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Everything posted by Backintheday544

  1. They're working on it. Like he's working on a health care bill? It's not easy if the government is separating you. You're taking the stance these parents are just out their wandering around while the kids are in US custody. These are families that came to US looking for a better life and we're forced apart due to Trump policies. When confronted with the fact these families are now apart. Trump said Good. He didnt say we will help reunite them. He didn't say we will do whatever we can. He said Good that they're separated. Trump will you remember that Texas? ----- Trump knows internal polling. If he's talking to Texans, and Texas really is up for grabs, this election is over.
  2. They're working on it. Like he's working on a health care bill? It's not easy if the government is separating you. You're taking the stance these parents are just out their wandering around while the kids are in US custody. These are families that came to US looking for a better life and we're forced apart due to Trump policies. When confronted with the fact these families are now apart. Trump said Good. He didnt say we will help reunite them. He didn't say we will do whatever we can. He said Good that they're separated.
  3. You forget the whole blue dog democrat junk that went on then.
  4. Imagine running pro-life and saying good that families are separated with no plan to help reunite the people you forced apart.
  5. I would. Are you saying these people are not? The moderator asked Trump what is his plan to bring the family's back together. Don't forget it was his plan that separated them.
  6. That has to be the take away line of this debate. It's the callous it is what it is line but worse.
  7. Oh **** Biden: you have 500 kids that won't know where their parents are. Trump: Good. F that. As a father. F that.
  8. Has anyone watched the Office? When the guy from Arrested Development is interviewing for Steve Carrells job he's like I got a plan and they ask what is it? And he responds I can't tell you until you hire me. That's so Trump. What's your health care plan? What's your plan to reunite families?
  9. He's promised a health care plan so many times and still doesn't have one. He's said he has one too for months and we don't have one. He walked out of an interview because someone asked how he will make sure people will get coverage with pre-existing conditions. Lol. Don't forgets this debate is for the 2 percent of undecided who most likely only 25 percent will vote. Everyone on this board could name who another thought was the winner before this debate started.
  10. They left me a mess. So I did what Lincoln would do and fixed it with Dennis Rodman while making that regime more legit.
  11. Ahhh good old fashioned GOProjection.... I think that gets me bingo for tonight!
  12. Anyone remember in the last debate when Trump said he was releasing his tax returns shortly after? And he hasn't.
  13. He should have. This debate is much less of an embarrassment.
  14. For anyone that thought Trump won the first debate, this is showing he didn't. His entire strategy is different.
  15. So yea, blue man bad. Got it Trump: military will vaccinate you. That can't play well to the far right.
  16. This debate is like Trump's promise of America first. Let's let them talk about America first. Things like the coronavirus and health care that affect Americans more directly. As we start this debate, let's recall the past month or so. The right said Biden would pull out of all of the debate. - Trump pulled out of debate 2. The right said that Biden can't make it through an entire debate. - He did and is about to again The right said Biden can't stand up to tough questions in interviews. - When pressed with the word How, Trump walked out of an interview the other day. The right said there is no enthusiasm for Biden. - Early voting on the Dems side is crushing, destroying (like Alabama vs some D3 team) early voting right now.
  17. Is that a left is bad opinion or do you have facts, studies, analysis that show that?
  18. Trump when pressed with the hard question of how: Stahl: What about people with preexisting conditions? Trump: I'll protect it. Will be totally protected. Stahl: How? Trump: They'll be protected, Lesley. Stahl: How? Trump: I mean the people with preexisting conditions are going to be protected. Stahl: How? Trump: As they are now. Stahl: How?
  19. Trump has actually done a lot of ground work on legal cases to avoid any prosecution during a Presidency in the many different legal proceedings going on. So if Biden did anything illegal, Trump's already laid the ground work and set some legal precedence to help protect him.
  20. Because it does. He hired a guy like Stephen Miller who has been champion of some of the more extreme immigration stances. He hired Reince Preebus who wanted to help push through a half thought up tax plan. He hired John Bolton who everyone knows as a war hawk to handle some foreign policy. He hired someone to make a book with a bunch of blank pages that he said was all his healthcare accomplishments.
  21. I don't mind a hunter question if Trump is muted the entire time.
  22. And after Biden gracefully answers that, the moderator should ask Trump, you've promised you hire only the best people. However, multiple high level positions are now being filled by your fourth or fifth choice while 3 of your former campaign managers are either in jail or facing criminal charges, your person attorney Mr. Cohen is in jail, and just yesterday, it came out your other attorney Mr. Guiliani was filmed playing with himself in front of a girl purported to be 15 years old. If re-elected will we see similar hiring practices by you and your administration?
  23. Do you know who cooperated and confirmed Trump's charity illegally used $2,000,000 of charitable funds for himself on things like a painting of himself and a Tim Tebow helmet? Trump himself when he was caught, forced to pay back the $2,000,000 to other charities and sign a statement acknowledging he broke the law.
  24. Biden should drop out because a friend of his sons went to jail? Like everyone of Trump's former campaign managers are in jail or being indicted. Several people speaking at the 2020 RNC are already facing criminal charges. Trump defrauded Americans by using a charity to buy Tim Tebow gear (and a ton of other stuff) and as part of the legal settlement had to admit his guilt. Yes the guy who has his sons friend go to jail should be the one dropping out?
  25. Saw that. I think that makes this entire hard drive thing make less sense. The timeline is hard to follow but it seems the FBI was already in possession of them prior to February. Wouldn't they have seen child porn and arrested Hunter or passed it to local authorities? Plus, Guiliani had it since at least Feb, knew their was child porn on it (if there is) and didn't do anything until October? That's just messed up.
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