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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. Let the guy do what he wants. The 100k is news but in the grand scheme of what he makes, lt's little more than a traffic ticket to you or me.
  2. Even with this edited. You made this 16 hours ago. Who in the holy hades could you sign off the street at that time that could possibly learn the playback and make any kind of difference in that amount of time. Oh and throw in that its Chhristmas too!
  3. There's definitely preferential treatment given to these high profile teams. Lowly Buffalo and Cleveland and other red headed stepchildren are called a different game. Pretty sickening stuff.
  4. Merry Christmas!!!
  5. Man I'd die for the 5 Mississippi rule if our entire oline was healthy lol. That's a lot of time!
  6. That was awesome lol. Was this a newer episode? Filmed on the bye week maybe? Or is this an older one?
  7. Worked for us in the Marine Corps... Just sayin.
  8. Good 1) Allen's foot looks like it's not a long term issue 2) Gabe Davis 3) Obada showing life Bad 1) Tackling- just terrible 2) is it me or do our corners never turn around in time? I started noticing this a few games ago and it's costing us interception ops and opening up lame pi calls 3) oline - but not gonna harp too much here. They were battered up with covid.
  9. If Daboll doesn't impress immensely these last few games and playoffs (hopefully) he can be building his Legos as I far as I care. But I'd rather see him gone.
  10. You were right. It's on yahoo, you just have to be off of wifi when watching for some reason.
  11. I do the same. I only recommend a good antivirus.
  12. Interesting. Usually says "coming up live" if eligible:
  13. I dont see it on yahoo actually.
  14. Absolutely not to extending the season another week. You wanna Tuesday then fine.
  15. Until someone screws up majorly. Usually it's a quick business trip for opponents. 7 days before or whenever they get there for the SB is a lot of time for shenanigans.
  16. Kinda of like the NFL has a secret list of haves and have not teams... maybe that's why we get boned on officiating.
  17. You can't extend the season by a week now, can you? That pushes back the Super Bowl a week as well I'd assume... There not going to do that. Gotta play with the hand you're dealt Brownies. Lucks a b word sometimes.
  18. Don't agree with this, but I didn't like those long sideline "checkdowns" he kept doing to wrs. I get he wants to let the wr make a play, but takes too long to develop
  19. NFL wants offense. Scoring =money. It will only change when people stop watching (I'm not advocating this as I have no plans of stopping any time soon). NFL has no motivation to change this rule. Kind of like that pos EA Madden game. Have to hit them in the wallet or nothing will change.
  20. There going to rule every time on safety... not because they care, but because of the law of the public court of approval and any future litigation against them. I can't see them spinning that rule the CFL uses as more safe but maybe I don't know the stats. I am told that punt returns the way they are now are relatively safe in the nfl.
  21. Exactly what I said after the game. My first thought was McD should bring it up in the PC and take the fine, but that's only going to put more of a target on the Bills by these bozos. Pegula needs to get the data together and raise hell to NFL brass.
  22. Agreed but he hurt it on that long run downfield on the sidelines with two Bucs. One of which sliding his ankle with him. Can't blame oline there. Edit: maybe you were referring to the big picture tho... and agreed.
  23. Handfighting lol... he's pulling off his jersey. Get some glasses... or actually maybe you should seek employment as a ref?? Someone get Gene an application.
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