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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. No Dems are freaking out. Actually today was an awesome day so far: - republicans pull out of the Ohio Senate Race - 538 avgs update and have Harris winning. - Bullfinch polls come out showing Harris with big leads in the 3 states she needs - poll out that Harris is making Maine 2nd district competitive - Harris now 51/46 over Trump on Polymarket - Harris now 59/44 over Trump on Predictit - Nate Silver now has Harris winning PA, MI and WI with his averaging (those 3 win Harris the election) - Harris just 0.8 down to Trump in PA once that turns, RCP has Harris winning Overall, Harris is dominating. I think as each new poll comes out, the best part is the lead keeps increasing. So we haven’t seen her plateaued yet in the polls. We haven’t even seen her convention bump yet!!! Trump has 1 scheduled rally up ahead. The campaign is low energy and enthusiasm is dropping. So no. I’m not freaking out. None of my Dem friends are freaking out. No one on this board is freaking out. Jubilation may be a good word for how Dems are. Crap…. Forgot this news too and great way of Kamala to own Trump yet again:
  2. I almost feel sorry for you when your little reality bubble pops as you watch Kamala get sworn in. While you watch that just remember that we all warned you it would happen here. FiveThirtyEight polling averages as of 8/12: National: Harris + 2.7 Pennsylvania: Harris + 1.6 Michigan: Harris + 3.3 Wisconsin: Harris + 3.2 Arizona: Harris + 0.4 Georgia: Tied
  3. Republicans pull out of Ohio Senate now this
  4. Republicans waiving the white flag in Ohio.
  5. Interesting new poll if you’re in team tie. Either way great for Kamala to close these margins. Looking like this could be a blow out.
  6. Thread is perfect for this new article: https://www.salon.com/2024/08/12/cant-replace-their-old-man-nominee-so-theyre-pretending-jd-vance-is-the-candidate/ Republicans can't replace their old man nominee, so they're pretending JD Vance is the GOP candidate
  7. It’s like the 2018 midterms https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/22/trump-new-tax-cut-midterms-925383 Call it the mystery middle class tax cut. In recent days President Donald Trump has twice promised a new “major tax cut” ahead of the November midterm elections, mystifying White House officials, congressional leaders, and tax wonks around town who mostly have no idea what he’s talking about.
  8. Rasmussen reports crosstabs from their poll of Trump leading Harris 49%-44% (August 4-7) 🟥Trump is leading with women 47%-44% 🟥Trump is leading with 18-39 year olds 48%-43% 🟥Trump is leading with Hispanics 53%-38% 🟦Kamala is leading with Black voters 61%-30% (This would be the highest share for a republican since 1936) This is the mother of all crosstabs, It's looking like a HUGE LANDSLIDE for Trump. I mean why even bother polling after this? orrrrrrr these polls are *****.
  9. Has Trump just quit? https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events 1 rally scheduled…. Looks like a lot of nothing going on. I mean, I know he’s really old and needs his rest and “executive time” but there’s a campaign to run.
  10. $1,000 mistake isn’t fraud and there would be no worry about charges. You’re talking about $200 max at tax at a 20 percent effective rate. In audits, if you owe less than $200/$250 in taxes after the audit, the IRS just let it go and gives you a no change. When we start getting into theory on taxing agency, we should have a taxing agency that is punitive towards general willful offenders and more lenient on innocent mistakes. If your friends are worried about jail time due to tip issues you should let them know about LEM criteria. This is the criteria the IRS uses to determine if they’ll take a criminal case. For the most part it looks at tax due. When I was with the IRS 10 years ago, it was $100,000 of tax due evaded before they’d consider criminal. In Miami, it was $1,000,000. (It’s not a hard cut number, for example elderly people generally won’t face criminal tax evasions unless it really bad vs a celebrity could face it if it’s less since that brings publicity, which could get compliance from others)
  11. Except paying taxes on all income unless otherwise except is a Federally understood concept for all Americans since the tax code came. When your friend says he’s not reporting his tips, he’s not paying his fair share. So us taxpayers are subsidizing his life style since he has money that should lawfully go to taxes. I have no love loss for people who aren’t paying their fair share by breaking the law.
  12. The crazy thing with this is if you flip PA to blue, Harris wins. RCPs avg has Trump +.8, 538 has Harris +1.1, Nate Silver has has +1.3, Polymarket has Harris 56/44. So thanks for that map! Makes me feel great that for everyone else, Harris is winning. For RCP she’s just within .8 percent of winning it all. Go Kamala!!!
  13. JD Vance leaks it himself hoping to be removed from the ticket after seeing what a dumpster fire it is.
  14. Y’all are moving goal posts. the original assertion “Bidens policy made it a chargeable crime to not keep good track of how much you made each day in tips. Before Biden the rules were basically be reasonable, now they are be exact from a government that can't keep track of $100s of billions a year. ” No where in SITCA does it make a chargeable crime for not tracking. In fact, SITCA is completely voluntary. “The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service today issued Notice 2023-13, which contains a proposed revenue procedure that would establish the Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program, a voluntary tip reporting program between the IRS and employers in various service industries. The IRS is issuing this guidance in proposed form to provide an opportunity for public comment.” Let’s check 2023-13: There’s two mentions of criminal activity…. Well I can’t post anything that isn’t there. There’s nothing in the notice that creates SITCA to create new or enforceable fraud penalties, let alone criminal penalties you can be charged with.
  15. Care to show your citation? First I’ve heard of this and have many clients in the restaurant industry.
  16. I wouldn’t even say that: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-introduces-new-service-industry-tip-reporting-program#:~:text=The intent of the SITCA,Employer designed TRAC (EmTRAC) It’s an optional program to help employers who tip make sure it’s done correctly. If not done correctly the program helps them abate penalties. Either way it’s dumb. Everyone should pay their fare share under the tax law how it’s written. Passing no tax on tips probably wouldn’t generate a ton of cost, but it would make a ton of people compliant with the tax law since that’s a spot a lot of people don’t comply with.
  17. This is dumb. Tips were always taxed. Not reporting tips is tax fraud.
  18. Iran got the 270 pages, 269 pages were cut outs from an IKEA catalog
  19. I think you’d find unlike Republicans us on the left et people do what they want behind closed doors as long as it’s legal. JD can say it’s not true. Hell JDs campaign said they’d call out Walz if he lies. Note: they didn’t call out Walz on the couch thing.
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