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Say When...

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Everything posted by Say When...

  1. this^^ for me it's Pete Carroll thus Seattle and they also had some very unlikeable players and the fans reached 'New Englandesk' for a while there; smug, uninformed and unaccountable. rooting for them in the SB was challenging. Dallas was in the 90's but they're meh now Philly fans, collectively, might be the worst human beings on the planet but i've never had much distaste for the team SF = entitlement but the 2000's solved for that but there were some players you really admired always had a soft spot for the Saints but I'm a fan of Brees always respected the GB history and I do like post 2018 meddlesome Rogers Love Newton's talent (or loved) but he is the biggest jacka$$ in football and that's saying a lot
  2. this is where i was at; i was upset to the point of being mad. My buddy (a lifetime fins fan) kept telling me it was going to work out "Allen is near the top of that whole 2018 QB class" and he still says that to this day. I was ALL Darnold but i knew he'd be gone long before us (I still think he ends up the cream of this crop when it's all said and done but Gase will do everything in his poer to destroy him) Secondly i wanted Rosen, i had bought into the hype and intangibles the media was peddling Baker was an enigma for me, I knew he was a winner and a gamer but for some reason i kept translating it to JohnnyFootball 2.0 Lamar was intriguing and i was/am rooting for the guy but history tells us ultra-mobile QB's don't have long careers for one reason or another and as someone said his Wonderlic score can't be a result of not trying, that will limit him as D's get educated and his talent won't win every game.
  3. ok, ok, you're a dog without a bone here; i made a statement and you thought it was dumb. My thought process is; isn't it weird a school like FSU (a bonafide NFL talent school) has yet to produce a NFL successful QB and you responded with "what about the 1000's of other schools?"; i'll let it drop. if i offended you or your alma mater, it was unintended
  4. glad someone said it, lest we forget, they've played 2 3-0 teams and their combined opposition record is 8-1...
  5. ok, so the history and size of the school doesn't matter, and we discount the schools contribution to NFL talent over the last 40+ years, then, you're right, it's tired.
  6. meh - nothing against the kid but if Eli was in that game they post a more convincing win. Jameis is who we thought he was regardless of who's coaching him. honestly - has FSU ever produced a strong NFL QB? and don't answer Brad Johnson, we all know what made that season go...
  7. it's cool - i hope i didn't come across as an officious jerk; lots of troll statements getting thrown around and I try to refrain from responding if i think it was intentionally said.
  8. Just curious, what's your baseline that is making you say this? Bojo had 5 punts, 3 were inside the 20 and 2 were returned for an average of 4 yards. His average punt wasn't great but that's because he was dealing with a short field; touchback vs inside the 20. he was also dealing with the wind. so 60% of his punts were inside the 20 and fair caught, the other 2 (40%) averaged 4 total yards. i'm not sure you classify that as bad when looking at punting standards. now, if you want to change the NFL wide punting standards of 'inside the 20' metric to 'inside the 10' then that needs to be done across the board and look at all punters then. I'm not insinuating he had a great game, but i think we need to temper ourselves on what we call bad, he did more than enough to contribute to the win and certainly wasn't a factor in a potential loss. lastly, not on Bojo - the hold that called back the return TD was just that, a hold and it nullified the play meaning it NEVER happened, any 'what if' has no relevance.
  9. i thought I saw that yesterday and was going to post it in the game thread but i was 4 beers in so i figured i'd wait for evidence. I was thinking "what the heck did he think he was doing at that moment"
  10. PED's from the TB12 rehab facility should take care of any cartilage damage; Horse Racing anti-inflammatories such as Pitchers take so they're ready for an aggressive rotation. Edelman will be 125% (literally enhanced) for Sunday.
  11. is that what they're calling it now?
  12. i thought about this last night, what if we sent out our 2nd and 3rd stringers to avoid injury, sure our stats would suffer but the potential save on injury would outweigh anything else. as far as chance, we're not even David in this scenario, we're what filled in David's pants when he saw Goliath in the first place.
  13. just like that "almost" interception in week 1; if the WR GOES TO the ball that's most likely a completion and not even a close "almost" interception. our receivers need to know when to go TO the ball IMO
  14. no legs, nope, no legs...
  15. *raises hand* I saw it and was proud Josh was there, I'm not sure i'm believing Goff is there (his supporting cast might be making him better) but it's great to be a buffalo fan right now, am i right? additionally, i'm not a Ravens fan but how proud i am of Lamar, i really hope he continues his trajectory, just as long as it's not at the Bills expense. it's time for the next generation of QB's, if the NFL plays this right, it will catapult them into the future.
  16. i understood, because of when the Raiders released him the cap hit was inconsequential, yes they lost some picks, i was focused solely on $$
  17. you're totally right Doc, i was focused on the $$
  18. a one man wrecking crew... who woulda thunk the Raiders would have been the one team smart enough to get out of his path?
  19. i see 6 as their floor, if the injured comes back and they regain the level of their original expectation they may be able to squeeze out 7 or 8. Gase is a POS and i genuinely believe he's a mediocre-bad coach based on what we've seen their D is legit, love watching them fly around on MNF, it always appears they are full speed and hit hard Darnold is still a good QB Offensive weapons? they got em I will say Bell isn't what he used to be nor do i think he gets there but 80% Bell is still top 7 in the league now - i'm not teaming with that SAR1 guy saying they are better than the Bills, he fails to see that the way that game played and the outcome defines who the better team is and by a HUGE margin. no amount of anything justifies losing a game where you're up by 16 late in the 3rd quarter AFTER you've gotten 4 TO's from the opposition.
  20. anyone else find it ironic that this is coming from the CHEATsheet?
  21. what does that guy do, a few curls before the show so he has 'arm veins'? hell - every day is arm day, screw the rest of the body and slumping shoulders... extra dooshey
  22. would you willingly walk in front of a speeding car just to "get out of doing something"? not sure that makes 1-3 worth it
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