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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. They can lose this game and still pretty easily win the division. They have a 1 game lead and destroyed their only competition in the Eagles when they played. Eagles have a bit of an easier schedule, but Carson "Wince" is playing like trash (of course he saved his good game for us). But losing to the Bills tomorrow would in no way knock the Cowladies out of playoff contention.
  2. The Cowboys because it's the next game and if we win this one, I am pretty sure even the Bills couldn't mess up at least getting in the dance (bite my tongue).
  3. Now Foster is out the rest of the per another message board M.D.... Cripes.
  4. Maybe she'll dump him too with his 15 minutes being about up here.
  5. Just beat Dallas this week, then that ravens game is playing with house money.
  6. I wish him well!
  7. I'm just a Bills fan. Who are you?
  8. Literally every team's fans' says that about us. Who cares. We are 8 and 3 and they are 6 and 4.
  9. Sack up brother. Boys ain't nothin. Bills have a great shot.
  10. It will be a good one. Go Bills!!!!
  11. Hats off to him and Roy Harper.
  12. Only chance of him playing anytime soon is that it was some kind of dehydration cramp. Other than that, its Duke time (Maybe?).
  13. I'm just not on this oh no the big bad Boys lost big to the Patsies so they are gonna take it out on the poor Bills on Thursday thing. The Bills can beat anyone, but they can also lose to anyone as well. We shall see.
  14. Yes sir. It will be a good one. I'm keeping the faith.
  15. Agreed. But everyone is counting this game as an automatic loss which is nuts. They are tough at home though I will say.
  16. Dallas ain't that great. That is all.
  17. I think he is too. Cheers to Josh!
  18. Lol what is this crap? Whatever a Freddie Coleman is, I'm pretty sure he wont have a job tomorrow if he did this list on ESPN's dime as noted. I'm as anti PC culture as anyone, but a qb is a qb. I dont see race factoring into my judgment of how good or bad a qubby is.
  19. Bingo...You hit the nail on the head!
  20. Not allowed to change helmets during the year. I'd love me some reds too. I was a big fan of the change to white helmets, but now I'm ready to go back to red full time.
  21. I'd say 4-6 ,weeks probably. But I'm no doc. Still better than a brake or dislocation.
  22. Best case scenario stuff here. Crazy that he did not have a fracture.
  23. No matter if the teams are good or not, the travel will be pretty brutal. But no excuses as all the afc east teams will have to do it.
  24. Hopefully Brady will be fully toasted by then. Win the friggin division as all the east teams will have the same trips. Thanks for pointing this out though as it does indeed suck a bit.
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