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Say When...

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Everything posted by Say When...

  1. F U Refs F U Colinsworth F U Steelers F U Al Riveron
  2. at the end of the day this is what Sunday Night Football wanted, something close and "riveting".
  3. Someone go back to PFF and tell them that Duck Hodges is the better QB.
  4. F U Collingsworth - noticed he was quiet for 30 secs waiting for a flag no doubt? piece of ****
  5. i'll take it as a wakeup call, them and Philly were 'unfortunate' losses but they served a purpose. They just delayed our playoff birth. what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...
  6. as i've said many times on this board, hell i even say it in my sleep. Rams? they are absolutely the biggest fraud in the NFL today.
  7. bingo - just another one in a string of limp noodle posts. with so many bad takes.mods should force him to change to “thrilless Phil”
  8. i shouldn't be but i'm shocked at the number of talking heads, rags, internet LAMP/attention-whores, "expert" bloggers calling the Steelers in this one, it just doesn't add up. I'll give "toss up" or "flip a coin" but the crap i'm hearing has very little justification with the exception of "it's in Pittsburgh". and you know, no amount of victory will validate the Bills, it'll be "oh, they have a 3rd String QB" and "JJSS didn't play and Connors was not 100%".
  9. and besides the eagles when havent the Bills D shown up? Might be an argument for the last Browns drive but they did hold them to 19 total points, the offense didn't do their job that game.
  10. don't forget when we played them they were the 6th ranked D...
  11. i guess i'm reacting to the garbage as being a "public domain" in my gray area statement. still it's unethical and sports in general aren't inherently 'cutthroat' it's the teams that make it such, sportsmanship, ethics, honor and integrity still exist; just because one teams decides to cross isn't an admission of that's how the game should be played going forward. what if all 32 teams did everything the Pats do and have done and to the degree they have gone? we'd have sports anarchy on a national scale and the true game would get lost in the sludge and slime... and that's an example we want to teach our kids?
  12. May be a gray area for cheating but poor-sportsmanship? what about the ethical side of the game, why stoop to the 'dirty tactics'?
  13. OK - let's do it this way, go back and look at the performance of both teams and prove why this overdramatized fear is justified? There's nothing that stands out they puts the Steelers in a clear position as the better team and their only advantage might be it's at home but don't forget the Bills are 5-1 on the road. both teams have taken care of the cream puffs on their schedule but i'd rather have the Hoyer Colts, Bengals x2 (without Dalton), Chargers, Cardinals there's no evidence to support the "ZOMG I'M SO SCARED OF THEM!!!" and love the "we haven't won there since 1975" as if time/teams/players/coaches remain consistent; and what the *** is the difference between regular season and playoffs, a win is a g** d*** win... and this HAS playoffs implications.
  14. Precisely, i'm not sure where all the hype is coming from, they have had the Hoyer led Colts (barely won), the Bengals minus Dalton (x2), dysfunctional Browns (which they got thumped once by)... with ALL the takeaways and awesome D, with a probowl 4th string QB their most convincing win is the demoralized Bengals in week 4 when they benched Dalton... and there's talk for Tomlin as coach of the year? Schedule & Game Results Score Offense Defense Expected Points Week Day Date OT Rec Opp Tm Opp 1stD TotYd PassY RushY TO 1stD TotYd PassY RushY TO Offense Defense Sp. Tms 1 Sun September 8 8:20PM ET boxscore L 0-1 @ New England Patriots 3 33 15 308 276 32 1 24 465 366 99 -9.50 -18.24 0.80 2 Sun September 15 1:00PM ET boxscore L 0-2 Seattle Seahawks 26 28 17 261 180 81 1 25 425 274 151 2 1.23 -5.07 -1.28 3 Sun September 22 4:25PM ET boxscore L 0-3 @ San Francisco 49ers 20 24 11 239 160 79 2 26 436 268 168 5 -10.20 3.72 -0.12 4 Mon September 30 8:15PM ET boxscore W 1-3 Cincinnati Bengals 27 3 20 326 260 66 1 16 175 102 73 2 6.93 16.54 -0.04 5 Sun October 6 1:00PM ET boxscore L OT 1-4 Baltimore Ravens 23 26 18 269 192 77 2 22 277 139 138 3 -1.80 4.12 -5.32 6 Sun October 13 8:20PM ET boxscore W 2-4 @ Los Angeles Chargers 24 17 18 256 132 124 1 23 348 316 32 3 5.45 2.12 4.54 7 Bye Week 8 Mon October 28 8:15PM ET boxscore W 3-4 Miami Dolphins 27 14 21 394 236 158 1 16 230 170 60 4 5.58 10.83 -3.84 9 Sun November 3 1:00PM ET boxscore W 4-4 Indianapolis Colts 26 24 17 273 183 90 2 22 328 189 139 3 -3.46 -0.59 5.69 10 Sun November 10 4:25PM ET boxscore W 5-4 Los Angeles Rams 17 12 15 273 231 42 2 16 306 218 88 4 -17.68 27.02 -4.10 11 Thu November 14 8:20PM ET boxscore L 5-5 @ Cleveland Browns 7 21 18 236 178 58 4 17 293 189 104 -24.63 1.33 6.48 12 Sun November 24 1:00PM ET boxscore W 6-5 @ Cincinnati Bengals 16 10 16 338 179 159 1 11 244 158 86 2 -4.31 15.56 -2.52 13 Sun December 1 1:00PM ET boxscore W 7-5 Cleveland Browns 20 13 18 323 199 124 1 19 279 173 106 2 2.57 2.60 1.39 14 Sun December 8 4:25PM ET boxscore W 8-5 @ Arizona Cardinals 23 17 20 275 135 140 2 17 236 165 71 3 5.34 5.35 -2.85 15 Sun December 15 8:20PM ET preview 8-5 Buffalo Bills 16 Sun December 22 1:00PM ET preview 8-5 @ New York Jets 17 Sun December 29 1:00PM ET preview 8-5 @ Baltimore Ravens
  15. its the bowel shaking effect of BBFS, weak constitution in some people here...
  16. it certainly was, ever see the first BB a football life? there's a fluid segment where Brady is snapping the ball while BB is yelling "Pass, Pass" into the mic. and we're confident we'll win walking into Gillette, i shudder to think of all the advantages they've setup over the years, Mics in locker rooms, the big screens positioned behind the visitors, cameras focused areas of the field and while the NFL is responsible for comms don't think for one moment the Pats*** don't have their own system installed, piping wifi to tablets, etc. not sure i'd be more pissed or interested if the full truth ever came out on just how far they've gone, i'm sure there's some ingenious tactics at play, stuff you'd never think of and how much it it all actually cost, equipment, resources, time, hush $$, etc. that's definitely a book i would read. and as i understand it the league took control of comms shortly after that story coming out (and all the comm problems documented @ Gillette), prior it was the responsibility of the home team to use the NFL encryption/coding/frequency standards.
  17. this. in my job i bring in contingent workforce to manage the ebbs and flow of our business, during a recent merger i had 350 contractors working under the direction of my management team, not for one minute is my company (or even me/my management team) indemnified of any negative acts or wrongdoing of those resources internally or externally, we are held responsible. Sure they are easier to offload than an FTE (Full Time Employee) as it's a contract and that's why we operate "bubble staff" in these cases. Their work is directly managed and compensated by the company they are contracted to, they are tied in ethical conduct, or lack thereof.
  18. which would absolutely kill him - i think BB can walk away tarnished and be relatively unphased but Tom? maybe at one time he "loved the game so much" but now it's 120% about his ego and legacy, put an asterisk on that or even take it away, you absolutely destroy him.
  19. i hope they are referring to the degree of the punishment as they are already guilty, but still, to your point if everything is in a gray area how do you hold people accountable and stop it?
  20. They shouldn't stop at this incident, i'm not sure how authorization is logged with the various stadiums/organizations but i'd be going through past credentials logs of each stadium, matching it to the Pats schedule/next or upcoming opponent and validating legal scouting vs camera crews attending games on behalf of a docmuentary. it all depends on how far you're willing to go to expose the entire operation, i don't think for one moment this was isolated and "just happened to be at the Browns/Bengals" game when you had Bills/Ravens and other games just as close, heck you have you're very own game vs the Chiefs. if the NFL really wants to make this damning, the opportunity is there, will they do the extra work? what about each individual team? think they aren't looking through records to see if there were Pats*** staff at their games?
  21. and who says there has to be tape? Media has access to wifi, they are dumping the video on the cloud, heck it could be consumed almost real time back at the Pats location. it's no different than the people with Ring or NEST doorbells...
  22. I remember Schiano doing it but then being grudge ****** out of it because it was bush and considered a player safety issue but with all the football i watch i haven't seen it since then. if i were to be honest i think that's the only formation i'd consider 'protected' for many reasons but as @GunnerBill stated more importantly player, and potentially in this case the Refs safety (one almost got caught up in it). if I'm tomlin, Kitchens, and whomever the 3rd team they play + playoffs i got 120% full out blitz and pile on Lamar, turnabout is fair play here. what will be interesting is if there's late hit calls, hard part is actually seeing the knee hit and the whistle blow. anyone hear a whistle on that play? even the refs weren't prepared.
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