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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. I took all my Bills out. But now I'm leaning the other way. Tough predicament.
  2. I just worry about it being unfair to us now... and no lol... I won't trust the NFL to do it fair. We'll get fugged somehow.
  3. Yeah and then what do you do with the teams that finished their seasons already? Let em chill for the playoffs? I guess you'd have to rework the whole schedule.
  4. Great... now the NFL will jerk us around til tomorrow at earliest again. Ugh
  5. Not sure what you can do though. You don't play the games, especially this early, then you have to add weeks on the season at the end... Thats not fair and tactically improbable with a solid super bowl date. Its not perfect, but keep pushing on I say. These guys had their opportunity to opt out. Only thing that pisses me off is where are these Titans punishments???
  6. Oh yeah, I was being sarcastic. Well kinda, I see a lot of similarities of the Titans strengths as the Raiders, but a bit more talented. Theyll probably scorch us over the middle with the short passes again and then you have to contain Henry like you did Jacobs. Wont be an easy win.
  7. Yeah, don't care. NFL, just like the breast cancer awareness pink stuff did that for one reason, more women viewers/$$$. Same thing here. Doubt this will be successful in getting those folks to care either. Hard to believe though that they couldn't get Zeke and Odell to be in this ad. I always thought they'd make such a cute couple.
  8. I think it will be very similar to Raiders game. Put me down for whatever that final score was. That game was 30 23... I'll go Bills 34 Covitans 26.
  9. Hard to believe that Bears team i just watched is 4 and 1. Horribly coached and not very talented. I guess at the end of the day, only one thing matters though.
  10. 2010 i heard on the radio. No source sorry. Was due to a blizzard. Edit: According to ESPN’s Turron Davenport, who cites ESPN Stats & Info and the Elias Sports Bureau, the last time an NFL game took place on a Tuesday was in 2010, when the Philadelphia Eagles and Minnesota Vikings met Dec. 28 after their game was moved due to a blizzard.
  11. Oh yeah, forgot Nashville is CST. Good call.
  12. Wait, so now its 7pm lol, I thought it was at 6?
  13. One week free trial of NFL Gamepass? Hopefully thats still a thing.
  14. They can't move it to Sunday though because that screws the network out of a prime time game. Or at least thats the impression I get. All about the $$$$.
  15. Not necessarily, one of the media tweets above said the NFL would consider making them play without having facilities access Saturday meaning that timeline, if there was a positive today, would be Friday and Saturday no positives and game on Sunday. Are the Bills going to be held hostage on this up until Sunday?
  16. Steelers fans are already raising high hell that forfeit is even being discussed. Id usually say fug em, but they are the NFL's precious love child and I dont see it happening.
  17. If you're gonna throw NE in there, better throw Piggsburgh in too.
  18. I dont like the way you worded that. I get it, but I don't. Sounds like we should just throw in the towel at 4 and 0. Bills were a top 3 d last year. What has changed that can't be fixed? Star? Come on now...
  19. Man, scared the hell out of me when it happened and now scared the hell out of me when I was scrolling through the threads. Saw it as Josh Allen Sholder Surgery at quick glance. Yikes lol.
  20. Way too early... with that being said,, all about them chiefs at this point. I think we can take Baltimore now.
  21. Was able to get a ps5 preorder through the military exchange yesterday. $569 tax free and comes with an extra controller. I got lucky too as I had to retrieve my password and still had time to get it. Heads up to vets and active duty to sign up for their emails/alerts if they get another batch in.
  22. I give them, the d as a whole, one more week under the excuse of no preseason. After that, something is wrong.
  23. Unreal. Two things I, to put it kindly, do not like very much intertwined in one terrible package.
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