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Posts posted by mcjeff215

  1. Websites that use the word 'my' in an attempt to personalize a portal of sorts. Examples: mysabrestickets.com. What irritates me even more is when there's a specific DNS entry for it.. my.bankname.com, my.widgets.com.


    It's not so much the *name* that irritates me, it's the fact that some marketing tool thought it up and everyone in the meeting sat around nodding, "Yeah Jim, that's a wonderful idea there. By calling it 'my', it sounds more personal. Very unique and well thought out."


    This thread is some wonderful therapy.

  2. Good thing it is in the box. Do yourself a favor, return it and buy the 360.



    Yeah, I wonder if that's what I should have done. It seems that there are more games for the 360. I bought my PS3 when they first came out, so it's one of the ones with the full hardware support for the PS2 game and whatnot... but I've been somewhat disappointed with the game selection. COD4 has been the only one I've really liked and it's not an exclusive title. Some of the newer games on the way out aren't slated for the PS3, either...

  3. I cannot!



    Ahh... my guess is that one (or both) of you is behind a little router that isn't allowing direct connections. Video chat is going to be a direct connection... i.e. the AIM service will set it up, but once that' done, it's direct communication between the two of you.


    You can either drop the router for the chat session, see if you've got a 'DMZ' setting, or look up the correct ports to forward on the AIM/iChat sites. I'd do it for you, but if I don't get off of TBD and get my daughter moving, shell miss the bus!

  4. No. At least not to my knowledge. My video chat works with other Mac users and I don't know how to walk her through checking hers since I have always been Vista free.


    What about a DSL/Cable router? Any of those in the mix? Can you send her a file via a direct transfer?

  5. In a defensive driving class I was in several years ago (taught by a NYS Trooper) he said the person to your right gets to go first.


    Yeah, it's who gets there first. If two people get there at the same time, its the person to the right. If they're directly across from each other, it's "standard" meaning that left turn yields to right/straight.


    GA has yield signs everywhere for folks turning right. The folks turning left from the oncoming lane have the right of way in a lot of places. It's annoying as not everyone knows which lights are setup like this. Not so sure I understand why it's like that.


    OH! Another one... this is fun... dimwits (I've only seen this down south, for the most part) that don't know how to treat a flashing yellow (or a non-working) traffic light. When you've a flashing yelling, it's CAUTION. Slow down, but don't stop. Half or more of the locals here treat it like a four way stop. That's dangerous as when you get the guy that knows *how* to treat it, opposing traffic assumes he'll four-way-stop like half of the others do.


    Other thread on ages... let's bump the driving age to 21 and make it cost more and include a hefty education requirement. Keep stupid people off the road.

  6. Gah, another one...


    I work downtown, so I exit onto a one way street and then turn onto a one way street. Two rights. There is a parking garage entrance about 30 feet from the second turn.


    I always turn into the right hand lane as I have to turn into a lot up a few blocks. It *never* fails... the guy in front of me always turns into the second-to-rightmost lane and then, without looking at all, cuts directly in front of me and rips it into the parking garage. They go. I go. They cut in front of me without looking. Happens at least once a week.


    I hate that.

  7. No kidding. But then again, it's usually the older folks that still cling to checkbooks. Ugh.



    It's the monetarily challenged. If you don't get paid until Thursday, you can cut a bad check on Wednesday knowing you'll deposit your funds after work the next day.

  8. Things that annoy me:


    * People with "religious fish" on their cars that cut me off and generally pay no attention to their fellow man while driving.


    * People with all of those 'in memory of' stickers on their cars. It seems to be a fad around here. I think that's very disrespectful. It was nice when it was random, but I can't go to the store without seeing three of them. They're getting to the point where they're mostly about sympathy, "In Memory of Great Great Grandpa, 1879 - 1961."


    * Idjiots that don't understand the concept of alternate-merge.


    * Idjiots that can't wait until the two lanes finally merge so they skip across that shrinking white "triangle" in order to get over "faster."


    * Guys that run past me on the escalator in order to get to work faster and wind up waiting next to me when waiting for the next elevator.


    * Those mother f&*%ing bluetooth ear pieces. News flash: YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT. STOP WITH THE HEAD FLASHING. Those tool masters look at you funny when you look up as if they were actually talking to the person in front of them.


    * The Carolina Hurricanes.


    * The "tie over the shoulder while I eat a burger" trick. Here's a tip: DO NOT EAT LIKE A FAT SLOB!


    * I debated putting a generalized group here in order to solicit laughter.. something like "Southerners" but I decided against it. Would have been kind of funny.


    Ok, time for a McVallium.

  9. Doesn't everyone drive a V-7?



    Northstar? I *totallY* forgot about the game tonight and just turned in. Someone sum op the first two quarters in about two sentences, please? Offense looks to be clicking now, though JP looks kind of erratic. I like the calling thus far. That goose egg in the Colts column due to stout D or a second team O?

  10. I can't believe how some people would rather wait 15 minutes in a line of cars that blocks traffic than get off their fat asses, and actually go inside! Think of all the time and gas you'd save.



    I always go in, unless one of the following conditions hold true:


    1. I have both kids in the car with me but my wife is not along for the trip. More hassle than it's worth.

    2. There's no one at the drive through.


    Most of the time, though, when stopping on the way to/from work or when the whole family is in the car, it's a lot quicker to just up and run in real quick.

  11. Word.


    The other day I'm driving behind some ritzy BMW with a large X-ian "fish" emblem blazoned on the trunk, and the !@#$tard tosses his lit ciggy out the window. And people wonder why Griffith park seems to burn down every two days this summer. But at least he didn't get his ashtray full of ashes or anything, God forbid.


    What a tool. Sounds like my drive to work most mornings.


    Yeah, isn't that just annoying? I'm sure his kids go to VBS and his wife is active in a faith sharing group or something as well. It's a routine rather than a belief system. Just have to be sure all of the neighbors see them in church.


    Forget about the religion side for a minute. If half of those people took some of the message to heart... what a difference.

  12. 3) If religion makes someone happy, so be it. To each their own. But if a religion refuses to let others be happy (see Catholicism and homosexuals, Catholicism and divorcees, etc) that's a bigger problem.


    Right... if it's comforting, let them enjoy it.


    Catholicism is mild compared to some of the churches I've seen down here in Georgia. I'd lived here about a month when a friend asked me to go do something on a Thursday night. He didn't tell me what it was until we got there. A surprise Baptist service because he felt I needed to be saved!


    I went out of respect for him, not a problem at all. Though, I think the phrase 'fags are going to hell' was said about 56 times.

  13. I can't listen to this stuff at work. However my take is that the entire body of what can be called religious doctrine, all throughout history, is simply a collection of made-up answers to questions that people are afraid to admit they don't have real answers for.




    That, in my opinion, is one of the *best* aspects of religion. It has an ability to provide comfort. Try for a minute to imagine what it would be like to die and simply cease to exist. I'm not sure that's even fathomable. Having an answer (however correct) can make life much more enjoyable.


    I think religion in it's *purest* sense is a good thing. However true all of the stories are, if people truly modeled their lives after Jesus, we'd live in a much better world. The problems arise when politics and extremists mix in. Hell, hypocrites that leave Sunday Mass and proceed to cut off other drivers and ignore humanity as a whole... *they* are a problem. They show up so they can tell their neighbors they were there.


    Whatever my personal beliefs are... I can see that there are benefits. There are clearly downsides, though... can't argue that.

  14. Bocce Ball.

    Armchair quarterbacking.



    The other threads addressing the addition/subtraction of Olympic sports got me thinking. What events would make up the Buffalo Olympics?


    Thus far:




    Softball (slow pitch only, of course)


    Bar Shuffleboard

    Shoveling (if its the summer games, maybe shoveling blue cheese?)

    Marathon (I have determined that it is 23 miles from Delaware Park to Mickey Rats in Angola...Maybe some shots at Rats to make up for the missing 3 miles?)

    -side note: the marathon must be completed in Zubaz pants.

    Pogey (more of a winter event...holding onto the bumper of a moving car and cruising through the snow.)

    Ride the Metro after Thursday in the Square

    Spelling contest for Polish last names


    What else??????

  15. Statistics on drunk driving will by far prevent this from ever happening. Law makers do love their statistics.


    I personally think the law minimally should be "Age 21 or a military ID of any sort"



    I like that.... serving in the military "grows you the hell up" real quick. Good call. I sense a lawsuit with that one, though... "because I chose to attend college rather than join the military, I have to be discriminated against?"

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