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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. Age has nothing to do with this. I had zero, zilch internet access the gate. Nothing was mentioned on Ticketmaster about saving the tix in your virtual wallet (not sure that's even feasible with an Androud phone or not). Half the people in line were having this issue. They finally just let people in in my gate with no proof of ticket at all because it was a massive problem.
  2. The Browns have one of the worst o lines in the NFL. No games are gimmies when you have that problem. The Steelers will most likely beat them once too and a couple other games they should win on paper. Maybe next time they should hire a competent coach like Jimmy Bathrooms or Johnny Pantry.
  3. Agreed, it was deafening in there at times.
  4. Don't. I live with a bunch of them here and most were planning super bowl parades and calling Josh Allen uncle Rico all offseason. I'm totally eating this Mayfield regression stuff up to the fullest extent
  5. The hell was he thinking putting his face there like that?
  6. Beat to the punch, but most of these dudes are having this as more of a college problem already either weeded out or the problem was solved by the the time they get to the pros.
  7. I mean, we get an extra practice squad spot from this whole thing. It wouldn't be fair to other teams if we could activate him. We had our chance at final cut down day, and he clearly was not ready.
  8. Dont have a second team, but I wish them well because of what they did in 17 for us. I'm taking a Bengals fan to the game who is coming in from Indiana. Hes scared to wear his Jersey cuz hes heard how crazy we are. I told him it will be fine. Sack up and rep your team.
  9. That's going to be a darn good game
  10. Yeah yeah, saw this 15 times today on the pregame, halftime, and post game highlights.
  11. Last active player drafted in the 90s?
  12. He reminds me of Pig Ben back in the day wen he had no line.
  13. First off .. 1)Who cares what the Pat's board thinks... why are you even there? 2)do they even have the cap room? I would think not.
  14. I'd ease him into it too... Fumbilitis is a real thing. He will get his carries. Let him feel comfortable doing it.
  15. Come on... Sammy will be injured soon. He can't be relied upon. And Gilmour is almost a wash with Tre (tre will be better).
  16. Love it!!! I'm all in.
  17. I'm not a fan, but success for the school means success for the city. Im definitely a big fan of Buffalo.
  18. A shame they couldn't get outta the Mac into a more respectable conference when they had the national attention (especially in bball). That MAC is a tough draw for recruiting and not to mention all the transfers with players and coaches.
  19. I mean, as said above, she's 49... Are these young millionaires that hard up? Hard to believe. Maybe former players...
  20. He despises Rex (rightfully so) and went through a Bills bashing phase there for a while. But good to have him back on the good guys now.
  21. A lot of that was garbage time. Some of it wasn't though. They were moving the ball pretty consistently.
  22. He's growing on me. Daboll is not like any OC we have had in a looooong time. And that is a good thing.
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