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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. I just got back from it. Kid's first hockey game, she thoroughly enjoyed it. Real pisser how it ended, too... Five Sabres fans in front of us, two behind us, some up and to the right of us.... everyone was cheering for the good guys. Was great. I love going to Buff/Atlanta games.
  2. Mary Magdalene?
  3. It makes me sound cold, but I've not had a problem letting people go if they're not up to snuff. They burden the good employees and generally bring overall productivity down. If I'm sure it's the right thing, I've no problem dropping the axe. I've been in a few situations where I knew a co-worker was going to get it days before they did - it was my job to "trick" them into documenting and leaving a paper trail before they got hit. I've also been part of an M&A team where we'd interview all of the employees of shops we've purchases, choosing who stays and who goes. Fun? No. Worst thing I've ever done? No. Part of the job, in my opinion. -Jeff
  4. Oh I thought of another one. What a fun thread... Guys who drive their cars while leaning over into the middle to appear lower and perhaps cooler? You know, the "one hand on the wheel, head just above the radio dial" guys...
  5. On the topic of pissing off other posters for no real reason: That asshat behind me that gets right up on my bumper and expects me to run a red light so he can be sitting right next to me at the next red light, still late for his precious meeting. On the topic of cars: Freaking teenage douche bags that super-glue after market spoilers to the back of Honda Civics and slap V-Tech stickers on the doors. It's a Honda. H. O. N. D. A. I swear those gauges on the dash? Compasses. Every last one of them. For looks. Freaking teenagers and loud bass @ 7:30 AM. You're in a neighborhood. People who plaster their cars in "Cowboy (girl) up" stickers. Nine times out of ten, I swear it's an accountant or a middle-manager in technology driving it On the topic of food: People who think Papa John's is good pizza. Or for that matter, people that think Papa John's is pizza. On the topic of the South: People that fly the confederate flag with pride and don't make an effort to even understand why it's considered offensive to some. The flag itself? I could care less. The self-rightous moron flying it? At least learn the history. It's not all about your love for NASCAR. On the topic of Sports: Brett Hull... 'nuff said. That's my trophy, biotch. On the topic of Work: Technical bloggers and people who get too philosophical about technology in general.
  6. That's all per state and it depends on the type of highway. Here in GA, that's only true for limited access divided highways. So, I-75? Slower traffic keep right. No exit/entrance ramps? It doesn't matter, pick your lane. So now I get to be mad at *everyone* going slow!
  7. * Rosie O'Donnel. YOU DO NOT AGREE SO I WILL SCREAM AT YOU! AH! AK! AH! ...and the housewives that follow because guns kill people. * Those guys that that take "Learn Microsoft Windows XP Professional in Three Weeks" class and go about trying to get professional computer jobs. O(n) what? Just reboot into safe mode! * Sean Hannity *and* Al Fraken, actually... political radio hosts in general. What the hell gives him the right to deem anyone a "Great American?" * This one guy at work that never shuts up!
  8. Judging be the looks of him, he thought he was in the Matrix. What a tool. The teacher has a "quickie in the bathroom at the bar" look to her as well.
  9. You've no idea! This is very dead on. I've worked at a hosting (one of the large public ones) for almost ten years now. During the course of our existence, we've purchased a lot of companies... GB and GB and GB of hacked servers, porno MPGs, and cracked copies of photoshop. More often than not, it's a problem with the individual web hosting customer on a shared platform. Some dipstojan with a website about cats leaves his password as 'password' or something like that. Most message board software is horribly inefficient and painfully slow. Are there still shops out there that let you outsource the message board portion? That may be the way to go. -Jeff
  10. They actually have a full staff of people handling reports, it's not a "find the boob in the video" filter. The books thing? I see that differently. They could easily lose a lawsuit there as they are providing the content as well as the medium. YouTube, though? It's just a forum. They themselves aren't providing anything and they've done a respectable job at policing their community. Yep, going to be interesting!!
  11. It's just you, you're not playing good hockey at all. Honestly, they've been slumping a bit again. Probably the injury bug catching up with them, but we'll see.
  12. But who is doing the stealing? No one's questioning whether or not posting copyrighted material is wrong.
  13. I agree, it's not simple at all. My opinion is that Google/YouTube is providing a medium or a forum for public display of video. At the end of the day, the participants in that forum are responsible for what they decide to make publicly available (they know the risk when doing so). Google's removal of copyrighted material is really a gesture of goodwill and willingness to cooperate to the extent that they reasonably can, without enduring what in there eyes is unnecessary hardship. It's going to a very interesting case and will set a precedent. At the end of the day, though, I think the only thing that will come of this whole thing is more regulation. At that point, these types of sites will simply move overseas. Dedicated server or 12 in Sealand, anyone? http://www.sealandgov.org/ Edit: I'm no way a lawyer.... but if anyone here is, I'd love to hear some opinions on this one. Close to my line of work. -Jeff
  14. First two letters of my last name followed by my first name. See, it's funny becaus..... yeah. =) I used the same name for AIM, 'cept it was taken, so I stuck my anniversary date after it. Carried it over here so I wouldn't forget it.
  15. What's Google supposed to do about it? They provide a transmission medium, they don't claim ownership to content. Next they can sue NEC because they make monitors which display pirated movies. Perhaps they can also sue Dell for making the computers that play the audio that people choose to download on their own?
  16. It's no more unbelievable than The Young and the Restless or any of those whackjob daytime jobs. That said, I don't mind the sensationalism at all, I get a kick out of pointing it out and still enjoy the show.
  17. No disrespect meant at all, but I don't get it. Every time I say "I can't stand Zeppelin" this is the type of response I get. It has nothing to do with airplay, rotation, or popularity. I simply just don't like Led Zeppelin. I've never heard a Zeppelin song I'd want to pay money for. I recognize the influential bit and all that but I simply don't like the music. Why is that so hard for people to swallow?
  18. I agree on the Stones. Hit and miss. Paint it black? Good. Start me up? No thanks. LZ yes yes, "unlistenable" is a good way to put it. I just don't personally see the draw towards them. The vocals? The guitar work? None of it clicks. Another one I've never really understood is Nirvana. I'm *that* age group. It always angers folks when I bring this up, but to me it's just a bunch of noise coupled with self-loathing lyrics. What *do* I like? Pink Floyd...The Wall, Dark Side, Momentary Lapse... great stuff. Social Distortion. Bad Religion. Therapy? Dream Theater. Face to Face. Godsmack. Ministry. Rush. Sevendust. Metallica. Tool. Soundgarden and RATM, but not Audioslave. Megadeth. U2. Samiam. Orgy. NIN. Helmet. Matchbox 20. Deftones. Carlos Santana. COC. The Crystal Method. Alice in Chains. Alkaline Trio. Chevelle. Faith No More. Goo Goo Dolls. The Offspring (Ignition!).... and pretty much anything with a nice warm blues guitar. I like a wide range of everything. It's largely Nirvana and Led Zeppelin, individually. I just can't stomach them. Jeff
  19. Korn I like, they've been around for quite a while. That first CD of theirs is good. Staind, LP... with you 100%. Trash. I *know* I'm going to get flamed and flamed again for this one. But my most hated band? Led Zeppelin. I can't stand them. Sure, credit for being influential and all that, but the music? I don't like one single solitary song.
  20. I'm not that worried about NJ (in that I don't think they have our number). Now that the adrenaline has ran out for our Amerk players, I think we're seeing the mini-slump we all thought we'd see when our big boys went down. There were a quite a few times during that game where I said "if that was Max" or "If that was Timmy." These guys deserve nothing but praise, but the reaction to the "trap teams" over the past week doesn't so much surprise me. I think they've got the overall plan right, knock it in and knock it in hard. The forwards gain posession using their speed. Just a matter of getting the top folks back now, IMO. Jeff
  21. Most: OJ. Was before my time but I used to love watching highlight films and seeing him in movies. Home town pride thing. Least: OJ. For screwing all of that up.
  22. Ok *that* out of everything else he's said bothers me the most. What the hell? It was such a big deal for him to work out with his boys in Florida when he was on *our* team but the second he goes to Baltimore, he'll change his ways? Should have left him until the 56th round and drafted a towel boy. SDS, NO MORE running backs on the banner. It's a curse!! Jeff
  23. She's not my cup of tea. I simply don't find her that entertaining. Comics don't offend me in the least; it's all about shock in the name of entertainment. I worry more about the people that want it stopped. Jeff
  24. Yup, I just wrapped up season 5. I own every DVD box set! The one where Adriana gets it is one of my favorites.
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