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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. What he said. I keep my laptop and my desktop sync'd up, so it's always in both places. -Jeff
  2. I get all of the "stock" benefits. All sounds right in line with what everyone else has mentioned. The *one* thing that bugs me is that I need to pay for my own parking. It's a petty complaint, sure, but it's annoying!
  3. Right. I hate record stores. Full of aspiring teenage musicians and "latest-and-greates." I use iTunes so I pay for the music I download. It's not about getting it cheaper, it's about the convenience of being able to buy what I want at 3:00AM if I so choose. I'm kind of getting irritated at the whole argument. Between me an my buddies around here, we own enough to keep an iPod busy for a few weeks I think. That'll do. -Jeff
  4. I just posted this info on SabreSpace because someone asked for it. I figured I'd post it here for those of you also around Atlanta while I've got the menu out. Galla's Pizza, Wings, and Subs 2986 Johnson Ferry Road (near Wal-Mart) Marietta, GA 30062 770-642-0777 They've got pictures of the city and whatnot when you walk in to pick stuff up. Wings, Fingers, Weck, Sausage Parm Subs, Friday Fish Fry, Pizza.... They even cut it into squares as opposed to slices. Owned by a family from WNY. -Jeff
  5. I had a 1998 Cavalier, too. I was driving to work one AM and BOOM the engine just blew up while I was rocking along at 70 miles/hour. There was smoke and oil everywhere. Big hole right in the case. It was, to this day, one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
  6. It was a Spaceballs reference. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Spaceballs -Jeff
  7. I found that quote about how he wants to do his job correctly so they're not talking about the disaster in 20 years somewhat ironic.
  8. No, the *real* money is in merchandising! Jenna the Doll. Jenna the cereal. Jenna the original motion picture soundtrack. Yogurt was on to something with that.
  9. No ! I'll take 'em if you folks won't.
  10. Yeah me too. I don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, but what's with the taking to HS football down there? It seems to me that those kids are in school to learn. Isn't the amount of attention they receive a slight distraction from what the real goal of H.S. is? Hell, if the entire town is down there ever Friday night, the pressure alone seems like it would be too much to handle for someone much older than seventeen. Family? Yeah that makes sense. Family, friends, classmates. I'm sure it's just one of those crazy southern things that I just don't understand! -Jeff
  11. I agree with you. Most of it seems quite reactionary to me. "What, they hid a bomb in a shoe? We must check all shoes!" "What, they hid a bomb in a laptop? We must check all laptops!" That, coupled with the fact that flying sucks in general, is the reason I'll elect to drive anywhere when it's an option. In the 10 years I've been down here in Georgia, I've only flown to Buffalo once. All of my other visits (1-2 a year) have been in the car. -Jeff
  12. My honest impression is that it's a bit like the circus or a good movie to locals around here. Everyone wants to go see what it's all about, but once you've seen it once, there's not much point in going again. There are a few exceptions, but right, it hasn't taken off. Throw in the fact that so many people in cities like Atlanta and Raleigh are transplants and the home-team fan base is as small as it was 30 years ago. People don't just switch teams because they move to a different city. In the office I'm sitting in right now? Buffalo, Oklahoma, Atlanta, Bronx, and one from Santa Barbara. Guess which two are hockey fans. Double points if you can guess the teams. -Jeff
  13. I work about 5 minutes from Phillips Arena - I'll be there! Screw the locals if they don't like it, I'll get a better seat. I see it at as two Sabres games I can go see every year.
  14. That is a beautiful area. I'm fond of the East Tennessee area, too. The people are wonderful and the natural surroundings can't be beat unless you want to move out to the middle of nowhere. That whole TN/NC I-40 stretch there is a great piece of the country (and one of the only stretches of non-urban interstate on the east coast that I can drive without wanting to fall asleep at the wheel).
  15. Yeah. You know if the Colts win in two weeks, then the AFC was destined to take this one. That means, of course, that if the Patriots had beat the Colts, they would have won another. That should make them feel bad. Excellent. By that logic, go Colts! -Jeff
  16. All are reasons I hear all of the time with the exception of one. People? -Jeff
  17. Yeah, I think you're right. I've spent a bit of time in Knoxville and other places in TN and I agree with you. The smaller feel makes all the difference. I often wonder if I'd want to get out of NYC or LA as bad as I'd like to move away from Atlanta sometimes. Is it the location or the size? I complain all the time. Overcrowding. Traffic. Lack of "feel good" food. They're building a 12 THOUSAND house development right near my neighborhood - and there's one 2 lane road. When it comes down to it, it's simply because I' homesick. Jeff
  18. That was a very good article and about sums it up. I wish we had chosen the Carolinas when we came down here ten years ago now over Atlanta. I've never felt very welcome here. The conditions up there simply cannot continue forever. Though I love the first comment to the article. Learn to be nice all of you mean New Yorkers!. -Jeff
  19. Yeah but what about woman sympathy voters? You know, the Oprah watching crowd happy to see a woman make something of herself? At the same time, you've got Brownback announcing his candidacy today. Isn't that the same guy that refers to abortions as "Holocaust victims" and holds fast in the fight against the "homosexual agenda?" I think I'm going to vote for Kid Rock this time around. :D -Jeff
  20. National Association of Marlon Brando Look-alikes.
  21. Honestly, I'm damn proud to be from WNY. I've had this flag argument 1000 times. Political correctness crap aside, there are still a lot of biggoted idiots around down here. Once or twice a year I head to a central Georgia hunting camp with my father in law. I'll tell you what, it's like living back in the 60's. I'm not very easily offended and *I* feel out of place. I like the South in general, but there ought to be no room for stuff like that. There's still a lot of "Old South' around and the government backed flying of that flag trivializes it. No one can make individuals pull it down (I wouldn't WANT to make individuals pull it down; that's just not right), but I don't see it as something that should be on display officially, in any capacity. -Jeff
  22. You know, if he HAD made that kick, we wouldn't be remembered as the four Superbowl team we are. In a way, him missing that kick really helped cement our dynasty as one of the most memorable. I kid. I kid.
  23. Exactly. I even let out the obligitory "ah ' when they start putting the clock up at the bottom of the screen near the end of the show. Heaven forbid TiVo misses "scenes from next week's all new 24.' My wife is the same way with it. I work with a bunch of computer guys and a good number of them are anti-24 because some of the technical jargon isn't dead on. Who cares? They're missing a hell of a show. Turn off the geek switch for an hour a week! - Jeff
  24. Yeah I know. My mother's simply terrified of spiders, it's something else to be around her when she sees one. I agree, though. I have an irrational fear of college girls. -Jeff
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