave Dems the best excuse to replace Biden with Michele Obama. Obama leads Trump in a hypothetical poll 50-39! https://www.reuters.com/world/us/one-three-democrats-think-biden-should-quit-race-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-07-02/ Seems like an no brainer to replace Biden with Michelle, sweep out lower taxes and move on from MAGA.
  11. I haven’t as I exercised my choice not to just like I respect other people to exercise their choice to have one.
  12. Thats not what it is. CA used to be one of the only places in the US same sex couples could marry. Some people from other states would go to CA to marry while also bringing their money to the economy, it’s not go look at gay people. Just advertise come to NY state, come have your abortion. Spend your money here. Buy a ticket to Maid of the Mist get 10 percent off your abortion.
  13. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/37q049nr This old paper put a conservative estimate of $41,000,000 of tax revenue a year from allowing same sex marriage in CA.
  14. Trump told as at the debate that Dems support abortions even after birth, right? We going to add that too? We can keep reasonable abortion policies in NY that will be a haven for people in repressed states.
  15. Thats awesome. Maybe we can make it a tourist thing like CA and MA did with same sex marriage.
  16. Id love for NY to be a safe haven for women to get abortions. When left to the states to decide, really the only people who are hurt are poor people who can’t travel to a pro-choice state. But let’s vote to keep NY pro-choice. Let’s vote to allocate funds to poor people to come to NY from states with more repressive laws to get abortions.
  17. Does he? From the debate we know he killed Row v Wade. He made it a state issue. So his position is let the state decide. Some states decided against it. Supreme Court also ruled you can go clubbing one weekend and get the abortion pill so that’s good! And now we don’t need a 101st time. Amy place can do it for the health of the mom.
  18. Biden yet again following the rule of law:
  19. FHA loans are privately owned that are regulated and insured by the government: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/owning-a-home/fha-loans/#:~:text=FHA loans are loans from,money directly–private lenders do.
  20. He can’t. The government doesn’t own those. That’s why I said federal student loans and not private student loans.
  21. I also think the Supreme Court ruling is fair. I think a President should have civi and criminal immunity for official acts. The country has always taken that stance. I’d love though for the Biden admin to just troll the right on it. I want him to say all Federal student loans are now forgiven, I unlawfully (or accidentally due to his old age and dementia) destroyed all records and contracts for people’s student loans.
  22. Not being a military expert at all….. but wouldn’t that be the dumbest ***** ever for the President to invade his own territory since the President has immunity from criminal prosecution? Would have been a much more effective joke if he said Mar-A-Lago. If the right doesn’t even know where to properly invade in a joke, it’s going to be a quick civil war.
  23. Fixed it for you: TL CR (Too long, can’t read)
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