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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. I can't stand that show. They find the biggest sob story and play it for ratings. All of those staged conversations with that fruitcake Ty... "Life is hard, I know, give me a hug." Please. It's not what they're doing that I have a problem with, it's how they do it. They go to such pain to make it *look* like it's totally about helping these poor families out. Private "tell me how it is" conversations and 'Go Team' high-fives and all. Playing on America's heart strings... not a good thing at all.
  2. If she ever wants to be a Jr. Programmer or perhaps a Database Administrator, I've got her covered.
  3. He just wanted to use it as a break-the-ice tactic. If there's a bit of a "relationship" there already, I don't see any harm in tossing a MySpace/FaceBook friend request over as a means to increase communication. There's that much more common ground when he approaches her in person to ask for that cup of coffee. Now, don't get me wrong here... actually asking her out via the 'net is a total no-no and is probably a quick disappointment. It's also slightly weird. Using it as another means of casual communication? I don't see that as a problem at all as long if it's something that will be welcomed. I brought up the demographic as the younger folks are probably more open to accepting "random" online networking requests. I'm 29 and would have no problem with it at all. My dad is 61 and would probably wonder how the hell someone "found him" online.
  4. I disagree. I think it depends on the demographic. A lot of younger (sub 25? sub 30?) folks think nothing of getting a My Space or a FaceBook invite from someone they've met once or twice. Like I said earlier, though, you still have to have that "click" or attempting to cross that personal/professional line isn't going to work. If the demographic is right and the 'click' is there anyways, I don't see anything wrong with using it to break the ice. However, if both of those pieces don't fall into place, it could easily make Pooj here like like a total creep if it's not welcomed. Everyone's different. Some won't think twice about clicking 'accept this guy' as a MySpace friend, others will freak out at the idea. At the same time, some woman can be total tools when approached in person.
  5. A trip to a rural southern grocery store is a requirement. Everyone has to do it at least once. It's an experience, both good and bad. They usually have sausage, grits, biscuits, and collard greens cooking at the 'deli' counter for about $3 a plate. Damn good (albeit deadly) food. They also have a small collection of Confederate Civil War memorabilia, a random selection of camouflage clothing, and usually live bait. I've been to this Piggly Wiggly. Nothing at all like Wegmans, Tops, Bells, Super Duper, Publix. Hell, the federal cheese depot has a one up on this place.
  6. I feel like a tool saying this, but you're probably more likely to be turned down if she's an employee there. Unless you've got some unique relationship with her, she'll probably make every effort to keep everything professional. Your doctor may even have a problem with it. So, ask yourself this... quite honestly, is there any type of connection from her side, or do you just have a hard on for the hot insurance girl? It doesn't matter which angle you take in my opinion, you're trying to step over that personal/professional line. Whether you ask her in person or send her a message via MySpace/Facebook, you're still taking that step. She'll make that 'this guy is a patient at work' association. If you think you've a relationship with her in which that will be welcomed, then it probably will be. If she knows you as the hypochondriac guy in the Pi - Pz cabinet, well, then it's probably not going to work either way. Also, how old is she? Range? She'll probably respond differently to the MySpace angle if she's 20 - 35 rather than 35 - 50. The angle McRicoSuave here would take? The next time you have to go to the doctor's office, get there an hour early by accident. Realize your 'mistake' and mention that you'll just go get a cup of coffee and wait it out. Ask if she wants you to bring back anything for her. Oh and of course, replace every instance of 'you' in the above post with 'your friend.'
  7. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...2082bucks1.html The graphic details. The Smoking Gun always comes through.
  8. Why wouldn't they? Think concert and whatnot. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if they had the field itself covered. I went to a Metallica show at Turner Field one day.. we were helping load and unload and had local 'worker' passes. We were watching the concert from the side of the stage, just behind the backstage barrier. Got the close up view without the mosh-pit cast-offs. A bit of the grass was still showing and hadn't been covered (the GA areas were all covered with Plywood). I'm talking about perhaps 15 square feet of grass. If you so much as stepped on it, Turner security was all over it.. "Get off the field!" Now, I realize baseball grass is a whole lot different than astroturf, but still...
  9. http://www.nasa.gov/mov/260503main_red_green_blue2.mov Now *that* is cool.
  10. It's not Melbourne Bitter, it's Victoria Bitter -- I must have put down 500 of those things while I was over there. I've been looking for it here for a while, I don't think it's imported at all. VB they called it... Edit.. I guess next time I'm in San Francisco...http://www.victoriabitter.net/ A$1000 is $972 US? The value of the dollar really has gone to Stojan.
  11. Yup, well... at least that's the one I graduated from. At least we beat Frontier!
  12. A little bit of both. With the border issues and whatnot, I'd think it would stir up the minutemen-types quite a bit as well.
  13. I took my daughter to see Wall-E today (good movie), and there was a preview for "The Perfect Game" prior to the movie. This one's going to piss off a few people... from the preview, it looks as though it's a movie about a bunch of poor Mexican kids that beat the odds and make it into the Texas and topple team USA. A few little comments about "used to being held back" and whatnot. Paints them to be at a big disadvantage due to their size and ethnicity. http://www.watchfreeepisodes.com/the-perfe...-the-1950s/813/ Looked at my wife about halfway through the preview.... this one's gonna make a few people mad. I'm not so sure I care as it's really just entertainment, but I can hear the complaints now. I don't know if there's an truth to it or if it's based on a real incident or anything.
  14. Rather, I usually interpret it as "I don't have the power nor the ambition to try to help you, therefore 'it is what it is.'" It almost sounds like a cop-out to me after hearing it as much as I have. My least favorite phrase? "Not tonight, dear.... I have a headache."
  15. LI isn't letting me accept 'em for some reason... I think it's brokeded.
  16. Actually go through the cancellation process, though... the sales nerd you'll talk to can't do a whole hell of a lot. I cancelled DTV in favor of Dish a while back because I was raging mad at DTV. They did *nothing* to stop me from leaving. Once I called and put in the cancel order, they transfered me to the "retention group" or some such... They threw in a free HDDVR, a standard DVR for the bedroom, and about a year's worth of ALL premium stations that automatically cancelled UNLESS I CALLED and *told* them I wanted to keep them. All for about the same price I was paying for non-HD stations.
  17. Ha =) I've gotten quite a few opportunities thrown my way from whoring around Linked in!
  18. What about a position at the collegiate level?
  19. I've wondered about that quite a bit now that I've got a couple McKids. Private schools are probably much better than your inner-city alternative, but how much better are they than say your average suburban system? Hamburg vs. St. Francis? Immaculata vs. Orchard Park? Are they given additional opportunities at private schools that they're not given at public places? Better teachers? Different curriculum?
  20. Depends who I'm talking to. Are we talking about my wife? Boss? Hot intern?
  21. Can't existing laws be enforced? If some numb skull is veering back and forth like a moron, who cares if he's talking on a phone or has the NY Times sprawled out across the wheel (we've all seen this, I know I have).. peg him for that rather than creating something else. Is that a reckless driving thing? Failure to maintain lane? Most states have got to have something that would already fit the bill. How about the 'get there 35 seconds earlier than you' lane switchers? Good lord, they're much more dangerous than some guy taking a grocery store order from the little lady on the way home from work. On more than one occasion I've seen some moron flying down the interstate and I've said "he's going to cause an accident", only to find him spun out and smashed up a mile down the road. I'm just as freaking guilty I guess. If my phone rings while I'm in the car, I usually just answer the thing. It's like having someone in the passenger seat. Flip the top and it answers, no buttons to screw with. I do honestly make it a point not to dial while driving... though I will at a red light or in a parking lot before I start driving. I'll also not talk on the phone if I'm not familiar with where I am. New roads, different part of town, following new directions... that requires a bit more concentration than I've available while chatting to the wife or a coworker. You know how people turn down the radio when trying to concentrate and drive? As a general rule, if I feel the need to turn down the radio, it's a bad time to use a cell phone. It's probably fine with a good dose of common sense. Unfortunately, most seem to have to have their common sense handled to them by state legislatures.
  22. Well, that's not totally true. If you and your coworkers have a highly marketable skill (perhaps you're super-talented Web developers that specialize in a hard to backfill position), I can see your employer making an investment in retaining talent. Of course, this is only going to happen if they believe the cost of replacement (including recruiting, training, experience, working relationship) is greater than the cost of giving your group a salary adjustment and maintaining the cost-of-living changes over your expected employment term. I think that's four years in the computer world. It's actually fairly common in the computer industry, especially with startups. Techies *still* take jobs on a lower salary with promise of profit sharing and stock wealth. Four or five years later, the firm does an adjustment when the 'top guys' are the lowest paid group. As far as 'good', well, that's a hard question. It depends on your standard of living and whatnot. To some people, 'bad' is anything that cuts their ability to pay to have the yard landscaped, the pool cleaned, the kids raised, and the car driven. It's not a how much do you make question, but it's not one to easily answer in that it really shows your "social rank" when answering. I've got the nuts to answer it. I wouldn't want a household income below 90k. As far as good? If we're talking NO worries... do whatever I want (minus goofy-rich stuff)... two kids in private school... 200k? 210k?
  23. Was a local place that did that but it really ripped the belly up. Won't miss them if they went away, but I'm not sure I'll notice 600 stores. There is one every 4 miles. It's like Waffle House in the south, only more of them. Now, if they went away 5 years ago? When boutique coffee was mid-stream? I'd have hated that... I've gone back to Folgers, though.
  24. I've got Master of Puppets on vinyl!
  25. Slippery When Wet. Yeah, I know.
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