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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. US taxes worldwide income. US investors take the money overseas and invest overseas, guess what. They’re still US citizens and taxed.
  2. In March, the Biden-Harris Administration released its official Fiscal Year 2025 budget proposal which calls for the creation of an annual 25 percent minimum tax on the unrealized gains of individuals with income and assets that exceed $100 million - It only affects people with high assets and income so they should have the ability to pay - SCOTUS had a chance to shoot something like this down in Moore v US this year and they punted.
  3. Except here you are not required to show proof to vote in Federal elections. If you don’t like that law, then change it. Which is what Republicans are trying to do with lawfare. Theres also issues with requiring a citizen to get documentation. The cost to do so would amount to a poll tax, which is unconstitutional . At the end of the day, we have a bunch of AZ, American citizens that for one reason or another used the federal form to enroll in voter registration, now 3 months before the election may get expelled from the voter registry not due to anything they did but Republicans don’t want them to vote: It’s cool if yall want to come up with a way to have like a Federal voter registry that checks if someone is a citizen. But yall need to find constitutional ways to do it.
  4. Also your SS Card is not proof of citizenship under the AZ law. You need: Your Indian Census Number, Bureau of Indian Affairs Card Number, Tribal Treaty Card Number, or fill in your Tribal Enrollment Number in Box 10 on the voter registration form. A photocopy of your U.S. naturalization documents or fill in your Alien Registration Number in Box 11 on the voter registration form. A legible photocopy of your birth certificate and supporting legal documentation (i.e., marriage certificate) if the name on the birth certificate is not the same as your current legal name. A legible photocopy of the pertinent pages of your U.S. passport. A legible photocopy of your Tribal Certificate of Indian Blood or Bureau of Indian Affairs Affidavit of Birth.
  5. The idea being you never registered before. A student never registered before is an AZ resident. They go to UB for college and don’t have their birth certificate. They register for the first time for AZ where they are a resident while they are in Buffalo. Same with the soldier example. Which is why people are saying this disenfranchises students and soldiers
  6. I’m still not sure if you’re understanding the AZ law. Say you’re a college student born in Phoenix. You go to UB for college. Your friend says hey! Register for to vote Kamala, so you fill out the Federal registration form and you put your SSN on the registration form. You get to Phoenix this November to vote and they say sorry, you’re not registered because you did not provide a birth certificate when you registered. Say you’re a service member. You get stationed overseas. You fill out the Federal Registration and put your SSN. Your birth certificate is in Tempe so you do not include it. You go to vote by mail in November, you are rejected because even though you put your SSN you didn’t include your birth certificate since it was back in the US and you had no way of getting it. Now say the law was it’s ok to vote for the President without the birth certificate in AZ but 3 months form the election after people already registered, we want to change the rules. That is what the Republicans are suing to do.
  7. Under the AZ law just having an SSN is not proof of citizenship. Senior citizens often lose their birth cortical after 65 plus years. Service people or college students aren’t bringing their birth certificate to a different state, but if they register using the Federal form the certificate is not needed anyways. You need to get out of your bubble and understand that not everyone has a passport or a birth certificate or access to them. These people can still be US citizens.
  8. You don’t need show US citizens ship to file taxes.
  9. As many as 7 percent of U.S. citizens – 13 million people – do not have access to the documents that prove their birth and citizenship, according to research by the Brennan Center https://facetofacegermantown.org/many-americans-obtaining-birth-certificate-proves-challenging-alfred-lubrano-inquirer-staff-writer/#:~:text=As many as 7 percent,research by the Brennan Center.
  10. Unfortunately it’s in the National Voting Rights Act, constitutionally passed by Congress and upheld by one of the most conservative Supreme Judges of all time. Way to ignore our constitution, fascist.
  11. I pray to God there’s more women who use their right to chose take advantage of this! thanks for sharing the great news!
  12. The ratings for the RNC and DNC take into account streamers. Maybe the RNC should have just been cancelled then and Trump could just do his old man posting and get tricked by AI. Hopefully Trumps social media outreach is reaching people since people aren’t going to his rallies or watching the RNC like they do for the Dems.
  13. While you seem to be on the lower end of the spectrum, I’ll defer to a better known Republican. “They won in the lower courts, and the Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that the federal motor voter law preempted or overrode the state’s law. Justice Antonin Scalia spoke for the 7-2 majority and said the federal law requires states to “accept and use” the standard federal form in federal elections.” Scalia wrote the decision saying Federal elections can use Federal forms under NRVA. So I’m sorry you want to disenfranchise Americans but that’s what yall facists do.
  14. When filing the Federal registration form that doesn’t require the documentation? Since you don’t care to read what’s actually happening, in like most states you can register with the Federal or state registration form. The Federal registration form requires you to certify you are a US citizen but doesn’t require proof of citizenship. The AZ form requires proof of citizenship. People using the Federal registration are most likely people out of state like students and service members. Courts said AZ can’t force people to comply with the AZ form mandate with it so close to the election. Republicans are saying let’s disenfranchise a bunch of people.
  15. “largely service members, students and Native Americans“ - they’re non-Americans?
  16. https://www.azfamily.com/2024/08/20/republicans-ask-supreme-court-block-40k-arizona-voters-presidential-election/ The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office said the ruling could affect about 41,000 thousand voters, largely service members, students and Native Americans who did not have birth certificates when they registered to vote.
  17. Someone check on Trump…. DNC Day 1 drew better ratings than RNC day 1: https://deadline.com/2024/08/democratic-national-convention-draws-20-million-on-first-night-surpassing-ratings-for-rnc-1236045366/
  18. It’s good to ask given the circumstances: Trump's decision to visit Howell was criticized by opponent Vice President Kamala Harris, whose campaign noted white supremacists demonstrated in the town less than a month ago, as Trump rallied in Grand Rapids. Standing on the overpass of I-96 at Latson Road, demonstrators chanted “We love Hitler. We love Trump." There was an earlier march that day from the lawn of the historic Livingston County Courthouse to the Howell Carnegie Library, before participants were asked to leave. Still, another white supremacist demonstration took place the same day Trump announced his plan to travel to Howell, this time in Brighton. Local businesses decried the display, which led some of them to closE. ”we love Hitler. We love Trump”
  19. Logan Act violation. Should be thrown in jail.
  20. And that’s how Trump lost his chance and a second term. Why would we want a President that’s prone to making such gigantic mistakes?
  21. The conservatives main platform is really not liked: Favorability of Project 2025: All: -35% Democrats: -62% Independents: -35% Self-Ascribed Non-MAGA Republicans: -18% Self-Ascribed MAGA Republicans: +5% Navigator Research / Aug 4, 2024 / n=1000
  22. Yea definitely listen to this guy. It’s not like polls have a way to adjust their sample to fit the projected turn out and account for an under sampled population.
  23. JD Vance is one step ahead of you:
  24. Poly market - 50/49 Harris PredictIt - 56-45 Harris RCP - Trump due to him being up by 0.2 points in PA
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