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Say When...

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Everything posted by Say When...

  1. another example would be Beige or religion or generation. do you pronounce your tag r00tabaja?
  2. i hate the fact he ruined Uggs for me, 20 years of my life in LA those were my sandals in the "winter"; Glamping (w/ RV), surfing and even scuba, i really dig Uggs. now they sit in my closet and when i see them i think of that D-bag (and the fact they aren't too practical in Miami with the exception of maybe 2 weeks a year, at night.
  3. ^^^ This right here!!! don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for full bodied beers but like Gug i have my day to day light but when i'm out for a decent dinner i'll take a session (or allday) IPA, rarely do i have a double IPA (generally dark in color and served 10oz or less, the above pic looks like a light 'double IPA') if i want to be awake in the next couple of hours. i like my hops to punch me in the mouth each sip, and that's what an IPA is to me, just for sippin and going to flavortown. I use IPA when poaching Brats/Sausage in onions, really brings out the sweet flavor. at the end of the day you can keep your shandy's, wheat (double yuck!), honey, orange beers although i do have an unusual affection for lime in my beer but thats due to an all-inclusive 10 day dive trip @ Cozumel and all they served was Dos equis, i used gallons of lime to choke it down - that cockroach piss will never touch my lips again even if it's the last beer on earth.
  4. did you write that whilst having a stroke?
  5. Remember when he walked off the field before the super bowl ended? There isn't enough disparaging words to describe the man, elite coach? yes, definitely, maybe greatest ever but his acts of unsportsmanlike behavior will always anchor him towards the bottom.
  6. maybe i'm reading this wrong but McD only has 19 losses in his Bills career, sands the 1 phantom loss, so every game we've lost the opposition scored more than 20? are you counting the playoff game? Year Age Tm Lg G W L T W-L% SRS OSRS DSRS G plyf W plyf L plyf W-L% Rank Num Won Notes 2017 43 Buffalo Bills NFL 16 9 7 0 .563 -4.0 -3.0 -1.0 1 0 1 .000 2 4 1 2018 44 Buffalo Bills NFL 16 6 10 0 .375 -6.9 -6.3 -0.6 3 6 0 2019 45 Buffalo Bills NFL 8 6 2 0 .750 -3.0 -4.8 1.8 2 2 0 3 yrs 40 21 19 0 .525 1 0 1 .000 2.3 12 1
  7. i get it wet conditions can still contribute to further damage of a healing hammy injury but isn't the main concern the turf? Titans are natural grass and the bills artificial, better footing, drainage, etc. not discounting that McD may choose to be cautious but don't you think it's less likely a primary factor when it's artificial turf?
  8. and that will be the excuse if we do beat them but i'm OK with that. This isn't a world beater team like the Patriots and i think it's absurd to expect that from them week in and week out; i'll take the continued unspectacular success of a building team right now, just wait till everything clicks, THEN it'll be fun. I just hope we get to see it click this year.
  9. i'd love to eeek out 10-12 wins this year... a W is a W is a W.
  10. i'll be watching from a hole in the wall bar in Miami with my longtime buddy (lifetime fin fan) and a chick dating Kenny Stills. I'll be wearing my fredEX throwback. WHO"S BETTER THAN ME?!?
  11. on top of that why 'rest' right after the bye? we've all heard McD say "we need to keep them hungry".
  12. i remember a few years ago when NASCAR became the #1 spectator sport they did a poll on what attracted people the most to the races. guess what the top answer was... not condoning it by any means but if you were to condemn them, there's a gigantic population you'd need to include in your disapproval.
  13. nope, nope, nope, n-o-p-e WE (yes, that you in my pocket) will never root for Pete Carroll; nil. naught. nihil. nix. nothing. nought. zero. nonexistent. Rams are a paper heavyweight; once they meet the real thing they wrinkle... to heck with the NFC (go saints!)
  14. Yeldon is also perfectly capable of that role, we just need Josh willing to use that valve instead of the homerun.
  15. agreed the Gronk hit was 200% egregious where this was more of a unnecessary 'hit' the above line of responses was from a comment i made about the twitter responses in OP's embedded tweet; it was a bunch of Pats*** fans crying foul that it was even considered a penalty or pseudo-full dirty hit, let alone an actual penalty. I shouldn't have been surprised based on what we know of Pats*** fans but i was shocked at the ignorance needless to say.
  16. gore based on age, Fournette based on yards and Chubb based on overall productivity. close your eyes and throw a dart.
  17. well to shamelessly quote myself from 5 hours ago: "fact is Tom looked in the mirror Sunday and saw an old man and he's more focused on that than anything else. He's giving credit in the form of innuendo but at the end of the day he's scared and not of getting hurt but falling down to the point the team either flounders or looks a different direction, remember this is the guy that said "I'm going to play until i'm 45" and he meant it, and that won't be as a backup. now his ego, HGH, health science diet, protection from the league (in however form you choose to answer) and D will motivate him to drive on but he's a man that's now facing his inner demons and it genuinely bothers him; how he's perceived in this league means everything to him. now - things will be alright in Pats*** land as they get the Deadskins next so their facade will continue but it's only masking the inevitable, if he has to throw the ball that many times with no/little running game and stronger teams on the backside of their schedule could be a tougher run than they had last year."
  18. on the tweet from LegalZebras - Protections for the passer are because he is in a vulnerable position. A backward pass doesn't nullify the protections, and having long since released the ball, has every expectation that he is out of play you should probably brush up on the rules.
  19. go and look at the responses to the tweet, i'm aware of the scum-sucking POS's Pats*** fans can be but even i was surprised at the comments thinking it was perfectly legal... this game is about saftey as much as it can be, when is a hit in the back ever acceptable? they want players to know when they're about to be engaged.
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