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Posts posted by mcjeff215

  1. Didn't she just come off of A League of Their Own and other such movies? Pretty big name for herself at that point so I'm sure she helped put butts in seats. Besides, that was before she turned into a raving militant lesbian monster.


    Blah. She's gross. Flannel-wearing sweaty gym teacher style gross.


    That was a pretty crappy movie. It reminded me of "Dinosaurs!", which sucked pretty bad as well.

  2. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm.




    It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach.



    One human hair can support 3 kg.



    The average man's p***s is three times the length of his thumb.



    Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.



    A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.



    Women blink twice as often as men.



    The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain.



    Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.



    If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.





    Men that read this are probably still busy checking their thumbs


    Am I the only one that tested the saliva theory? So far, I believe it... though this hockey puck here does have a distinct taste to it.

  3. Looks great ,but because of the large graphics it takes too long to load. most of the other teams sites are the same loaded sites graphics and flash.

    I would like to see some comments from people who have dialup , I wonder if the page loads at all for them.


    I really dislike anything flash. Musician sites are notorious for using it too much. It makes certain parts of a site difficult to bookmark in addition to the load times.


    I don't like being railroaded into something "interactive." I'm also annoyed with the CNN site as half the links on the front page lead to videos. I want the option of being able to just look at good old fashioned text sometimes, without the whiz-bang flash and movies.

  4. I would think twice about it. My friend got a pit bull from a shelter, ended up breaking his chain, attacking a neighbor's dog & he had to pay for the medical bill. They ended up putting it down.


    If your heart is set on a pit bull, I would probably fork over the money & get it as a pup. That way you know the dog has no baggage. One more thing, not to offend Pit Bull lover's, I really do not understand why anybody would want one of these dogs. You could give them all the love you want, but they are aggressive by nature & do not get along well with other dogs. It only takes one time that the dog snaps. They are so strong that once they lock down their jaws, you are not getting them open. Plus their ugly.


    Get a golden retriever or a lab. You will be much better off.




    I found that incredibly funny for some unknown reason. It's not the aggressive nature that would bother me, it's the stigma and the BS I'd have to deal with whenever anyone found out what kind of dog I own. Just not worth the trouble.

  5. My wife and I noticed that when shopping for a costume for my daughter. Kind of messed up. My girl wanted to be a witch or a pirate and it took us longer than I'd like to wade through costumes not meant for a seven year old.


    Our next door neighbor moved and the former neighbor used to supply the "Neiborhood Prostitute" each Halloween. Can't wait to see who fills in this year


    Yeah, our neighbor was the same. We moved during the summer, so I'm looking forward to seeing what this new place has.


    What bothered me the most about the neighborhood prostitute is that we knew this girl's parents. She was probably 15 while her mother was 31 or 32. Mom would encourage it as she was her daughter's "friend." At this rate, she'll be a 33 year old grandmother.

  6. it was pitch black in the bathrooms...I think I was violated....luckily I went into the lady's room by mistake


    Right, but that just means the dude violating you thought you were a chick. The laws of nature say that doesn't make HIM fruity if I've read them right.


    It was a pretty cool game to listen to even though it was covered on cell phones. It was pretty awesome without all of the commercialization.

  7. ... you know, now that I think about it ... DOH !!! ... the again, paul peck said to check out the highlights tonight to see the lee evans td ... how could they have highlights ... battery operated cameras ? ... i give up !!!



    Interesting question... I wonder if they DO have power for reviews and whatnot... I'd love to see highlights from the game, but I'm not counting on it. They probably have SOME footage, but not the usual feeds.

  8. My chat explaination, courtesy of GR:



    McJeff: Its' a scheduled reset of the grid from this morning's outage. It's taking a bit longer. The NFL had told them to play through the 5 min reset.

    McJeff: But now they've decided to stop until it comes back.

    McJeff: Teams are on field.

    Fezmid: Who's on first?

    McJeff: Hanging out on benches and waiting


    A regular helium balloon caused the outage initially...

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