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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. Yeah, no kidding....
  2. Or you could quit!
  3. Two I've gotten this afternoon that I found funny. From: denise <spam> To: Jeff Subject: Strong private parts to bang women Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 14:50:06 -0400 From: Ashley Madison <spam> To: Jeff Subject: Looking for An AffairSleep With Someone Else?s Wife Tonight Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 14:08:00 -0400
  4. Hell yeah. I've looked at driving to Chattanooga or Birmingham instead of Atlanta, and I'm about 35 miles north of ATL. That said, the worst part is usually dealing with parking, traffic, and the security checkpoint. Once your past security, it's just a matter of wading through the ridiculous number of people to find your gate. The Buffalo airport is a freaking wonderland when compared to Atlanta. ...and 30 mins won't cut it unless you arrive on the same concourse you depart from. Even then, push back is a few mins prior to departure time. Though, some times you wind up sitting in the "take off line" for 30 minutes.
  5. I can't stand the Atlanta airport (I live here), though some others don't seem to mind it. It's big, that can be a pain in the ass. There's also a lot of people, that's also a pain in the ass.
  6. No no, the players are unionized, sleeping is just fine.
  7. Yeah, I do the same thing. While I'd rather not have to deal with that stuff with a 7 year old, it's bound to happen and that's the best way to explain it in my opinion. My daughter goes to all of the Sabres/Thrashers games with me and I wind up explaining something away each time. There's always a few morons in every large crowd. Take it at face value and move on. It's not going to scar a kid for life nor force them into a future of crime. It's just an added stressor that I don't really like to deal with. I'm not going to let it ruin my experience or keep the kids home, though. Like I said in the other thread... I've never been in a fight nor have I felt threatened. I'd just rather not have to deal with some of the junk that goes on. Edit.. hell, my daughter probably learns more 4 letter words from being around me whenever I try to fix anything than she does at sporting events.
  8. http://www.jwodcatalog.com/imgLg/7510006802471.jpg I, too, have a damn Bledsoe jersey, and a Flutie, and a Losman...
  9. http://www.youtube.com/user/McDriv3r Though we share a 'Mc', this is not me.
  10. I can't tell if you're serious or not? Coast to Coast == Conspiracy theorist/paranormal/aliens 3:00AM radio show. I think it used to actually broadcast out of a trailer in the New Mexico desert. Makes for great road trip entertaining when one is buzzing across rural Nevada.
  11. Hey now buddy, he came here for a better life. You'll never find an 8" mexican sausage... have to be here in the US for that.
  12. I believe we've just found a common ground. That's a cause I can get behind. Edit.. you seem to make more sense in that you take more of an "it is what it is" approach. That message you quoted wasn't in reply to you.
  13. Unfortunatly, that's 100% correct. If everyone cared about the rules of conduct and whatnot, we wouldn't have threads like this every few months. It's not about being sheltered or naive at all. Quite the opposite. I know exactly what games are like and I know what to expect going in. There's a 50/50 chance that I'll have to deal with some jerk-off spilling beer and standing on his seat. There's a 50/50 chance that I'll step in puke or stojan-water while trying to hit the bathroom during the 4th quarter. I'll probably also be bumped into by someone having trouble walking as well. I go into games knowing that's probably what is going to happen. I try not to let it get to me and usually chalk it up as someone else just having too much of a good time. I then simply try to enjoy the game, put down a few beers, and enjoy the company of friends. I don't get to go very often as I live down South so I try to make the best of it when I do get to go. To date, I've honestly never felt threatened. If it got to that point, I'd have no problem calling an usher or law enforcement over and having someone booted out. I'm not about to end someone's afternoon because they broke rule 3©, but I'll certainly do so if some d-bag were to try and pick a drunken fight. Now, at the end of the day, it does bother me that I'm the one having to "deal with" the points above due to someone else's behavior. I do as much as I can to not hinder anyone else's enjoyment, it would be nice to expect the same from fellow football fans... thus the irritation. All of that said? I'm usually the overly nice dude helping the drunk stranger back to his seat.
  14. Those are two entirely different situations. You're impeding some else's enjoyment (and *view*) by electing to be on your feet the whole time. The folks with the seat directly behind you have no choice in the matter. They're directly affected because of your actions. The dude sitting the whole time? He's not hurting anyone. It may *annoy* you, but that's your own problem. He's not doing anything irresponsible or inconsiderate. Quite the opposite, actually. You can simply choose to ignore the guy sitting down, the people behind you can't simply choose to ignore your ass in their faces. I think it just comes down to consideration. Again, if you jump up after a big play or you're on your feet screaming on a big 3rd down? Good! Just please remember that by not sitting your ass down after the fact, you're going to cause the people behind you to stand up, and the people behind them, and so on and so forth. At the same time, everyone should be tolerant of a normal level of excitement at an NFL game. Man... it's not the fact that some are inconsiderate that I find annoying, it's that people are actually defending it.
  15. So, if you deem the person behind you worthy, you'll sit down? Sounds like a sense of self entitlement to me. It really just boils down to "don't be a d*ck." Honestly. Let the guy in front of you jump up and cheer his heart out. At the same time, respect the people behind you enough to sit down after the surge of excitement dies down a bit. Everyone is so hard headed about this stuff. Just be slightly more considerate for your fellow Bills fan. It's really just that simple.
  16. Yeah... it's not the "having some beers and watching some football" that folks want to take away. Having some beers and watching some football is the point. I love the high energy party atmosphere at RWS, but there's always a few that ought to be booted right out. If you can't be considerate (i.e. no excessive standing, puking, or fighting), then out you go. Seems this thread comes up every couple of months and usually ends in agreement with the exception of two or three that argue their right to funnel beer in the stands.
  17. This running up the score stuff is just crap. It's putting the game out of reach for the opponent. Quite honestly, I was hoping for 40+ yesterday afternoon. I'd bet 90% of my fellow Bills fans were as well. As far as Brady goes... looks as though our stars may be aligning this year.
  18. I went through a recent SOAD phase, but it didn't have much staying power. They're different, which is why I enjoy their music. I'm looking forward to Death Magnetic... it's probably just that they've done a pretty good job marketing it. Don't know if anyone else cares, but Therapy? has a US release coming up (the first in a long time). I"m looking forward to that as well.
  19. http://www.metallica.com/index.asp?item=601197 Its got that thrashy St. Anger sound, but it all seems a lot tighter. St. Anger was too loose, if that makes sense.
  20. Great stuff! I was in the same boat about six years ago. I smoked like crazy, but I quit when my daughter was born. I gained about 70 pounds after that. I went from a healthy 180 to about 250. On a 5'10" frame, I looked like a real fat ass. I spent about three years like that. The sad thing is that I never noticed how damn bad I had gotten. I just quietly bought bigger pants. Then I saw the Christmas video! About two years ago, I started walking. Running was too tough on the knees. Eventually, I dropped enough to start moving my legs without hurting myself. I'm in the habit of running about 5 miles a night now. Sometimes more, sometimes less... it depends on what my body tells me it can do. I did about 5 1/2 this evening. I've got the weight down to about 195 now. I still have a bit to go, but my *goal* is 180 by the end of this year. We had a TBD weight loss thread about a year or so ago, I don't know what happened to it.... that's about when I started, I kept up with it. Be glad you replaced the smoke with running. Lots of people (myself included) just replace it with eating, which causes you to balloon right up. Good job. It's a great feeling to look back and realize how much effort you've put in!!
  21. A guy I work with is from there, actually... lives in Atlanta now. Yeah, welcome to Banjo, GA. Americus is about 200 miles or so from Atlanta I'd guess. South of Macon...
  22. Do they let them do that? I know here we were unable to pay the tuition for my kids to go to other schools, like we could do back up north. Or, are people actually moving into your district now that Clayton has gone to hell?
  23. I always find the last preseason game of the year painfully boring. I went for a run about midway through the 2nd quarter and just got back. Doesn't sound like I've missed much! Next one counts.
  24. That was an excellent show.
  25. And as you go north of Midtown Atlanta, you get this.
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