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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. The "Sabres are becoming the Patriots of Hockey.' While it's meant as a wonderful compliment, my internal Patriots hate is having trouble allowing the compliment to register because it would force me to accept the Patriots as an exceptional team.... I can't physically do that! http://www.cp.org/premium/ONLINE/member/ho...4/h030417A.html -Jeff
  2. Hijack Alert! When I was a senior at Hamburg, I was taking two and a half hours of gym class a day as I'd simply blown it off from 9th - 11th. It almost stopped me from graduating. -Jeff
  3. Yeah, I had the same thought too. He's got his head in the clouds and is expecting a monster deal; this ought to make him much more affordable.
  4. Wow. If I hit a kid or a kid hits me, the first thing I do is worry about the kid as long as all of my parts are still intact. Now, those freaking kids that have those sneaker/skate combinations and buzz around at 150 mph in a Target or a BJ's? Someone needs to talk some sense into those parents or the stores need to start prohibiting those things. There's nothing like shopping for something mundane like socks or coffee and having some careless twirp almost run into you because he's on a pair of skates in a department store. That said... even if one of those kids plows in to me... I worry about the kid more than proving the point. Kids break! Jeff
  5. Dude I ride to work with has a pile of Alice Cooper on his iPod.
  6. 2.28 this AM in Atlanta.
  7. You said it. The business practices of the league are really hurting my enjoyment of the game. Rivalries seem manufactured with the free agency, games are commercial after commercial, and I have to pay to listen to crappy streaming audio or I can pony up the $300 a year to watch games.
  8. You're kidding? I saw that one a mile away. Haircut like that, leather jacket, and that assertive attitude? No doubt about it!
  9. If given the choice between that and having some TSA goon pat me down and whatnot, I'll let 'em see the goods. Completely unrelated, what's with all of these freakin' news sites going to video? I clicked on the image to see a larger picture and it started loading a damn video. On CNN.com, half of the stories are video only. Not the most convenient thing for those of us at work. That's irritating. Ok, rant over.
  10. http://www.hockeyfights.com/fights/31792 Don't know if that's been posted yet... five pages to wade through. My apologies if it has been. Full fight, no edits. -Jeff
  11. Yeah, that ending was great. I'll let the stupid "can't find a helicopter after all all traffic has been grounded post nuclear explosion" stuff go for an episode like tonight's.
  12. I kind of liken NASCAR to watching Seattle and the Cardinals in a pre-season game. Sure, there's a lot of talent out there and some guys are really putting forth effort in order to make the team, but the time's better spent staining my deck or mowing the lawn. Nothing but respect for the individuals in the car and behind the scenes each week, but it just isn't my cup of tea. My father loves it and choses to watch it in favor of football every week. Now *that* I don't get. We haven't spoken since he started that! (I kid, I kid). -Jeff
  13. Make sense? Cheering for the Swordsmen or the Bills is like cheering for the whole WNY area while cheering for a NASCAR driver is like.... cheering for some dude to drive fast. There's regional and "home town" pride with the NHL/NFL. I don't get that same feeling from NASCAR. -Jeff
  14. I guess the bright side is that with the exception of Goose, they all look to be returning for the playoffs.... Maybe even Timmy.
  15. MCL Sprain... http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20070...?tbd1013696.asp
  16. $10 she blames it on her continued support for X cause.
  17. My mother's that way with spiders. It's not a "scared" fear, its a "freak the out" fear. You'd think by the reaction that her life was in danger.
  18. Yup I remember that one too..... I was in the 5th grade I believe.
  19. The old Malarchuck video is out there somewhere I'd bet if you're feeling nostalgic and somewhat off.
  20. Good guys win 3-2 in shoot out.
  21. He was cut by a skate a couple nights ago. Darcy made the announcement between the first and the second. I guess they thought it wasn't that bad but it was still bothering him the next day so he had an MRI. From what I gather, the skate that cut him went through a tendon and he'll need surgery to fix it.
  22. nm
  23. I'm still up in the air on this. There are a lot of kooky evangelical types around here and there are just as many race-pimps. It's certainly a more politically charged city than Buffalo. I'm fairly convinced that it's mostly a very vocal and determined minority. I don't know, at the same time, everyone I've chosen to associate with (by chance, not by choice) isn't originally from the area. You can't deny the amount of tension around here, that's for sure. A mixture of the Old South, transplants, race-pimps, evangelicals, Southern Baptists..... it makes for an interesting experience as you can have direct neighbors with values *miles* apart. -Jeff
  24. Eat at your own risk? I don't eat that much of it, honestly, as I'm a fairly health-concsious person. I'll tell you what, though, it's good stuff! -Jeff
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