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Say When...

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Everything posted by Say When...

  1. their current center went from UDFA rookie to starter in the same year and held it; i mean how do you get that lucky considering what other teams have to go through to find proper talent. there's something in the scheme (i know i'm not shocking anyone with that statement); it operates at a high level and fits all talent levels.
  2. Maybe he was more of "cream of the crap" than anything else. not disagreeing with you but maybe we focus the praise on the fact he collected draft capital for someone they were going to cut, however minimal we make that it's still something for nothing.
  3. 8-8 to 9-7; 3-3 in the division(split with jets 2 on fins a 2 down to pats) hope i’m pleasantly surprised; But I think next year is when we turn the corner to double digit wins.
  4. look at what i said above: i wasn't kidding Mitch is a dude with values, lying, or even a 'truth avoidance' is a challenge, don't ask, don't tell.
  5. this is a strategy move, especially if they embellished any or all of it...
  6. agreed, but then i'd never boo a player regardless of how bad they are, that's just me. Maybe that was easier for him to walk away vs taking a year off, dunno. regardless, if i'm Eli i'm saying "hey, you guys good with Daniel? i'll go help the Colts out, that team is stacked"
  7. i had read that also but never saw the actual dollar amount; as to when they knew vs Saturday, that's speculation and even then i bet it wasn't months or even weeks; we're talking days tops. how does that get kept a secret? especially with an owner like Irsay?
  8. #totallyAGREE My buddy and I have been mulling this over and while i may not 100% side with come of the Colts fans' reactions i think they are viable. He DID quit, he had a good (in his mind) reason but when, how was very impactful to the team and the fanbase. Leaving the org was impactful enough but to do it after the 3rd preseason game when the team can't possible react appropriately and on the cusp of a potentially solid deep playoff run (their division is weak, AFC has just a couple of really strong teams) was crap, maybe it was strategic on his part, but it was a dick move. things he knows: there's a potential to get hurt in football - high risk/reward playing through the pain is part of the game but you have a choice, no one physically forced him out on the field. even if he was getting internal pressure to play he still can sit, he has a contract to protect him and come back when he's ready in the pro's it's nearly a year around sport ~$97mm in his pocket i'd have more respect for him if he gave back the $$ but it's a pretty easy choice when you look at what's in his wallet... i cant imagine what this will do to contracts going forward.
  9. agreed on the whole sentence but the highlighted is especially egregious IMO. I was watched "A football Life" of Belichick, they actually have a video example of 1 second before Brady snapped the ball you can see/hear BB shouting "pass, pass" in his mic and Brady pulls the ball away from the RB (wasn't a designed play-action move). I don't think Brady was/is the defensive reader he appears to be or was in the beginning; it's possible he's learned listening to BB for 19 years, i think BB was giving him the breakdown right up to the snap.
  10. the thing that gets me about this is they know 90% of the time they can make up for it; penalty or incompletion (unless it's 3rd down) ; i'd LOVE for my team to be in that position.
  11. house alarm going off giving police probable cause to enter the premises and the fresh lines/paranafialia from "pre-gaming" the club sitting on the coffee table - priceless
  12. that was my thought also - i'm betting there's a suspension at the most and really nothing comes from this; teams carry an army of attorneys on retainer and i bet the Pats have the best in the biz.
  13. + Colts Bears Eagles Texans (bit of a reach) Browns (i said it; i think they bring it together this year taste winning and then implode next year) i'm optimistic the Bills will be better but there it more 'unknown' than 'known' on their success and that will swing speculation substantially so i'm grounding myself.
  14. Totally agree with you so not knocking your statement but have you see the sticky, sweet love the Pats 3rd QB is getting from his performance last night? against the Titan's 'bagboys' no less? i think we should all exercize measured excitement but it's everywhere...
  15. so we're calling them Gen Z now? ok, whatever. can't speak for NBA but the MLS increase is due to the 'individuality desire' of the generation. with Social Media the way it is today they see just how 'alike' they are with others and strive to be 'different' and dare i say it? MLS is just that, a convenient sport; there when we want it and forgotten when we don't care. Additionally, the NFL isn't just about a sport, they have the biggest loudmouths in sports regardless of the topic, it can be anything and while there's polarizing personalities in the NBA they aren't as outlandish nor plentiful; some may disagree but that's how i see it. i don't follow NHL but in my perception is they just "shut up and play"; maybe someone can opine on that.
  16. he should have been exiled, the way he handled his cause is likened to the people that kill people going in/out of abortion clinics... maybe that's a bit drastic but turning you back on your country and taking the easy way out instead of fighting the fight at the state/county level is chickensh*t. plus, all this done AFTER he realises he's becoming average at best... He misses the limelight, plain and simple and that's why we see a random occurrence every once in a while, he wants to be in people's minds regardless of positive or negative, just like a 6 year old child, anything for attention.
  17. probably a real dumb question but does Goodell's hypocrisy know no bounds? (and i get the pun there) Am i the only one that thinks "only the F%$&&%# Patriots" get this? and on the cusp of them fielding the worst WR lineup in years? I'm sure he's half the man right now but with the TB12 roid program, he'll be the deep threat version of Edelman by week 3...
  18. Do you need a FB account to get to it? i don't do FB...
  19. i'm not much of a bettor but isn't the 3.5 a demarcation of the home team? so if the home team is -3.5 it's essentially even and they are calling out the "home field advantage"
  20. now i know this is a sensitive topic and it should be taken seriously but concussion protocol can be initiated regardless of it truly being a concussion or not, there's no irrefutable proof here and it's done as a safety measure and i'm sure quite conservative in nature. I think this is all talk and speculation and not lending to the actual reality of whats going on. i sit here and read this and can't help but think "What about Keuchly?" that guy has his own personal Quasimodo; by all accounts he should be drooling down the front of himself by now and yet he keeps trotting himself out there; and i'm not sure his position isn't just as dangerous.
  21. all i'd need is a 12 pack of mickey's big mouth and... Wax and Slide baby!
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