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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. So, I missed this game because I had to take my little girl to an ice skating practice thing... was it *really* as bad as everyone is making it out to be? Or is it a carry over from the last few weeks culminating in today's suckfest? Was it REALLY a "can the coach NOW!" game?
  2. Could go either way. The store *wants* the crowds, obviously. Unless they did something negligent, like mop the floor 30 seconds before they opened the door, I think it falls on the shoulders of the shoppers. Sounds like a classic case of people just sucking and not respecting a line and order of arrival. They'll start doing the lotteries before long, much like they did with concert tickets back in the early 1990s. Used to be you'd wait in line for hours and hours to get good seats. They killed that with a lottery system such that the guy that gets there at 7:59 has the same chance a the guy that slept there.
  3. Well Stojan. Life just isn't fair. What a stupid point to make if the author is trying for our sympathy. It does beg the question, why go out and risk it if you're too worried to drive the car with the fancy rims? In all honestly, though, they're right. These are very public people that have a lot of emotion riding on their shoulders. How many Buffalonians would have punched Norwood right in the face after that gave if given the chance? You lose 5k on a bet because Big Ben fumbles a snap and you're ready to B word slap someone. Hiring security is the right way to go about it.
  4. That's what I thought, but doesn't the 'loading video, please wait...' Eh, never mind. Ha.
  5. I don't get why this is so funny. The song sucks. Can someone explain the concept of "Rick Rolling Someone" to me?
  6. http://www.bittenandbound.com/2008/11/27/l...l-iowa-woman-2/ Ouch, and the poor girl's phone number shows up in a Google search. Tell you what, I feel sorry for her. You know that phone's been ringing off the hook.
  7. Same... we used to get free pop at work (ah... the boom days). I'd come in a lot at night and all of the regular stuff was gone so I just got used to drinking the diet stuff. Regular sucks. To make it worse, I don't like lettuce or tomato, so when I order, I actually have then pull whatever healthy stuff comes on the burger off... and make the soda a diet.
  8. Usually you an just say random garbage into the phone and it will route you to an operator. They don't want those voice recognition systems to cause problems for handicapped folks. I usually just string the first line of junk that comes to mind together... "Animal parka tomato underwater beer air filter mouse hockey." To which it will reply, "I'm sorry, did you say technical support?" "Pump widget snow shift taco frigid Westchester bronchitis propeller." And then... "please wait for a representative." I've always wondered whether the operator gets a translation on screen of what I've tried to say. I think it would be fun to say something almost inappropriate and then reference it during the conversation.
  9. Drunken family argument!
  10. I used to work with a guy that would get an ice cream cone at mcdonalds *for the walk back* to work, where we'd then sit and eat our lunches. Guess he had to offset the fact that we walked a few blocks to get lunch.
  11. But if we only had a space modulator...
  12. I call BS. $10 says they uploaded the pictures themselves, blamed the employees, and sued as a means to make $3M. Those pics gotta be out there somewhere...
  13. I don't understand gift cards. What's the benefit? If they came with a 10% discount or something, then they would make sense. They simply lock you in to one store and some of them even expire.
  14. Kim Kardashian What the hell has she done to deserve "star status" besides put out a boink tape? Honestly? What benefit does she provide to society that qualifies her for star status?
  15. Yeah, except we don't have 81 more games to make up for it. This sucks....
  16. ...and THAT one's going to hurt.
  17. Yeah, damn do I miss that stuff. I'm surprised I'm still alive half the time.
  18. A buddy of mine called me *early* one morning (like 6:00 early) after a night of drinking. I'll never *ever* forget the words that came out of his mouth. I'm so not kidding, either... "Dude, where's my car?" Quite literally. He lost his car. We spent the better part of that day looking for it. Where was it, you might ask? We drove past a retention pond and noticed about 8 inches of car sticking out of the top of the water. Yup. He drove the damn thing right into a pond. While it was only 3 or 4 feet deep, the car had actually sank into the mud. You could see the tire tracks going through the backyards of the 4 or 5 houses heading up to the pond. This guy had driven through BACKYARDS and finally came to stop in a retention pond. We were probably 17 or 18 years old at the time, too. All he could remember was an "Open" sign and walking through some mud. The sign happened to be a restaurant near where he was. While it's an interesting story, the guy is clearly an idiot. We were all idiots as well for putting down that much alcohol at 17 years old. He's damn lucky he didn't drive that car into one of those houses and not "just" a pond. I personally won't drive if I've had anything at all to drink. No reason to even risk a DWI.
  19. City of Atlanta has some up downtown now... poinsettia looking flower baskets on the light poles.
  20. Yeah I think that was one of his biggest mistakes as well. It was very clear during the third debate. Obama would detail his plan (agree or disagree) and McCain would respond with "Yeah? Well you sir, are a retard." Sometimes he'd even flip Obama off with both hands at the same time. It's as though he tried to run on a platform of nebulous "conservative values" and we all should just understand what that meant.
  21. Maybe it screws up where your hair grows so it just looks bigger?
  22. Didn't he have brain surgery to remove a tumor a few years back? I wonder if that's the reason...??
  23. Which sucks, because I won't get the RJ feed! Thanks for the heads up!
  24. And while on that topic... Louis CK is one of the funniest Mo Fo's out there. My wife and I laughed until we cried watching his standup routine on TV a few weeks ago. That bit about the deer? Freaking hilarious. So Very NOT SAFE FOR WORK!
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