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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. Imagine if Vance turned and blew this whole thing up. But you know he’s completely compromised. JD Vance hasn’t rebuked having sex with a couch. Maybe he will and whatever. But this is 2024 and maybe Trump will make it through 1 rally without coming off like a dementia patient:
  2. GA is also in play with Harris up in some polls. NC is too but Trump leads them more. So it ignores several scenarios.
  3. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-nervous-breakdown-republicans-harris-b2592064.html “This is what you would call a public nervous breakdown,” Matthew Bartlett, a Republican strategist and former Trump State Department appointee, told Politico. “This is a guy who cut through the Republican primary like a knife through butter. This is a guy who pummeled a semi-conscious president in a debate and literally out of a race. And now this is a guy who cannot come to grips with a competitive presidential race that would require discipline and effective messaging,” Bartlett continued. “And we’re seeing a candidate and a campaign absolutely meltdown.” An anonymous GOP strategist also told the outlet: “Every day Trump swipes at shiny objects — attacking the popular governor of a swing state, questioning the race of his opponent, or battling cat lady comments by his VP — is a day he is letting Harris define herself on her own terms.”
  4. More bad news for Trump and probably why Shapiro wasn’t picked: PA polls: - Harris +4 https://www.scribd.com/document/756269660/Kenyatta-Public-Memo-08012024-proofed Harris +4
  5. Yes being that up so we can all discuss Trumps “bone spurs”
  6. Trumps one chance was getting RFK Jr. Looks like that's out: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4811282-robert-kennedy-jr-trump/ “In a recent text exchange, Kennedy told one person that Trump was ‘a terrible human being. The worse president ever and barely human. He is probably a sociopath,'” Reminds me of when Trump got his big boy truck:
  7. When we add a convicted felon against her, she's just +3. Must be something going on. Quick to the conspiracy theory machine Mr. Peabody.
  8. Yea, I mean, you can see the funds raised and donations. The right does thing where they say general comments but back none of it up with facts. It's like the Glen Beck I'm just asking questions here line of argument that evolved from asking to questions to just making statements. We can see the grassroots campaign raising by Harris here: https://www.fec.gov/data/candidates/president/presidential-map/ $180 million of donations less than $200. Trump has $120 million but through a much longer time period than Kamala. You can't fake polls since the data is collected randomly. But you can just make generic statements with no facts to back them easily.
  9. Yea, Mike Pence made one of the bravest choices any VP in history had to make. But on a day-to-day basis for what his job description actually calls for, he didn't do much in term of policy. Honestly, the only thing I can remember him doing was wasting taxpayer money by going to a Colts game knowing he was going to walk out when players kneel. Just wasted a bunch of money to make a stupid point.
  10. VPs don’t really do much. What did Mike Pence do? She has a record while she was a senator. More than Trump had going into his first term. Weve seen what a disaster a Trump admin had on the country. As a Dem I’m finally glad we actual have a more liberal candidate than we’ve ever really had: At the end of the day yall can argue all you want. The matter of fact is polls are showing Trump is letting this race slip through his hands. Polls are showing America, not just Dems, wants Kamala over Trump. Maybe a better resource of time is arguing over what Trump could be doing to turn his campaign around.
  11. So you want to cut your time down on here to work with the Trump admin as his translator? We would miss you too much. I can’t have it. Vote Kamala.
  12. - Younger - can represent the US on the world stage coherently - doesn’t need you to translate her - I trust her more with Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reform than Trump - has endorsements from people who work with her - I can sit back and relax with politics instead of a daily ***** show Trump admin 1 was - etc etc etc
  13. Also to the Trump doesn’t mean the real life Mexican surgeon Lecter was based on. - he apparently talks to Trump on TV - Trump mentions Silence of the Lambs
  14. No my argument for Kamala is she isn’t 80. That’s what the polls argued too. No one wanted an 80 year old President. Yea I’m sure that’s who Trump is referring to. Honesty, do you want Trump talking to other world leaders without you their to interpret what he means?
  15. But that is Trump. There’s thousands of clips now of him talking like that and going on crazy rants. Hell we still don’t know if Trump thinks Hannibal Lecter was a real person. Polls before Biden dropped out and pundits on both sides before Biden dropped out already point to why Kamala is winning. It’s because she’s not in her 80s. I forget which R said it but before the debate even pointed out the first team to lose their candidate will win. edit: it was Haley: https://www.businessinsider.com/haley-first-party-to-ditch-80-year-old-candidate-wins-2024-1?amp
  16. We now have some data showing Republicans are weird to Americans: https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/8/5/voters-think-recent-gop-actions-and-quotes-are-very-weird
  17. Large sample Morning Consult poll (11,265 RV)
  18. It's now been a week since Trump polled ahead of Harris nationally. Not only has Harris wiped out Trump's easy win vs Biden, each day she's turning more voters and expanding her lead.
  19. She could always take the Trump approach and ignore every question. Like this example from the last debate…. Can you read this and tell me Trumps policy? TAPPER: President Biden, thank you so much. Let’s turn to the cost of childcare, which many American families struggle to afford. President Trump, both you and President Biden have tried to address this issue, but the average cost of childcare in this country has risen to more than $11,000 a year per child. For many families, the cost of childcare for two children is more than their rent. In your second term, what would you do to make childcare more affordable? TRUMP: Just to go back. The general got fired because he was no good. And if he said that, that’s why he made it up. But we have 19 people that said I didn’t say it, and they’re very highly respected, much more so than him. The other thing is, he doesn’t fire people. He never fired people. I’ve never seen him fire anybody. I did fire a lot. I fired Comey because he was no good. I fired a lot of the top people at the FBI, drained the swamp. They were no good. Not easy to fire people. You’d pay a price for it, but they were no good. I inherited these people. I didn’t put him there. I didn’t put Comey there. He was no good. I fired him. This guy hasn’t fired anybody. He never fires. He should have fired every military man that was involved with that Afghan – the Afghanistan horror show. The most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. He didn’t fire? Did you fire anybody? Did you fire anybody that’s on the border, that’s allowed us to have the worst border in the history of the world? Did anybody get fired for allowing 18 million people, many from prisons, many from mental institutions? Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate. This shouldn’t be a debate. He is the worst president. He just said it about me because I said it. But look, he’s the worst president in the history of our country. He’s destroyed our country. Now, all of a sudden, he’s trying to get a little tough on the border. He come out – came out with a nothing deal, and it reduced it a little bit. A little bit, like this much. It’s insignificant. He wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed or he wants to pick up those people as voters. And I don’t think – we just can’t let it happen. If he wins this election, our country doesn’t have a chance. Not even a chance of coming out of this rut. We probably won’t have a country left anymore. That’s how bad it is. He is the worst in history by far
  20. Harris leading with Nate Silvers projection for the first time: From your CBS poll some really concerning Trump numbers: - Increase in Dem likely voters and drop in R. - Gigantic increase in the black likely voters with a huge swing towards Harris: - Women overwhelmingly think Harris policies will help them more than Trump: Probably the worst in the poll is Trump will not win if half the country things he doesn’t have the cognitive health to serve as President.
  21. Big chunks leave Trump rally in middle of speech. Apparently they were not amused. Looking at another random sampling of the crowd to see how diverse it is - a man you’re probably in that pic based on your seats. :
  22. Pics? Because I just looked at your only pic you posted and it looked all white. More troubling poll numbers for Trump. PA +3, WI +2, MI tie in this set. If Kamala gets MI with those results, she won the election.
  23. The only one closer to Trump is Kamala in the polls this week! They really should come out with a Where’s Waldo book except it’s pictures of Trump rallies and instead of Waldo you need to find a person of color.
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