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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. Yeah yeah. I just find it very hard to believe someone would ask for a lawsuit like that.
  2. I don't suppose it could be a translation problem, coming from a Chinese manufacturer? I doubt that word has the same impact over in Asia.
  3. bugmenot.com? It's impossible to bypass all authentication systems, but this site lets people register known username and password combinations.
  4. Yeah it's insane. Take a class at a local community college and listen to how freely they talk about some things. I've been slowly working towards finishing my degree and comments like "yeah he helped me and I didn't even have to do anything!" were common. It's nuts. I'm not that old and *I* find it a little off....
  5. Nope, but I've got my holder on my Xterra. Sabres win the cup I'm going to do the tacky full-back-window decal that I said I'd never do. Edit.. ah, yeah... you said 405... I'm in Georgia.
  6. What a messy argument on either side. Blame the girl for crying rape and trivialize the charge? Blame the guy even though he's been legally cleared? I'm sure some of it is false. Girls realize what they've done after the hangover wears off and it's the only way out that comes to mind. I'm also fairly certain some scum crew member has taken advantage of more than one of these ladies. They take it a bit further than "take you shirt off." That's what complicates matters. If it was just morons letting them flop around on a beach that would be one thing (expectation of privacy and all that). It's not. Some of those videos clear the hardcore-porn line. What really sucks is that he was able to fully capitalize on it. These girls are so obsessed with appearance, party, and flash that they see no problem doing what they've do for a few dollars here and there. You can't fully fault him for cashing in on it. They see fame. He sees the right place at the right time.
  7. See, if you lived here in Atlanta, you would get free playoff tickets with every box of fried chicken.
  8. Well they *did* go to high school together....
  9. Also note that at one point the Bruins were up by two goals.
  10. I honestly don't find her that attractive. I *know* I'm in the minority, but she just doesn't do it for me. The only other actor that never sat quite right was Tony B (Season 5; Tony's Cousin.). I'm not quite sure why, either.
  11. Yup, yup that's right. Bah.
  12. Oh thanks for the reminder, Tivo got that!
  13. I used to agree on the games front, but no more! I have one of the Intel based systems, so I can boot into Windows XP or Mac OS X. I run OS X for 99.99% of things because I'm more at home with the Unix base. I can run all of my little Unix utilities, and use a killer UI for the things I don't feel like toying with (i.e. Mail. Mail is not meant to be plain text anymore!). I've also got a few GB set aside for Bootcamp to run XP for playing games if I want. It's the best of both worlds. Honestly though, I use the PS for games now as I get sick of looking at a computer screen by about 3:00PM now. It's largely comfort and what you're familiar with. I've spent 8 hours a day for the last 10 years in front of something that greets me with a textual prompt. I'm lost without a Unix command line. Hell, 9 times out of 10 I drop to it on my Apple and do things the way I know. The first thing I do with a new OS X install is drag the terminal to the dock. I personally couldn't imagine ever going back to Windows. It just feels awkward, clunky, and restrictive to me. I do realize that's due to my preference and my time with OS X, though. If I understood it half as well as I understand anything *nix based, I'd feel the same way you do. I usually just stay out of these discussions now because it usually leads to "Macs are just as vulnerable as Windows machines, it's just that no one writes viruses for them." I'll just say this - consider them a contender when you buy a new computer. If you just browse the Apple store and decide not to, that's fine. I still look at the Dell and the HP options when I upgrade, though I've not gone that route in quite some time. As far as utilities and free software, you've got GCC with the free developer's kit. That provides for a world of open source utilities.
  14. :wallbash: :wallbash: (I had to defend my honor, them there's fighting words.)
  15. That would be true! I exaggerated a bit earlier... not quite 15 minutes, I think I played up to level 6 or 7 and called it quits. I'm probably out of the MMORPG market as I can't find anything that's got that old-school EQ *hook*. You know. Must Raid. I know it's 7 AM and I've got to be at work in an hour. Must Raid. Mus Ralksjlkr;32sfasdfasf (head hits keyboard). I was worried about my specs too, but it played nice on this: Machine Name: MacBook Machine Model: MacBook1,1 Processor Name: Intel Core Duo Processor Speed: 2 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 2 L2 Cache (per processor): 2 MB Memory: 1 GB Bus Speed: 667 MHz Boot ROM Version: MB11.0061.B03 SMC Version: 1.4f12 Serial Number: 4H6380ZKVMN Sudden Motion Sensor: State: Enabled Chipset Model: GMA 950 Type: Display Bus: Built-In VRAM (Total): 64 MB of shared system memory Vendor: Intel (0x8086) Device ID: 0x27a2 Revision ID: 0x0003 If you're at or around that, it ought to purr. I've thought about trying it again, but can't bring myself to do it. Jeff
  16. Yeah that PC's fine. It plays smoothly on my shared-memory-video-card-macbook. WoW is a relatively easy going game. EQ or AO should have been in there as opposed to WoW I think.
  17. I just learned this last night... Silvio (Steven Van Zandt) is actually a guitarist for Bruce Springsteen. I'm sure everyone else knows this and I'm the exception... but I thought this was cool.
  18. :laughs at the role playing: Err.... wait....
  19. I say Tony drops Johnny and takes over it all. I watched all 6 seasons thus far in preparation. I love this show!
  20. It was *all* kids. I didn't stick around long enough to see. I got annoyed at them all taking whatever I was killing and then randomly setting up a duel. I miss good old fashioned EQ. Now THERE was a game to get addicted to. Boat rides. Groups. Raids. Ah... the good old days. Nothing even comes close to that level of fun. First time's always the best. I played that every day for a good couple of years. Back when I was a kid, hitting the highest level was a BIG deal. Now these little kids and their WOW... up the hill in the snow both ways, I tell you!!
  21. I did for about an hour. I think 150 junior high sex jokes scrolled past my screen in about 15 minutes of playing. Too full of kids. I did EQ1 for ages, EQ2 for a while... now? Just a few games for the PS3. Single player. I wanted to try Vandguard, but all of the reviews put it on par with a turd in a bucket. -Jeff
  22. What? Haven't you ever heard of tire chains?!
  23. I'm going to adopt that. It's always a B word when you've got to break a buddy's knees because he couldn't cover the 10 points on the loan.
  24. I've been trying to talk the woman into letting me get one for months.
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