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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. Oh, I thought of another. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hockey_Song That song bugs me.
  2. If you've a friend doing it, simply explain you've already got insurance and future investments. If the pry, it's none of their business! Jeff
  3. Pink Floyd's got a song about a Bike that's just as craptacular.
  4. Damn. I was kind of interested in hearing what exactly it is you do.
  5. Edit: This was about 6 years ago now. Turn and run as fast as you can. It's a finance-based MLM shop. I had an acquaintance that got caught up in it. I had no intention of ever purchasing anything from them, but in order to get "qualified" she had to do certain number of financial "assessments." Feeling nice, I let her do me (). It was nothing short of a joke. Because she was "in training" she had to have her *boss with her while she did it. Now, a little background. My finances are fine. I have insurance and investments and the whole nine yards. The girl I know that got caught up in it was quiet throughout the entire meeting while her *boss did the talking. He told me how much more insurance I need, how I could use a low-interest loan, and why term was the way to go. He even tried to teach me the Rule of 72, which is something my finance 101 professor covered right after pointing out where the bathrooms were and what our grades were based on. Sound fun? That's not the best part. When I told him I wasn't interested, he tried to *recruit* me! Yes! He told me to come down to his office and they'd get me started on the "path to running my own business." He explained that he thought I'd make a *wonderful* financial consultant and that I'd simply love "controlling my own destiny and working for myself." When I said no, he asked my wife if *she* was interested. I think this is when I told him to leave. What a joke. Their consultants are very low level. They take the bare minimum needed to clear certification in the state they're working in. Just think about it logically. At the core, it's MLM. Who does MLM? Qualified college graduates with degrees in corporate finance? No, not usually. I think this guy took a call from one of his buddies about their party plans later that night while sitting at my kitchen table; I'm not kidding. -Jeff *boss - Since it is multi-level marketing, there are no standard reporting structures in the field. Each individual contractor tries to recruit people to serve below them. The contractor then takes a piece of each sale the underling makes, while not being directly responsible for the success of that person. For instance, if my friend screwed up, he could not fire her (yet he'd still take part of the sale home). He would make more money in the long run if I would have signed up than if I would have purchased a loan.
  6. I had been getting terrible response times from NetFlix so I changed to the blockbuster plan... so far that's been 1 & 2 day turnaround again. Probably just has to do with the route it takes I'd assume? Oh well, I like being able to go into a store on the way home if I don't want to wait.
  7. See this is one reason it's nice to be a techie; I just SSH tunnel it from home!
  8. This is only the second season I've watched. This is all new to me! Keep it coming!
  9. Agreed. That silence thing... I missed that. I didn't realize they had an organized event for the "Gay is Good" group. I thought they took it upon themselves just to start wearing that stuff. That chances a lot. That will teach me to just skim an article. Apologies.
  10. How does asking them to remove anti-gay clothing make them pro-homosexual? I really fall into the category of indifferent. The whole thing is simply too polarized regardless of position. I think it's 100% acceptable to express any opinion - pro or con - until it becomes a disruption. At that point, whatever the message, it's gone to far. Ok, I missed that - "pro-homosexuality day?" Where'd that come from? Is that like "sign up for the Army" day? Do you get to pick up a pamphlet and sign-up if it interests you? You know how the Army does that helicopter-on-the-football-field demonstration for Seniors? Haha... I know I'm in the minority, but I honestly believe that 9 times out of 10, the public school's intent is good. Teaching tolerance, respect for differences, and so on... in principal, all are noble causes. All are such hot-button issues that it's nearly impossible to keep the politics out of it. Tolerance? Liberal Scum! Army? Right wing profiteer!
  11. Yeah! That's an important detail! It wasn't like we were down 4 - 1 in the first... we were down 4 - 1 1/4 of the way through the third period!
  12. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/comm/free...ech/tinker.html http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/f...udentspeech.htm I agree 100% with those links. The gov't can't keep you from speaking out against {insert cause}, but your employer sure as hell can. Same situation in my opinion. "But it's a government school' you'll say.... try getting away with an anti-gay t-shirt as public defender, senate staffer, or even a snow-plow-driver-guy. It's not a question of keeping down dissent, it's striking a balance between allowing school children to express themselves and keeping the school itself driving forward with it's core mission of education (please leave out the indocterination replies).
  13. Gotta get out of the habit of signing my posts like I do my email messages.
  14. So... how the hell did he get caught? Did *he* shoot the deer? Was he in the back of some hunter's F250?
  15. Sarama's other creation, Sabrespace.com. Other than that, there are some techie ones I read, planetpython.org, etc.
  16. This site is Bull Stojan. I searched the Atlanta 30303 zip and up came "missheidi." I then searched my old Orchard Park zip, 14127, and guess what? Yup.... -Jeff
  17. Don't forget: http://www.sabrespace.com/forums/index.php...amp;#entry77809 -Jeff
  18. \My Documents\Spreadsheets
  19. If you take this job, how supportive will your new boss be with it? Clearly it's your first step into management and you'll probably need some constructive guidance and help along the way. Will your new boss see that as weakness or as a necessary part of *his* job? If you've a true opportunity to grow and learn from it then it's probably a good thing. The business experience will help you greatly. If you're going to be stuck in a managerial chair with no life preserver and blamed for all that goes wrong your first week (and things will go wrong) stick where you are. I've seen both sides over the past few months. We've had a guy promoted up to QA manager here. Honestly, I thought he'd fail at it. However, that department director has a lot of experience doing what she does, ex-IBM management. She's worked wonders for him and he's turned into a very effective and productive individual. She's sees his success as her job. She rolled the dice on bringing him up and if he does a poor job, then she's made a poor decision. On the flip side, there's been a position open in the NOC for the past couple of months now that two internal candidates have turned down due to that director's reputation. I'd personally take it. I'm getting quite sick of bit shifting, class diagrams, and unit test frameworks. I'm 100% ready for something else myself. As someone else said, if you're worried about hurting a co-worker's feelings, then perhaps you'd better stay technical. I mean no offense, but you WILL fire people, you WILL lay people off, you WILL withhold merit increases and annual bonuses. It will be you making the decision as to who gets 2% and who gets 15%. You'll probably also be privy to company financials you wouldn't otherwise know, depending on your status; so you may have the added weight of "needing to keep your mouth shut." That holds especially true if you're a publicly traded company. It's matter of personal preference. I like the technical work, but I can't honestly see myself writing code in 20 years. I want that big fluffy corner office and the corresponding title. You know, the job where I'm paid to count my money. -Jeff
  20. Spider's a good choice =) Edit: Give the smaller combo's a chance, too. You don't necessarily need the head/cab pair with a modeling amp... might save you some $$.
  21. I rented a truck when in Las Vegas last time and drove up to the border. Was a fun trip. Left at the black mailbox, keep going until you see the "deadly force" signs. Jeep up on a hill watching for people approaching. Probably nothing but a bombing range, but it was a fun ride! Jeff
  22. If you don't have a preference with respect to tone or sound (i.e. asking us to convince you ;-)) my suggestion would be to get one of the modeling amplifiers. Check out Vox Valvetronix or Line 6. They're not very expensive when compared to Marshall/Mesa Boogie and can pump out some great sound for the money. You've got a wide range of tones to choose from and the presets are usually quite nice (i.e. one blues, one full on shred, one classic, one warm tube, and so on). http://www.voxamps.co.uk/ http://line6.com/ I've been running my guitar through a Mac because my wife would shoot me in the head if I bought a big 'ol amp. If I had a few hundred to blow on one, I'd buy a Vox. Jeff
  23. Perhaps he was saying it would have been okay if we attacked Saudi Arabia because they're not nice to woman?
  24. Darien Lake - Metallica, first show on the tour that they did back in the summer of '94. I've got a DAT recording of it somewheres. I was also at that Pantera (I've mellowed in my later years) where Phil cracked the security guard in the head with the microphone, but the show itself sucked. Never been to HSBC, Aud? Saw AC/DC, Van Halen, and Nine Inch Nails. I'd say that AC/DC was the best. -Jeff
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