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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. You know, our textbooks here in Georgia refer to dinosaurs as "Jesus Horses."
  2. Yup, me too. My wife feeds 9. Just how much meat would one cannibal put down?
  3. My point is that I *want* to move back, it just seems that there are a million hurdles. I'm not down on the region at all. Realizing I'm going to tack another 400 onto my payment sucks no matter how you look at it.
  4. Okay, now throw in the fact that the only house I've ever owned is here in Georgia, where I pay a whopping $1600 year. It doesn't so much matter to me how high taxes are elsewhere; going from 1600 to 5200 is a hell of a big jump in tax burden. I'm certain NYS income tax is probably higher than GA and my expected salary would probably be lower than what I make here. When you look at all of that, it really doesn't make a whole lot of financial sense to live there. I don't personally care about the location or the weather. That's a non-issue to me.
  5. Well, that's okay if all my money isn't going to taxes. I have to cool this POS 6 months out of the year anyways. Jebus... my wife and I have been seriously considering going back recently... that's going to about kill it. I hope the free smokers quit line is worth it.
  6. Wow.... $5k on a $180k house? That's freaking ridiculous. They just want to keep me out of NY, don't they? I just looked at a couple of houses in Amherst and the taxes were over 6k! That's going to add five-hundred bucks to a payment. Incredible. The interest and whatnot is simple math, that makes sense... it's just the taxes I'm not familiar with. I hear "best prices in the country" and it sounds attractive until you consider you're adding another 1/3 or more on top of your standard payment. I never owned when I lived there. No freaking wonder people leave in droves. Hey, I've an idea if anyone wants to help the economy out up there.... seems kinda simple....
  7. When factoring in taxes and whatnot up in WNY, what's the monthly payment on about $180,000 30 year fixed @ 5.75 or 6.00? I'm just curious... I hear that WNY has some of the best housing prices in the country, and then at the same time I hear that the property taxes are ridiculous. Thanks!
  8. Fedora or Ubuntu. I stopped using that stuff at home as it's what I look at all day at work. Have fun with it, though, it's a great hobby! =)
  9. Are nuns still allowed to whack you in Catholic school? We need more of that.
  10. Having two daughters of my own, this really hits home. Not sure there's anything I can say. Quite simply, I'm very, very sorry.
  11. I've been thinking of putting one of those "Happiness is a Northbound Yankee" stickers on my car, right next to my Bills plate. There's actually a somewhat large Catholic population down here. First off, we've got a lot of transplants. Lots of the churches have to give tickets for Midnight Mass on Christmas. Then, of course, we've got El Miso en Espanol. Now, I can probably name all of the Catholic churches within a 50 miles radius without much effort, but they're always packed!
  12. Same goes for Mormons I hear.
  13. Yeah, it pisses me off too. Some of the stores actually *rope off* the alcohol isle. It's actually been an issue again lately, our hillbilly governor is adamant that it's the wrong thing to do and the ban should continue... You can't even get a beer with dinner on Sunday in some towns. It's 'bout time we chat evolution, eh AJ? I've been tempted to go try to buy communion wine on Sunday morning, and tell 'em it's for Mass. I need to buy it on Sunday so I can take it to church. Religious reasons!
  14. That's just it. It very much feels like a knee-jerk reaction. There's a lot of band-aid fixes on the GA school system. I just got back from a beer & frozen-pizza run just now, actually, so I don't have to make myself mad tomorrow! It doesn't matter; I'm one approval away from being a resident of the State of New York again (the Broad Street gig, if anyone remembers). If that one falls through, I've another one waiting in the wings. Had to put it off a bit a few months ago, but these two will help with the house in GA so I don't have to wait for this annoying real estate market.
  15. Damn straight. That's what I signed up for when I had kids. Not only do I take full responsibility, it really pisses me off when others think they know better. It's my job to make sure I raise a respectable, successful member of society. In GA, my kid can't miss more than 10 days of school in a year without having to go through some lengthy appeal process. Mine has missed exactly ten (Grandmother's 90th birthday, and her subsequent funeral 25 days later.. then throw in a bout with pneumonia in November). We actually got a "it is important for you to realize that schooling and parental involvement is important" letter from the county. Get lost. If it's my fault she misses classes, you can bet on her knowing the material. Again, 100% my responsibility. Oh yeah, she is in Kindergarten. She must have been cutting class or something.
  16. Yeah, the damn sirens have been going off all morning and the family and I have been hanging out in the nasty-assed basement. To top it the &%#* off, my &%#*ing roof is leaking and I have a two-foot-deep pond on the side of my house. Yup, it's for sale. Been that way for a year. Anyone want to buy this POS so I can move back north? Give me the effing snow! :thumbsup:
  17. Yeah, I'm going to try to call my buddy.. his house is right down there! He's in North Carolina this month while his wife is home alone. All of us piled up at the window of my office when that fire broke out. Totally unreal. For those of you that have no idea what the hell we're talking about: http://www.cnn.com/US/9904/12/atlanta.mill.fire/index.html. To the City of Atlanta's credit, they've really cleaned up the Olympic park area. Back in '00 and '01, it was pretty nasty down there. It's becoming respectable now.
  18. Indifferent to it really as it doesn't so much affect me. It happens anyways, so why not regulate and capitalize? The only way I see it getting in my way is when lots of money goes toward putting an end to it (and I'm not sure that's realistic). Sure, it's totally immoral, but I'll worry about the morality of my family myself. It's none of my business, honestly. I view it as a pretty victimless crime. Both parties make out. Have at it, just leave me out of it. I kind of have the same view on same-sex marriage. Let the legal union of two people be 100% legal, who cares? Let the church define whether they allow it as marriage is really a religious institution. Yup, I'd vote Libertarian if they were a viable party and not a group of pot smoking tree huggers. For now? I'm planning on writing in Kermit the Frog.
  19. Do you remember a fire there about 9 years ago? It was during the renovation. There was a man on top of a crane and he was trapped by the flames and they did a helicopter rescue off of the top of it. I was about 2 miles away when they did that and watched the whole thing out of a high-rise window. Was pretty amazing to see the guy grab onto a rescuer and get lifted off of the crane by helicopter. THAT's the reason I didn't want to live at the Cotton Mill Lofts. Edit: One good thing that came of this.. it probably washed all of the hypodermics out of Olympic Park! Now it's family friendly again!
  20. Up until about a year ago, I worked in the building just diagonal from that Phillips/GA Dome complex. From the sounds of it, it would have gone right down the road in front of me.
  21. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/14/storm.atlanta/index.html Wow. I've got a buddy with a house in Cabbagetown. It seems this type of thing happens every few years down here (though not to this level). Hope everyone's alright.
  22. Ak! In three utility outages, we've never had our data center backup generator kick on right. We always wind up dropping a good 1k systems. I don't trust those damn things. fsck -y /dev/....
  23. 1295/21-something without mistakes. Once they get flying it's a B word to see what it says on my flat panel... doesn't refresh well or something. Oh well, that's enough of that.
  24. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...1-bledsoe_N.htm Yup, looks like he's done.
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