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Everything posted by mcjeff215

  1. I knew a woman just like that Ebay lady. She would compulsively order stuff off of QVC and stack it everywhere. It was difficult to walk through the house. Very VERY nice woman, just a little OCD. Now, this apartment... a former coworker of mine had one of the worst houses I've ever seen. They got very very addicted to playing EverQuest. To the point where they would simply neglect the house, their pets, and to a certain extent, their children. I used to carpool to work with the guy. At first it wasn't so bad, but after 6 - 8 months of living there, they wouldn't let me in the house any longer when I picked him up in the AM. After a while, they let up and started letting me in. It was atrocious. Stacks of diapers 2 feet high in the corners, piles of dog sh*t everywhere... 5 - 6 piles at any point in time. The dogs had ripped up the carpet and dug a whole *through* the master bedroom door. They had cats, which had kittens, which had kittens. They wound up just using one of their BATHTUBS as a litter box because they had so many cats. Garbage everywhere, the smell of rotten food throughout the kitchen. Beer cans full of ashes. You could smell the dog piss in their *driveway* it was so pungent. Their kids would walk around the house in sagging diapers. They were very bad with money... every couple of weeks they'd have some utility shut off. The guy made really good money, too. They wound up loosing the place because they got behind. That was the *worst* house I've ever been in!
  2. The only two things that really stuck out for me... 1. Obama kept going on and on about how he opposed the war day one. Kept saying that we should never have gone into Iraq... well, whatever. The bottom line is that we're there and we have to do something about it now. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that... what's your plan NOW? I don't care about what happened back in '03. Coulda woulda shoulda isn't going to win you my vote. 2. I liked how Obama gave credit to McCain when he was right... though that could be dismissed as a simple desire to find common ground. At the end of the day, the debate didn't really sway me at all. I think this one went about 50/50.
  3. FOG creates a panic in Redneck country... let 'em raise the prices... it will keep the gas available.
  4. No sh*t. The way everything is laid out... it's really difficult to actually walk anywhere. I wouldn't ride a bike down these streets... doing so is just asking for a squashing. Every time I'm back up north, I miss how much easier it is to actually WALK places. One of these days....
  5. $4.59 at the one place that had gas today. I pulled in JUST as they were opening up... by the time I left? There were probably 30 cars lined up down the road waiting to turn into the parking lot. I snapped a cell picture if anyone cares to see. Every one of these stations has started putting someone outside to direct traffic to the pumps.
  6. Just reading that screws with me as I have two kids of my own. For the first year, I always *always* woke up and they were the first thing on my mind. If I didn't hear the right noise or if they didn't get up by a certain time, I had to go look. I can't think of anything worse. This type of thing does happen, you're just hearing about it this time because he's a personality. I hope this sheds a bit more light on the whole SIDS thing. I feel terrible for the family. Thoughts and prayers...
  7. I've seen two stations with gas today, the rest are all taped off or simply have had the prices removed from the signs. On the way home from dinner we got stuck in the overflow from one of the stations with gas. The line was backed up perhaps an 1/8 of a mile down the road or so. Of course, that's gas traffic as well as people getting stuck in the gas traffic and it was at rush hour. The lines are just forming when traffic is the worst. People wanting to stop on the way home from work. Of course, as someone else mentioned, they're all idling away with the AC on. I haven't seen a line after 8:00PM or between 11:00 and 3:00 during the day (though my wife says she's seen some small ones). The damn news isn't helping either. I saw a news van out in front of a crowded QuickTrip the other day... people see that and they go into hoarding mode.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/wayoflife/0...unch/index.html Well, I guess that explains it.
  9. $4.10 for the cheap crap. Coworker was late because he was looking for a station that had gas.
  10. This is just stupid.... I went to fill a prescription today and one of the two stations I passed that actually had gas? The line backed up out of the parking lot and down the road. Is this happening anywhere else? Or is this just an Atlanta thing? It'd be nice to knock on each window in succession and just B word slap each driver.
  11. We moved this spring from Atlanta suburb A to Atlanta suburb B. 1800 Sq. Ft. house. Cost us about $1200 including tips. I'd do it again tomorrow. Oh, and keep a bit of an eye on them as they tend to draw it out. I caught them individually wrapping my daughter's toys...
  12. What a freaking win.... holy crap.
  13. Agreed.
  14. Yup.. give it a bit of time, and then give another one a home. I had a dog of 9 years pass away back in May. We gave her a month or so and then started looking around. We winded up getting Maya from the local Siberian Husky rescue. She was 10 months old when we got her. She came from MUSH Atlanta Rescue. Of course, we already had Trixie. Trixie was also 10 months old when we got her, she's four now. She came from The Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia. They're polar opposites. One's a lump of dog while the other one never sits down. It's funny to watch them play. The Husky makes a great running partner. All of that said, I was surprised at how much it hurt. I've always kind of had that "tough guy" exterior, but it was very much like loosing a family member.
  15. I don't give a damn what language they speak, I just want 'em all to be paying taxes. Speak Klingon for all I care as long as you're dumping into the pot. I'm all for printing crap in both languages as long as we're capitalizing on the *entire* tax base. I get a kick out of waving to the landscapers in the neighborhood. Most of the time, they sprout a big grin... probably not something they're used to.
  16. He just wants to host a few photos!!
  17. and saw a stranger standing naked on the girl's bed Standing on her bed? That's kind of odd. If you catch them in the act, kick his ass the hell out of the house, but don't hit him with a pipe. Though, seeing him *standing* on the bed might look like aggression.
  18. Yeah, one of my wife's idiot friends sent her a text message last night... something to the tune of "Get out there and fill your tank! They're saying $6.00 by Monday!" My sanity is worth the extra $6.00 I'll pay per fill up next Tuesday. They. Who are they? They are, like someone else said, someone who heard that someone else might have seen that perhaps someone heard.... bah. Iiiiiiijiots.
  19. Son of a... so this AM I was taking my daughter to ice skating lessons and wouldn't you know it? All of the gas stations around here are out of the regular stuff, so I got to put a few gallons of $4.60 into my car. The two or three that had regular still had the damn lines out into the streets.
  20. While yes, the high prices suck, I'm more amazed at the dimwits that are lining up....
  21. So, I just waited in line 10 minutes to get gas. The two guys in front of me almost got into a fight over who was there first. Every station I passed was backed up... and I paid 30 cents more than I did last time I filled up. Seriously... what the hell? Are we going to do this every damn time a hurricane shows up? Had the same gas lines when Katrina hit the gulf.
  22. Yeah, unfortunately, I think the opposite is true too. I don't think we have much of a cold weather advantage any longer either. Sure, we're used to RWS and those conditions, but like you say... lots of our boys are southerners.
  23. Points for manning the hell up and offering an apology. Who the hell does that on the Internet?
  24. That's a good point... if you go with one of those two and you miss a connection, you're out a few hours in Atlanta. Not the worst thing that could happen (hell, I've been here a few *years* now, and I'm okay!).
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