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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. More fake news. Wisconsin said no under the Wisconsin Elections Commission by a vote of 5-1. The 6 people are 3 Dems and 3 Republicans. So he was bi-partisan-ly left off based on the Wisconsin law. Michigan law just doesn't allow a party's candidate to withdraw once he's been nominated at the convention: https://legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=MCL-168-686A (4) The state convention shall be held at the time and place indicated in the call. The convention shall consist of delegates selected by the county caucuses. The convention may fill vacancies in a delegation from qualified electors of that county present at the convention. The convention may nominate candidates for all state offices. District candidates may be nominated at district caucuses held in conjunction with the state convention attended by qualified delegates of the district. If delegates of a district are not present, a district caucus shall not be held for that district and candidates shall not be nominated for that district. Not more than 1 business day after the conclusion of the convention, the names and mailing addresses of the candidates nominated for state or district offices shall be certified by the chairperson and secretary of the state convention to the secretary of state. The certification shall be accompanied by an affidavit of identity for each candidate named in the certificate as provided in section 558 and a separate written certificate of acceptance of nomination signed by each candidate named on the certificate. The form of the certificate of acceptance shall be prescribed by the secretary of state. The names of candidates so certified with accompanying affidavit of identity and certificate of acceptance shall be printed on the ballot for the forthcoming election. Candidates so nominated and certified shall not be permitted to withdraw. So, no the Dems didn't do this. Trumps own due diligence did this.
  2. One was done through a legal process allowed by law. Removing RFK in Michigan is not allowed under Michigan law.
  3. If you want something new here’s Nate Sivler
  4. LV post DNC Disaster for Trump
  5. - Dems follow rule of law by allowing states to determine their elections. States say candidate can’t withdraw, Republican want to subvert law and do whatever they want - west missed filing deadlines and can’t be on ballot. Republicans want to subvert state law and allow him on anyways - Supreme Court sends case back to DC for consideration. Govt goes through a new grand jury, presents less evidence and still gets charges - haven’t read on the fourth one but I’m sure it’s just more Republican whining. You should be mad at Trump for making an RFK deal without doing his due diligence to see if he can actually get off ballots.
  6. https://legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=MCL-168-686A (4) The state convention shall be held at the time and place indicated in the call. The convention shall consist of delegates selected by the county caucuses. The convention may fill vacancies in a delegation from qualified electors of that county present at the convention. The convention may nominate candidates for all state offices. District candidates may be nominated at district caucuses held in conjunction with the state convention attended by qualified delegates of the district. If delegates of a district are not present, a district caucus shall not be held for that district and candidates shall not be nominated for that district. Not more than 1 business day after the conclusion of the convention, the names and mailing addresses of the candidates nominated for state or district offices shall be certified by the chairperson and secretary of the state convention to the secretary of state. The certification shall be accompanied by an affidavit of identity for each candidate named in the certificate as provided in section 558 and a separate written certificate of acceptance of nomination signed by each candidate named on the certificate. The form of the certificate of acceptance shall be prescribed by the secretary of state. The names of candidates so certified with accompanying affidavit of identity and certificate of acceptance shall be printed on the ballot for the forthcoming election. Candidates so nominated and certified shall not be permitted to withdraw.
  7. No. National DNC rules allow the DNC to pick a candidate they want based on the delegates at the convention. The Dems picked Harris. The Dems submitted Harris to Michigan under the applicable rules. RFK had two options to get on the ballot. Either through a political party or via signatures. Each has different rules. He chose to get on through the National Labor party. The time to withdraw as a party candidate has passed. Therefore, he cannot take his name off the ballot. It's pretty simple. Why don't you want to follow the law? Seems like you want to rig the election.
  8. Do yourself a favor and read the Democrat electing policies and Michigans law on who enters the ballot. Democrats nominate thru their convention and they nominated Harris. Under MI election law RFK used a party nomination process and was actually nominated under that party’s rules. Now it’s too late for him based on how he secured access to the ballot.
  9. This is how the Michigan law is written. Why can’t republicans just follow the law: Kennedy must stay on the ballot in Michigan, where he obtained ballot access through the Natural Law Party, a minor political party, instead of the more difficult independent petition process. Michigan state law prevents minor-party nominees from withdrawing after being certified, and the Michigan Bureau of Elections told Michigan Public Radio the deadline for any changes had long passed. “The Natural Law Party held their convention to select electors for Robert Kennedy Jr.,” spokesperson Cheri Hardmon said. “They cannot meet at this point to select new electors since it's past the primary.”
  10. The Supreme Court remanded the case back to DC. All the righties here were cool with the case. Now that it’s back to DC, and special counsel updated his case to meet the requirements of the Supreme Court, yall are mad. Learn the law of your country.
  11. Except this was an entirely new grand jury who said the charges have merits after a different grand jury said the charges have merit. Maybe you should hop on a grand jury to explain the law to these people.
  12. Good question… who else do we think?
  13. Following this because it’s hilarious, but it looks like Julie Kelly, one of the people the crazies post on here all the time is a secret Democrat and just grifting off MAGA idiots:
  14. Trump campaign buying ads in Florida….. not a good sign.
  15. Or the guy who wants to be President can have self control and not interrupt her. if he doesn’t have self restraint vs Kamala Harris, we can’t expect him to among the worlds leaders. Thanks B-Man for pointing out another reason to vote Harris! You’re awesome.
  16. MAGA is pro abortion now too! https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/24/trump-abortion-reactions-00176276 Trump’s pledge to be ‘great for women and their reproductive rights’ angers advocates Plus they will veto a national abortion ban per JD Vance. You have to prove cheating occurred in 2022 and there is no proof. Unless you have some hidden proof no one else has ever seen.
  17. Lake was already but this is hilarious:
  18. So you want it to be illegal to own more phones and computers than you can afford? Don’t eat the rich. Looking at it more, it sounds like Republicans are saying they have voter info they shouldn’t have had. The people raided are saying it’s publicly available information. A court has stopped Texas from going through the info until a later hearing. Sounds like a witch hunt. Also this deals with 2022 and has nothing to do with the 2024 election. If the poster would read more than a headline he could properly put it in the right thread.
  19. Bad news in PA for Trump: Pennsylvania mail in ballot request (MIBR) figures, by party: Total 2020 MIBR: 3,079,710 63% Democrat 25% Republican 1% independent 11% other Total 2024 MIBR (SO FAR AS OF AUGUST 24): 1,111,540 65% Democrat 25% Republican 1% independent 8% other *Another 2 months left for Pennsylvanians to request ballots. source Harris 2 percent better than Biden was running for mail ins when Biden won PA.
  20. Pretty big policy announcement from JD Vance yesterday…. You have to wonder who is actually running the campaign if this big of an announcement comes from the VP …. But Trump WILL veto any abortion bans https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4846241-vance-trump-would-veto-federal-abortion-ban/ He must be seeing some really bad numbers for this to come out.
  21. I think the interesting part her is besides the small dip and small gain between just before the assassination and Biden dropping out, Trumps been pretty steady around 44/45 percent. That seems to be his ceiling.
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