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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. This has a great breakdown of the differences in the 2016 polls vs 2020: https://mobile.twitter.com/NoTeamsIndy/status/1308381040940126208 The other interesting note is possibility of over-sampling Republicans to try to fix mistakes made in 2016.
  2. I just picked MN because it was the first state poll listed at the time. 538 had a good discussion in May about Bidens lead in the polls but Americans thinking Trump will win: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/if-trump-is-down-in-the-polls-why-do-so-many-americans-think-hell-win/ I haven't looked much at Ohio. Texas makes sense to be purple now. Just look at 2018 with Cruz/Beto election. Beto came within 200,000 votes of winning the Senate seat. Texas is a state where the demographics are changing and have been for some time. Here's the latest TX poll that is out: https://filesforprogress.org/memos/student-debt-project-electoral.pdf Trump is up 46/45 and 9 percent undecided. It doesn't give a breakdown of who was polled, but it gives the generic ballot breakdown with 46 percent saying Republican, 41 percent saying Democrat. Historically, undecideds at this point are not overly likely to vote so it's definitely in play this year for the Democrats. The other Texas polls have similar results so it's not an outlier. I think the other concerning thing on the Republican side is how Biden is doing better in each battleground state than Clinton: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/2020_elections_electoral_college_map.html PA - Clinton was +1.8, Biden is +4.3 WI - Clinton was +5, Biden is +6.6 OH - Trump was +2, Biden is +3.3 NV - Trump was +0.2, Biden is +7.5 AZ - Trump was +3, Biden is +3.2 If you're unfamiliar with the site, they look at polling averages, which should help drown out some static from different sampling populations.
  3. I don't know if you know this, but you can actually look at the polls and the sampling. 538's latest polls is really good because you can see a poll and click on it and see the sampling: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/ I clicked like 10 of the latest and didn't see any sampling that you suggested. Here's a recent MN one from Suffolk University. https://www.suffolk.edu/-/media/suffolk/documents/academics/research-at-suffolk/suprc/polls/other-states/2020/9_25_2020_marginals_pdftxt.pdf?la=en&hash=EA09FFF4A22FBF2A04A6A5776C86103A990C9C6A Has Biden 47, Trump 40. With rounding it was 40 Dem/36 Republican. Click any of the others, there's not any I saw with a 35/25 split. A couple things on polls: 1. People say polls were way off in 2016. If you look state by state, most ended up being close and within the margin of error. 2. Look at RCPs averages in 2016, there were huge fluctuations between Trump and Hilary during the campaign. In 2020, everything has been pretty steady for Bidens lead. There really have not been a lot of fluctuations, especially compared to 2016 and how much that changed day to day. 3. To points 1 and 2, I think during 2016, we saw almost all the undecideds go for Trump (I think the actual split was like 90/10 Trump). The issue with this election is there are not many undecides. Someone posted a couple pages ago about how a survey showed Florida undecides were going heavily for Trump. When you pull the actual survey, undecides made up 3 percent of the population. I can see that being true as it seems hard to think there is the level of undecides. I mean really, who doesn't have one opinion or another of Trump by now? In 2016, we saw far more undecides at this point. 4. Polls were pretty accurate on the 2018 blue wave.
  4. Dont you think it was foolish of McDonalds to serve coffee 20-30 degrees hotter than other places after over 700 complaints? You blame the victim when these were easily fixable things McDonalds could have solved.
  5. Don't be dumb enough to serve coffee at 180 to 190 degrees per the employee handbook (which would cause 3rd degree burns). Don't be dumb enough to ignore over 700+ other incidents where the people were injured from your coffee
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