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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. I can understand the ones that do email, especially for IT folks and others where staying in the loop is critical to not only their own job, but those around. SMS text though? WTF?
  2. I hate my damn cell phone, but it's a necessary evil with my job these days. I always buy the cheapest phone that still gets good reviews for reliability. My only constraint? It needs to fit in my pocket. I don't want the bat-belt. I bought one with BlueTooth this time around thinking I'd use it to sync. all of my contacts and whatnot. Nope. Never. I still punch in my wife's cell phone number each time I call her. I've purposely strayed from the PDA/iPhone devices. The last damn thing I need is to be more connected to the world. So, to answer the original question.... I've got a Motorola L2 I believe. I've never had a problem with it, though I don't use any of the fancy features or anything. I just press the green button and talk to whoever it is on the other end.
  3. If there's one thing women love, it's their husbands telling others that they're barfing everywhere. My wife loves it when I do that.
  4. "She pleaded with Nelson not to injure the snake." Damn tree hugger. That cop could have gotten himself seriously hurt trying to honor that request. He should have just chopped it's head clean off. I guess if she was hot or something, then it's okay.
  5. Some may actually take it as a compliment? Perhaps? Maybe?
  6. Yeah, I know... my coupon is in the mail.
  7. My mechanic's brother saw him at the Buffalo Airport this afternoon. Does this one qualify as a 'twofer?'
  8. It could possibly artificially lower the demand, but seeing as it worked <sarcasm>oh so well</sarcasm> the last time we tried it, let the market do its thing. Honestly it's got to start coming from somewhere else. Alaska, the coast of Florida? Doesn't matter to me. OPEC et al. have us by our diesel-burning 4x4-loving American gonads. I like birds and Mexican Staring Frogs from Southern Sri Lanka as much as the next guy, but come on... In the long term, this may actually be a good thing in that it's going to force a bit of a rethink in terms of fuel. I'm sure the technology has been there for years; this is hopefully the kick in the ass we need to get it onto the assembly line. It might also help curb the ridiculous sprawl in cities such as San Jose, Atlanta, and Dallas if it continues for more than a year or two. I'd buy a hybrid myself, but that could make me gay. Edit: When I first saw your topic, my thought was 'Which one of our candidates suggested this one? Perhaps we can ration gas and lock in rates while we freeze foreclosures! Free TV converters for everyone!'
  9. I've always thought that FA has a lot to do with it, too. We're shuffling players so much that they never really become fully acclimated to the weather. I also think FA has done a number on classic rivalries, too, but that's another topic.
  10. Boats. Boats prevent shark attacks. That's the easiest way to stay safe. Also, staying on the damn plane is the easiest way to avoid a parachute accident. In all seriousness, I've thought about doing this too. I live in a suburb of Atlanta, though. All we really have are mud-pits that they call lakes and small 'rivers' full of catfish. Is it something one can learn to do and get certified in in a couple days? Or is it a long process? Could I do the whole thing on vacation?
  11. If it gets us the division, yeah. If it's 'just a win' then no.
  12. Yes, I think this was it... I was living on Abbott Road (as a kid) and I remember seeing guys walking down the street with pieces of 'em.
  13. Bah, all they've got to do is put a link up on MILF sites... but that's probably not the publicity they want for the local school. Granted, these are not MILFs of any sort...
  14. If we're not good enough to play competitive football in a neutral location (which will be very VERY biased in our favor) we can kiss our ass goodbye on Wildcard Weekend. I can think of another game which is also in a neutral setting...
  15. I'm going to take a lot of crap for saying this, but half of the time I think that Buffalo sports fans just need something to be mad about. Toronto, Darcy, Drury, headsets, and so on and so forth. It's not like they moved the game to Germany; the stands are going to be full of Bills fans. I don't have GR here at the office, but I'm sure their poking the sleeping dog. I've heard that happen a dozen times. Everyone that calls in ranting and raving sounds childish. I do find it a bit odd that it's a division game, but so what? Honestly? With FA and the revolving door of players it's caused, I'm not so sure the weather is always on our side (i.e. Trent Edwards last season). I honestly thought it would be a NE game, but the fish make sense too. The rivalry angle adds to the back story. I'm sure they had Dolphins approval for this long before they announced the 100k ticket queue. This was probably designed to sell tickets. Edit: I do understand why it upsets some. I just don't see it as that big of a deal. Most of that is probably due to the fact that since I live 1000 miles South now, every game is a TV game for me. Really does suck to lose the event itself and the atmosphere it brings, though... =(
  16. I was at first, but we honestly haven't done a whole hell of a lot to warrant one, eh? If we show up this year, the flex-scheduling ought to handle that.
  17. I'm excited about that final NE game.... overall I'm quite happy with this schedule.
  18. I like closing out the season at home on the 28th versus New England. Our playoff hopes and our season may very well come down to beating those tools in front of the Buffalo crowd. I may have to fly up for that one...
  19. Haha... good job. The whole process sucks. I had mine taken out about four years ago now. When I came out of anesthetic, I was really doped up and the nurse was kind of hot. I don't remember doing this, but my wife tells me that I pointed to the nurse, snapped my figures a few times, and then pointed to the McSchlong. I guess I winked and smiled at the same time... I remember none of this, but my wife just mysteriously starts laughing every time anyone mentions wisdom teeth. No tattoos. My wife has one and has been trying to get me to get one. I need to think up the perfect tattoo... something showing the Buffalo roots, but not dumb or anything...
  20. But if he punches you in the face, you're not? I'd bring up the goofy crap she's doing to him and say something like 'I ought to bang her once just to shut her up.' There's your chance to bring it up. Best case? You slam her a couple of times and it's game over. Worst case? He gives her crap for it and she goes away anyways. I had a weirdo like this give me problems years ago... I'd wake up and she'd just be sitting on the corner of my bed (she hadn't been there the night before). Odd girl. Got rid of her when she started doing that crap. Listen though, seriously... if you can't do it, this girl obviously needs an old school pounding. I guess I can man up and help you out a bit if it's just something you cant do.
  21. Does it *really* matter? Wheee! More remakes!
  22. Ok, the shower is one thing.... but how about the bath tub?
  23. Haha... I can't count how many times I've listened to Art Bell while driving across the country at 2:00 AM. It has an extra special ring to it when one is somewhere in rural New Mexico.
  24. I blame those crappy Perry's ice cream commercials... the team's just been playing embarrassed all year long, that's all. In all seriousness, I hear ya Stoj. After about December, I've not trusted the Sabres to close one out. I guess I stand corrected, too. I was one of those that thought we'd be just fine this season. I bought into all of the depth talk a little bit too much. What do you do, though? Replace Lindy? Replace Darcy? Nonsense. Who else would we rather have? Looking forward to seeing how the talent acquisition goes once the UFAs hit the deck.
  25. Yeah, your Catholic, right? It seems that most Catholics have that view. Largely because their interpretation of the Bible isn't quite so literal. A lot of the stories are generally parable. It's when you get into those deep-south Baptist religions that some of the extreme stuff shows up.
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