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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Even with that he still wanted to be a conservative. from Daily Beast: A former classmate of the 20-year-old man who tried unsuccessfully to kill former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday recalled him being staunchly to the right of the political spectrum. “He definitely was conservative,” Max R. Smith told The Philadelphia Inquirer of Thomas Crooks. “It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.” Smith shared an American history class with Crooks, and remembered a mock debate where their teacher made students stand on one side of the classroom or another to signal their allegiance. “The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.” Crooks died in the assassination attempt https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-rally-gunman-thomas-crooks-was-definitely-conservative-classmate-recalls
  2. And a Presidency is 4 years long. If you think Biden is unfit for office today, then assuming a similar cognitive decline, Trump would be unfit for office during his term. Both candidates are too old. But the media seems to be picking up on things like Trump not knowing his son wasn’t married as much. Honestly, the assassination attempt was pretty good for Biden politically as it got the media off the Dems wanting him off the ticket this news cycle. Plus it’s given Biden a couple times to address the public in a controlled environment.
  3. No, I think the Project 2025 message hit pretty hard with voters which is why you saw Trump deny it, which saw some shift in polls. I think you’ve also saw thought leadership change from Biden is senile but so is Trump. Just because Trump was louder at the debate doesn’t mean any words he put together make sense. Both of them argued about their golf score. Trump couldn’t answer a question. Even at his rallies he goes off meandering on crazy old man rants.
  4. I wouldn’t. I’d trust a clear analytical model based on prior polling than people betting with their feels. For example, we saw Trump spike in betting after the debate, but then there was minimal movement on the polls. We’ve seen Trump spike post shooting incident again, but we will need to wait and see how the polls react.
  5. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if he’s so far ahead why does 538 have Biden winning 51 percent of the times now? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/
  6. The shooters Instagram had: “Praise the Lord ️ in my quest to end Epsteins evil empire PA Born and bred ", Maybe the Florida doc release of Trumps pedo activity was the last straw? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=tmcrooks03&ia=we
  7. Everything is pointing to this guy being a registered Republican gun nut who wanted to end people with Epstein connections. the media should plaster Katie Johnson’s allegations against Trump every time this comes up so people know the shooters motivation.
  8. The shooters Instagram had: “Praise the Lord ️ in my quest to end Epsteins evil empire PA Born and bred ", Maybe the Florida doc release of Trumps pedo activity was the last straw? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=tmcrooks03&ia=web
  9. And I believe He wanted Trump to lose in 2020 and he wants Trump to lose in 2024. We will see whose God wins.
  10. Let’s not praise this guy yet. God saved Trump but not this guy. There must have been a reason….
  11. But the guy who was shot and killed didn’t have faith.
  12. Go whine your therapist about the DEI hires that hurt you. The argument was clear. If a President assassinated a political opponent it could fall under official act. Im sorry your reading comprehension isn’t great. Maybe if you fell under DEI, you could have gone to a real school to learn things like how for read.
  13. Except i was quoting Trumps own attorney who said assassination could be an official act. Were you born this stupid or did you just grow into it?
  14. I don’t know. Have you seen your comments 99 percent of the time? Trumps attorney in arguments: In a question to Sauer, Justice Sonia Sotomayor posed a hypothetical: If the president ordered the military to assassinate a rival he views as corrupt, “is that within his official act for which he can get immunity?” Sauer answered that, “it would depend,” but “we can see that could well be an official act.”
  15. To add to the crazy, if Biden ordered the assassination, the US would have no criminal actions they could take against Biden.
  16. is that not appropriate? I was quoting Trump after the Iowa school shooting. “I want to send our support and our deepest sympathies to the victims and families touched by the terrible school shooting yesterday in Perry, Iowa,” Trump said during a campaign rally. “It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward,” he added. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna132610
  17. It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward
  18. I graduated law school 4 years after Bush passed PSFL and before I went to law school decided I wanted to work for the IRS for 10 years to take part of Bush’s student loan forgiveness.
  19. Bush passed the College Cost Reduction Act in 2008: https://www.congress.gov/bill/110th-congress/house-bill/2669/all-actions?overview=closed&q={"roll-call-vote"%3A"all"} This was the law that created PSFL. PSFL allows people who work in the government to get loans forgiven after 10 years. So the reason it’s a thing is because of a Bushed backed law. Biden was just upholding the contractual terms from that law. Biden can’t just be like I’m going to ignore the law, I’m going to ignore the terms of the loan agreements people signed. PSFL is not unconstitutional and none of the forgiveness Biden has done so far has been found unconstitutional.
  20. So you don’t support the $119 billion forgiven under the Bush law? Maybe it’s time to vote Dem
  21. The better answer would be: Biden granted forgiveness of $167 billion. $119 billion is from PSFL and 20 year forgiveness. Both programs were contractually granted and originated under President Bush. $14 billion to students who were totally disabled, which is allowed per the loan contract they signed. $29 billion to schools who were fraudulent, which is a legal provision that originated prior to Biden. Biden can take responsibility for $5.5 billion of it through SAVE. So 1) if you don’t like it, blame Republicans for creating PSFL and 2) blame the contractual agreements that these lenders signed and the US government is abiding by the terms of those contracts.
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