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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. I don't recall you this outraged when Trump posed with a fake business owner in Kenosha because the real owner wanted nothing to do with Trump: https://www.complex.com/life/2020/09/trump-posed-fake-kenosha-camera-shop-owner
  2. Well past what peak? We are seeing some of the highest numbers in awhile. Trump's response is Biden will listen to the scientists. As a voter #1 is my circle being alive, #2 me being alive. We're getting close to 250,000 dead. How many people are within 2 layers of separation? To get to your violence point. Trump says if he's re-elected the violence stops. 1) why doesn't he stop it now? 2) it won't until there is significant change. People know there won't be under Trump. To your point 3. Not everything is Trump's fault. To call back your post: 1. Yes. COVID is on Trump he didn't do a good job. All he has to do was listen to scientists, wear a mask, not throw big rallies. He failed. 2. Violence. He has.done nothing to curb violence or ask why people are being violent. All he has done was pander to people who would already vote for him.
  3. I love this argument. It shows just how terrible Trump is. Imagine if say 50 percent of the stuff you post or other right leaning posters post on is true. Yet, Trump still can't beat Biden? This is an out right rejection by the American people of Trumpian politics. It's not like Trump is running against Hope Obama post Bush. He's running against a guy that can barely remember his own name and America is still like hey that's better than Trump. For Trump, this is like playing a game against the 2020 Jets and losing. This election has been framed as a referendum on Trump and America is saying No Thank You. The more the right tries to make Biden look bad, the worse the loss will be.
  4. Economy was debated in debate 1. Plus the major wall street players are saying the economy will be better with a Blue Wave so this probably helps Trump. If I was moderator and economy was the topic, my first question to trump is why did you tweet for Congress to stop working on a stimulus package to help the economy and instead focus on the Supreme Court?
  5. Plus you know Eric's just jealous Biden made better investments than he can in real estate. Also for reference, here are Bidens tax returns since 1998: https://www.taxnotes.com/presidential-tax-returns
  6. Except it's not as the article explains: Biden has always been interested in real estate, Town and Country said, and "began buying homes — especially those that were outside his budget — in his 20s, taking out multiple mortgages and receiving loans against life-insurance policies." Plus US senators made about $44,000 when he purchased that home. Average salary of a US worker was $11,000. So, he made 4 times the average worker living in a house that cost 4 times the average cost of a house.
  7. You know this turned out to be fake news right? Biden bought that home for $185,000 in the 70s. It was a massive fixer up at the time. He sold it 24 years ago. He sold it for $1.2 million. https://www.businessinsider.com/eric-trump-shares-misleading-claim-about-old-joe-biden-property-2020-10
  8. Nothing. I'm asking for your opinions. I'm interested to hear what you have to say.
  9. And your values...Trustworthy, Honest, Fair, Demanding.... Who encompasses that?
  10. And you think those are the values of the current Republican party?
  11. Yea, I did... I'd love to hear your answers.
  12. What are these timeless values? I edited this to make this convo quicker. When I asked what are your timeless values, you'll most some things. I'll read them and be like Trump is the opposite of those so I'll respond and say that. So let's skip a couple messages. What are the timeless values of the Republican party and how has Trump upheld them?
  13. Where will the Republican party be 4 years from now? What values will they have? Will they be different than today?
  14. Since Trump talked about it. I do want to give him props on Space Force. At first I thought it was stupid. Saw the show about it and this is really a needed thing. Props to Trump for getting it started.
  15. That's one thing I'm worried about is a close election. In my opinion this Trump politics is toxic. Looking at guys like Crenshaw and Gaetz. A close election would get chalked up to being it wasn't out of policy but it was COVID. I just don't know who is mainstream enough in the Republicans 4 years from now. Maybe one of their governors? On the Dem side if I were to pick anyone it would be Corey Booker. However since he won a seat in Congress, he's become less of a person I'd support.
  16. We saw that play out not too long ago. One poster started a thread about why he should vote Biden. Many people offered good reasons to. His reaction was to start a new thread about why he shouldn't vote biden. His response: "After starting a thread looking for reasons why I should vote for Biden, I was really hoping to hear valid reasons from Biden supporters on why I should vote for him. Instead I got no valid reasons to votr for Biden, only the same old excuses on why you would. Mostly, orange man bad. That's not a good enough reason to me.So after a lot of consideration, I am going to, over the course of this thread, give you reasons why I will not vote for him. Starting with this." If you read the actual thread none of it is Orange man bad. Then proceeded to discuss reasons that really are applicable to both candidates. I think what we've seen recently here is a difference of people willing to have discourse vs people who can't be honest with themselves about the current state of events.
  17. I think this board is pretty cool because it's pretty welcome to outside ideas. Yea, some posters are stuck in molasses but overall people here at least talk. It does lean more conservative, which makes sense because Buffalo does and that's great because it allows more ideas to get out.
  18. Why should they? It seems more like a disinformation campaign than anything else now. Don't give cresedence to hoaxes. It's the Glen Beck argument which led to the Glen Beck case: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_v._Eiland-Hall Did Glen Beck rape and murder someone in 1990? Well he never said he didn't so he must have.
  19. It was an out of context reaction quote. Plus the American voters basically already know who they're voting for. Polls show undecideds are 2-4 percent. Anyone undecided this close to the election is probably not voting.
  20. SOTU was really good. I don't think it's the best political platform to jump out of. In football context, the convention is Monday night football with all eyes on you. SOTU response from the majority party is like an 8 am Sunday London game. I think the election will highly favor the Dems this year. If it does, does that signal a strict refusal of Trump-ian politics? Maybe. If GA and TX are even close, I think the Republican establishment will distance itself as far from Trump as possible. Who does that leave for 2024? Romney? I think Romney has set himself up great as a post-Trump Republican. Ted Cruz? Maybe. As a personal aside... My wife used to work at a republican restaurant that was a little costly. During Obama era when there was a shut down, Cruz led most of the people away from that restaurant to a cheaper place called T Coast to hold his meetings during the shut down. If the election is close, do we see someone like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, etc take up the 2024 role? Jim Jordan though is probably DOA due to his Ohio State issues.
  21. I think most polls are showing a likely 51-49 Dem advantage in the senate. Biden gave the answer the Republicans gave in 2016. He wants the American people to pick. If the American people put the House/Senate/White House in Dem hands, then he will pack. That's my reading on what he has said.
  22. Haley didn't have the convention speech 04 Obama did. Even my Republican friends were like whoa after Obama's 04 speech.
  23. Ouch....how Republicans really feel about Trump: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/exclusive-gop-sen-sasse-says-trump-kisses-dictators-butts-mocks-evangelicals Republican Sen. Ben Sasse excoriated President Trump in a telephone conference call with constituents this week, saying he had mishandled the coronavirus response, "kisses dictators' butts," "sells out our allies," spends "like a drunken sailor," mistreats women, and trash-talks evangelicals behind their backs.
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