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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. He did. He also said things like We will make Obama a one term President and we will not appointment a Supreme Court Justice in an election year. They took back the majority based on seats they would have had anyways if not for the huge Obama wave in 2008. Thank you for using that logical though. Now we can say, looking at 2020, you'd think if the country didn't want the Supreme Court packed they wouldn't have given the Dems the House, Senate and White House (assuming the polls hold true).
  2. I don't think Biden is running in 2024 if he wins 2020 either. Maybe he was talking about Tiffany?
  3. No it wasn't. The senate just won back typical Republican strongholds that they lost due to the popularity of Obama in 2008. "Mark Begich of Alaska lost to Dan Sullivan, Mark Pryor of Arkansas lost to Tom Cotton, Mark Udall of Colorado lost to Cory Gardner, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana lost to Bill Cassidy and Kay Hagan of North Carolina lost to Thom Tillis. The Republicans also picked up another 4 open seats in Iowa, Montana, South Dakota and West Virginia." Outside of North Carolina they just won back states they normally would win. It wasn't a pushback on the President. It was the luck of a map.
  4. You do realize it was the Republicans who changed the voting rules on the Supreme Court, right?
  5. But isn't he the Zodiac killer? Trump will be too old in 2024. You'd have to wonder about Trump Jr. It seems like the public scrutiny isn't worth it to be in office at his age. Ivanka doesn't seem to have political aspirations. Eric is well Eric.
  6. What's your point with this picture from 2016?
  7. Give me Kanye for the Republicans. He's an actual self-made man. Didn't need millions from his father to start. Built up a brand.
  8. Looking at the data, the 2 percent undecided is interesting. With the lack of undecided people, I think we will start seeing the polls be a bit more accurate than other years. The other interesting part on the polls is you need to figure about 20 percent of the people polled have already voted. (Basing the 20 percent on how many early voters we've seen already)
  9. Not only that, but when questioned about the timeline had about 4 or 5 different timelines on how events unfolded.
  10. I can't imagine Harris getting the nomination. Haley might. Found these odds on 2024: https://sports.coral.co.uk/event/politics/politics-international/us-elections/2024-us-presidential-election/13970376/main-markets For Republicans: Kanye, Dan Crenshaw, Haley. Rest are eh. For Dems: a ton of blah
  11. The retweet segment was bad. There is clearly no health care plan. Trump likes to promise things to bride voters. Remember before 2018, if you vote Republican I'll give the middle class a tax cut. He never had a plan he was just trying to buy voters. His entire payroll tax deferral is also the same. You need to vote for him and it'll be forgiven. I feel bad for the people that don't realize their paychecks will be substantially smaller in January. Also the quote from his rally about North Carolina was bad. He talked about exposing Mark Meadows to COVID and he said he doesn't care. He's from North Carolina.
  12. I don't have cohorts. There's 3rd seat lawyers here I wish didn't post. See my other post a couple mins ago. I like your posts and you have a good opinion. Just no need to spam things to make a point.
  13. You lose an argument when have nothing to say except name calling. You asked for Trump lies, I need them. Someone else even named them. You then asked for Dem lies. Clearly moving your position. You're response to that was name calling. I'm sorry, but when your response is name calling and not facts, you lose the.debate. There's a ton of great posters here. Billsfannc is awesome he says things and backs it up. You haven't. Your argument for your position is name calling.
  14. Unmasking literally led to no charges. Your spam is against board rules. Cheers.
  15. Can't. I'm too busy moving your goalposts.
  16. 1. Mexico will pay for the wall 2. Insulin is now cheaper than water 3. 2018 mid-terms - vote for me and I have a middle class tax cut 4. I have a health care plan I'm about to release (none released yet) 5. ....more?
  17. I saw them. The right said unmasking was a huge deal....and no convictions. How many Trump campaign managers are facing jail time? Heck, how many Republican national convention speakers are facing jail time? Yet you span a guy on twitter daily against forum rules and use whataboutism.
  18. No. They're literally th rules of this board. I didn't write them or anything. They're here again for reference: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/guidelines/
  19. I posted the rules of the board, it's not impressive. It's a basic do this before posting thing. Please don't call me a hero. Anyone can and are able to find them easily. What's your empirical evidence besides just reposting the same thing? Are there convictions? I mean if we want to look at corrupt, Trump.associates and Trump orgs have more convocations than any admin I can think of. Trump even signed on to defrauding a charity. Why don't you ever post about that?
  20. So what was your point of saying "joe biden and honesty havent ever even had a cup of tea together" Why didn't you comment on Trump's disconnect with reality? What point did you try to prove with the comment quoted above?
  21. Before posting I made sure to check out the rules of posting here. You can find them here: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/guidelines/
  22. Well they're the rules of the forum. If you haven't seen the other posts, rules seem to be important to follow for the survival of PPP.
  23. About the rules that were copied or pasted? Yes I'm sure about those, they're the rules and they were literally copied and pasted.
  24. This is interesting. This is where I hear the phrase GOProjection a ton. So you say Biden lies. So ok, for sake of argument let's say that's true (he's a politician so probably) but if you support Trump, how can you hold lying against someone else?
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