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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. it’s not. He could easily say at what age the girl would be that he wouldn’t support Trump. He has not so we have to expect the worst. Midas Touch is running the older stories on this:
  2. ok let’s put you down for you’re cool with Trump groping a 2 year old. Pedo
  3. I want to be very clear why this board is messed up. were on page 4 of a thread asking, in a possible video from named sources where Trump gropes an underaged girl, when the video comes out at what age would you not vote for Trump; current tally of board MAGAS: if the girl is this video is this age they would vote for Trump: 1 all of them 2 all of them 3 all of them 4 all of them 5 all of them 6 all of them 7 all of them 8 all of them 9 all of them 10 all of them 11 all of them 12 all of them 13 all of them 14 all of them 15 all of them 16 all of them 17 all of them Im answering your question so please answer mine: this is the person claiming the video: https://www.joincalifornia.com/candidate/14887 Now at what age is this girl in the video that you would say hey I won’t vote for Trump?
  4. I wholeheartedly apologize for the misspelled the name. I hope you understand my misspelling doesn’t mean this didn’t happen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kasich It’s Kaisch. It’s a real person from the Kasich campaign saying there’s a video of Trump groping an underage girl. now that we cleared up the source. what age is too young for you? What age of the person in the video would be too young g that you wouldn’t support trump? what are of the girl or guy in the video would make you say I can’t vote for Trump
  5. As I said in the OP this is basically a we will see story. more proof for my story than your thread tho since my source is not anonymous like yours. while we wait for confirmation we can conjecture so I tossed out the question what age would be too young for you? so what age would you say I can’t vote for Trump if and when the video comes out?
  6. No the fact is it’s a named person. You can find him on LinkedIn and complain to him. It’s not some anonymous source. It’s a real live person. Deflect more as you support groping underagers.
  7. ok so you’re cool if there’s a video of Trump groping a 10 year old?
  8. whataboutism. this is a named source saying he grouped an underage girl on video. When the video comes out what age does the girl need to be for you to not vote Trump?
  9. Age no it’s a named source from the Kaisch campaign. Read the OP.
  10. Why is it so hard so MAGAs here to say an age that would be inappropriate for their god emperor to grope? Are they all pedos here? exactly.
  11. post the name of the source for this thread: Liar Age please Age please. If you want me to hope on debate thread and call the maga there a dumb ass.
  12. hahahaha how many times did you post in the debate conspiracy thread? Why hasn’t a single MAGA answered the question thread? if this video comes out at what age makes you change your vote? If the girls 16? 15? 14? 13?
  13. Not the same story as him groping girls. But you did post in the debate conspiracy poll that had less evidence of it being true so I assume you know this is true then. You were soooo certain the debate thing was true with less evidence.
  14. To be clear, John Kelly someone Trump hired invoked Hitler: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna176706 “He commented more than once that, you know, that Hitler did some good things, too,” Kelly said. He also told the New York Times that Trump meets "the general definition of a fascist." “Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure,” Kelly said.
  15. We’ve also had several MAGAs respond here without answering the main question. any future maga please answer this then respond: what age does the girl need to be for you to not vote for Trump?
  16. Now now let’s be cautious. The video hasn’t leaked yet and it has criminal aspects to it. But clearly here, we have more evidence than an anonymous affidavit that’s been faked, so it’s worth the discussion since the debate conspiracy was. he put his name to it: https://www.joincalifornia.com/candidate/14887 Unlike the unnamed anonymous source in the debate thread.
  17. Framing this new post to meet the standard set it in the “ABC News Whistleblower affidavit: “Harris had debate rigged”” title as not to be misleading. but today the Republicans are warning people about deep fakes. then this comes out from a former Kaisch insider: Unlike the debate threads anymore source here is the sources bio: https://www.joincalifornia.com/candidate/14887 Poll for our MAGAs, what age would the girl need to be to change your vote?
  18. The NBC numbers for FL are great. I think Dems flip FL: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/florida-results 54-46 women lead with abortion on the ballot. I’d take that to the bank every day. Now EV doesn’t mean a ton without good historicals but if the EV and election day vote is split 54-46 women to men and 40-40-20 D-R—I then Harris wins Florida.
  19. Why warn? Enforce the law. Throw the republicans who break the law in jail.
  20. Or insider of the Kaisch campaign and not some nobody like that started the debate conspiracy. https://www.joincalifornia.com/candidate/14887
  21. This probably deserves its own thread as there’s more evidence here than the debate conspiracy theory that got its own thread.
  22. Ohhhh sorry. This is embarrassing. To give you board history, this was a very right leaning board. When people on the left joined the people on the right couldn’t handle it. So they went and created their own message board. sorry you weren’t invited. Maybe if you use more extreme rhetoric.
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