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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. And the Senate will follow the will of the people when the Dems take it back and add some seats to the Supreme Court.
  2. Open seats that should have been filled by Obama but he purposely subverted the will of the people to keep open.
  3. If the polls hold and Dems control the House, Senate and White House, it seems to me almost a mandate by the American people to pack the court and bring balance back to the Court. Also you do realize this is what McConnell for the Republicans has been doing? He held up as many of Obama's judges as possible, including a Supreme Court judge and now has been ramming them through as fast as he can?
  4. Adding Justices to the Supreme Court and is Constitutional and has been done before.
  5. If only that was true. Just look at UD government and foreign government spending at Trump Properties since the election. Look at money given Trump family members from the campaigns. Trump has profited off being president and Trump has shown he only cares about Trump. This is a man who used funds from a charity to buy a Ton Tebow jersey and a painting from himself. This is a man who pays $70,000 a year for America's second worst haircut.
  6. Polls were not dead wrong last time. At times Hilary had large leads because polls covered different dates. When you get to the polls around the election, they were not far off. "Polling of the 2016 presidential general election is the trickiest case to evaluate. The average error was 4.8 percentage points — slightly higher than in 2000 (4.4 points) and considerably higher than in 2004 (3.2 points), 2008 (3.6 points) or 2012 (3.6 points)." https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-polls-are-all-right/
  7. Based on the 2018 senate seats that were open, the Dems always had a hard time picking up seats. For 2020, the map is much more favorable. The Dems will lose Alabama though.
  8. Your questions: 1. Where do you actually believe that Trump has lost the votes he had in 2016, an election where he won easily? 2. If the MSM was lying through their teeth in 2016 about Hillary/Kaine then what actually leads you to believe they are not doing the same now with Biden/Harris? 3. Do you honestly, I mean honestly, believe that the "silent majority" is for Biden/Harris? 1. He did not win easily. MI, WI and PA were all very close races. That's 46 electoral votes. WI was 20,000 votes with over 106,000 going to a 3rd party. MI was 11,000 votes with over 172,000 going to a 3rd party Pa was 44,000 votes with over 146,000 going to a 3rd party. So, it was far from an election that he won easily. This time there is no strong 3rd party candidate that is getting strong support from the left like Jill Stein or Gary Johnson. If anything the libertarian Jo Jorgenson (?) is more likely to take right votes. There's a reason Republican lawyers were trying to help Kanye West get on ballots in places like WI. 2. They were not lying through their teeth. They reported polls and the polls had leads for Trump. Polls fluctuated a ton during that election. Every couple days there was a new bombshell that changed polls. Close to the election we had the Comey bombshell so polls from September wouldn't have adjusted for that. Here's polling averages for 2016: Polls are nowhere this crazy in 2020. Polls have basically stayed the same since Biden was announced: Another main issue with the polls is undecides broke nearly 3 to 1 for Trump in 2016. The undecides in 2016 were much larger than now. In 2020 undecides are about 4 percent. In addition, the 2018 polls all showed a blue tsunami and it happened. If you look at average poll results by state, the final polls were all pretty close to what happened except for in IA and WI where there were large changes. You can see polling average vs final result here: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/2016StateFinalResults.html Other issue too Biden has polling polling over 50 percent, something Hilary never did. 3. By definition the majority is the group of more people. Hilary won the popular vote by 3,000,000+ people so the Democrats may or may not be silent, but they are the majority. You can see here, 538 projects even if Biden wins the popular vote, it still doesn't give him close to a 100 percent chance of winning: https://mobile.twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1301190941110341632
  9. Yea, that happens with every major piece of legislation and Congressional action.
  10. If the American people care about Hunter biden, they can elect a House that can investigate it and impeach Biden for anything they find
  11. Ofcourse it wouldn't be his own dignity. If we learned anything the past 4 years, Trump is in this for himself. He's doing it to save his own money.
  12. Pulling out the ads makes you wonder too if Trump thinks he's going to lose. After the reports came out the campaign was struggling with money, Trump tweeted that he would personally fund the campaign. Why isn't he funding ads in major swing states?
  13. He needs more ads here in the DC area
  14. There is no way they think they have a big enough lead in those states while people are voting in those states that that is why they're pulling out. You can do that in a Missouri or Alabama, you don't do that in the Midwest swing states right before the election unless you have no alternative. (i.e. they're running out of cash as has been reported)
  15. That seems more of an issue with their funds mismanagement than him conceding those states. Definately not a good thing for Trump.
  16. Another thing against Trump. If we see 57 percent voter turnout like in 2008, it will be a landslide for Biden.
  17. 2016 was a totally different situation. Here's RCPs 2016 averages: Here's 2020 (from Aug but it's been the same trend): You have a much more stable polling cycle without the crazy trends we saw in 2016. We also have the 2018 polls accurately predicting a blue tsunami. We don't have a strong third party candidate that will 5 percent of the vote. As seen in 2018, Democrats don't want a repeat of 2016 where a lot of the blue vote stayed home assuming there was no way Donald Trump would win.
  18. He won't even release his tax returns, like he would release his test results.
  19. Yea, now Biden won't need to worry that he's going to catch COVID from someone who should be quarantined. That has to be a huge burden off his shoulders. If they're doing virtual, just cancel the debates all together. People are already voting. There's a tiny percent of undecides who at this stage if you're undecided you're unlikely to vote.
  20. Trump's approval sinking faster than a Rex Ryan led Bills team. Down to 44 percent approval rating as many Americans are starting to vote on Rasmussen. Like a Rex Ryan led Bills team, the Trump campaign has been very undisciplined and making many unforced errors.
  21. They were left open because McConnell kept blocking them.
  22. Trump said he won the last debate. After his poll numbers dropped. If that happens again, Pence is more than welcome to win.
  23. The CBO says that roughly half of the three-percentage-point decline in labor-force participation since the end of 2007 is due to the aging of the workforce. (For the record, it’s not just the CBO. A range of other papers—here, here, and here for example—have come up with similar results. Of course, not everybody agrees.) https://qz.com/286213/the-chart-obama-haters-love-most-and-the-truth-behind-it/ That's just one snippet from the article, but it's a great read about labor force participation under Obama. It goes into other reasons for the drop. Dont forget under Obama you had people able to exit the labor force because they now had access to affordable health insurance outside of employment with the ACA
  24. She has to be. Pence isn't allowed in the room with Harris without her.
  25. Florida breakdown: Republican 28% Democrat 30 Independent 34 Iowa Breakdown: Republican 29% Democrat 31 Independent 33 Other/DK/NA 7 PA breakdown: Republican 33% Democrat 39 Independent 24 Other/DK/NA 4
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