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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. Agreed. Living in Erie, PA I know the feeling man. The sad thing is most of them here are bandwagoners. In grade school in 90s most of my friends were Bills fans. People my age at least. There were a lot of adult Steelers fans (most likely bandwagoners from the 70s).I go into the Marine Corps in 2000 and come back home 5 years later and it turned into a Steelers city and Bills fans became outcasts. So yes, screw Pittsburgh and there obnoxious fans
  2. Bills should win this game. No excuses. Bills d should be salivating at the mouth to face Donald Duck and crew. Time to take care of business.
  3. Isn't it always at the top of the best places to work for lists? Since like the 90s too I believe.
  4. It was dam windy for that Broncos game if I recall. My app says 18 mile an hour winds, gusts up to 28. Is it me, or does that not sound that bad? It's almost always windy in November and December in OP since it is so flat and near the lake. I dont think it's gonna be as much of a factor as people make it out. Just my two cents.
  5. Oh yeah I'm sure there will be some from Maryland and DC area. I just think Toronto being a mega city works against the Bills and Sabres when it comes to opposing fans invading our stadiums at times.
  6. 15mph winds, gusts of 25. Not exactly a hurricane. 50 degrees too. But for your question, the lower bowl is definitely calmer than the upper decks. You'll have no problems. Hope that helps.
  7. Yup, this is the truth here. It ain't gonna be droves coming from Maryland. They will be coming from Toronto and such.
  8. Haha Van Der Esch lol... That's rich. RiotAct are you in reality Troy Aikman? I do remember a Cowboys Saints game last year where Aikman basically crowned him a no brainer first ballot HOF'er Brian Urlacher clone. It was a bit over the top even for Troy
  9. Good call. Oh well, I'll be at the game anyways. But it's the point of the matter.
  10. Agreed, I called wsee. It's a total slap in the face. She just said we cant please everyone. I'm pretty sure Steelers fans here would much rather watch Bills Ravens than Stains Bengals (a completely meaningless game btw). They switched us to the Browns. I'll be at the game anyways, but still really dumb.
  11. Watching football like a monk. I like it! It is kind of a sacred event lol. Really though, 90% of commentators rarely add anything of substance. Everyone will see this weekend when they hear " the wisdom" of dan fouts.
  12. Haha I didnt notice that, but I remember that game too. That was pure domination. It was even sweeter bc I believe Emmitt "oh they missed the fg i can leave now" Smith was shut down in that one. Made it extra sweet.
  13. That's funny because this video popped up on my YouTube recommended vids a few days ago too and I immediately thought about this too. Hopefully Josh keeps his athleticism for years to come. Ben was a bit more polished as a passer though even then. There's definitely similarities.
  14. More nostalgia for me than anything. I grew up with him in the late 80s and 90s on ABC MNF. He has a good voice for it too. I like still seeing him around. Collinsworth as the colorman though really ruins the vibe these days.
  15. Can any Erie fans chime in here? The 506 maps say we get Bills. Wsee programming guide and my yahoo app say Browns Bengals is the game.
  16. Ya know what they say... once a terd, always a terd.
  17. To be fair, this tweet is from April 2018. But I agree with you 100%
  18. Kicking in the NFL is pretty bad right now. He will get his shot somewhere, and I'm guessing it wont be on a practice squad. Just my 2 cents. Hes looked solid for a green rook.
  19. Its Iron Eagle and Dan Spouts. Romo and Nantz got 430 Chiefs Patsies game.
  20. If you sign up for the forums at that site I wont mention (is that against the rules?), you can see the maps now. You know that site with all the NFL maps each week. Buffalo Baltimore is basically the whole US minus the midwest, Texas up through Colorado and a few localized pockets. 90% of east and west coast is getting our game. Yes, it's easily the #1 1pm cbs game.
  21. I'd upgrade the Lions to category 2 and downgrade Colts from 3 to 2.
  22. Did you read his deleted Instagram post above? It got into that a bit lol. Sick stuff.
  23. Agreed, I honestly think it's more of a trajectory thing and pretty easily fixable.put a little more touch on em. Itll come. That's how those guys pad their stats.
  24. Yeah, but watch Watson some time. I know that guy has better suited receivers for the deep ball, but man he puts them in there nicely. That's what I'm talking about. Josh is not there yet.
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