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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. Average as a runner in my eyes. Was not good the second half of last season and tonight hes 10 for 21.
  2. The Steelers, for better or worse, lost major talent. Smith-sheister ain't no ab and James Connors sure as hell ain't to leveon bell. Connors is in fact a very average back. But does a good job in the receiving game. Pitts d is middle of the road too. But the Pats do look damn good tonight which is scary.
  3. Yeah I was looking at the TBD pick em thread and like 2/3rds of the posters were picking Pitt over the Patsies. Some serious wishful thinking there considering the patsies have made much more talented squeelers teams than this their beotches.
  4. He's not very good guys. Hes actually a liability. Hot take I know, but my cowboys friends all called him the training camp hero and regular season chump. I see why.
  5. Love Sean. He deserves an extension.
  6. So it TBD.... ?
  7. Man. I just woke up and I'm as excited as a 8 year old kid on Christmas day for some Bills football and all everyone here is talking about is the 15 Patsies threads littered over the front page. Could care less about them. Let's go Bills!!
  8. It's more the point of the matter that if this was the other way around it would be on the front page of every site from ESPN to CNN.
  9. You're gonna want that inconsistent trait. Ugh
  10. Good subject. I agree and I just hope we have the receivers to facilitate such an offense. We may, time will tell.
  11. This is silly and the answer is Christie.
  12. Been around at least 10 years, probably more as mentioned before. They are kinda cool.
  13. Yup.... He seemed like a good man. RIP https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-2006-10-14-0610140171-story,amp.html Good article about his struggles here.
  14. This conveniently comes out 2 weeks before the regular season starts too.
  15. No one's giving up a first for a one year rental with no chance of resigning him until he's a ufa. That would be asinine.
  16. I know this is preseason, but dam this playcalling is not setting up josh for success/building off the confidence of last game.
  17. You are comparing apples to oranges here. None of us, nor are any of the 99.5% of the population in pat chungs shoes. And then you go on to compare selfishness and lying to a federal felony. You are free to your opinions, but i think you are attacking this from left field.
  18. Crazy world we live in where people are saying coke is socially acceptable as a recreational drug and defending its use. I put coke on the same level as heroine. Abuse it enough and your destiny is a death sentence at a young age.
  19. Happy Birthday Paul! Always had good memories of his broadcasting days.
  20. Agreed! Special teams is the one offset. Get her done Beane!
  21. Peter-man... can!
  22. Daks a pretty middle of the road qb. Hes not bad, but he doesn't do anything spectacular. That oline they have there in force makes his life a lot easier. Beasley and Zeke bailed him out a lot last year. Lets see if Witten can be that safety valve that beeznuts was. Id be very hesitant to give him a long term contract. Id go more bridge route, big money short term show me what you got.
  23. Great man. My total respect. RIP Nick.
  24. I'll take my chances with Allen over Watson. Especially since we also got one of the best corners in the game out of it. If it wernt for that fluke injury, Allen would have beat Watson head to head with much less talent around him too.
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