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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. This is not true... This would really screw over the victims for liability settlements if it was. Your coverage will be cancelled for DUI, but all the policies I know of from the major carriers do not exclude coverage for being involved in a tort involving DUI.
  2. Proof? Or this is pretty much libel.
  3. Man, I read the OP and thought Putin set off a nuc or something. Terrible tragedy though no doubt. TandP to the victims and families. *need an edit on this. I made this during the oblivious title with no explanation of what was going on at the time. That thread was merged with this.
  4. While he's not faking that he has cancer... that was his stunt on the old BBMB.
  5. How do you get "first dibs" then?
  6. I'd choose they both suck and their respective teams are spinning their wheels in the mud. But at least Zack Wilson still has potential. Mayfield blows and only ever had any modicum of success due to the coaches run heavy offense and super talent at the rb position.
  7. I just really don't like this guy so don't take offense if I downvote your replies in sticking up for him. Something about him is very unlikeable. This is another notch in the belt.
  8. He's terrible. Honestly think they should look elsewhere. I know the pickins are slim, but ehhh.
  9. The defense plays Jauron ball and that's what I dislike. Wish they were a bit more aggressive. But that's the game they want to play I suppose. Don't need an enforcer lol.
  10. I was hoping you would sing us a "farewell and adieu to my fair Spanish lady." Boo But in all seriousness if Jerry is gone Hella praise on him. Dude did nothing but compete and give 110%. Good luck Jerry.
  11. Haha and the Seneca response wasn't so pretty. "New York’s hostile and shameless greed was laid bare for the world to see yesterday. After intentionally and unnecessarily holding the Seneca people and thousands of Western New Yorkers and families hostage for several days by strangling various bank accounts held by the Seneca Nation and our businesses, Governor Hochul couldn’t contain her excitement to boast about using her Seneca ransom money for a new stadium." Ouch.
  12. You call it a break and I say that probably cost us the Super Bowl. I'm not gonna go back and do the math now, but us being the 4 seed (i.e. Bengals route) would have been so much better. How I remember it anyways. The penalty needs to stay, but go back to the parameters it was called before.
  13. I'm torn on this taunting thing. I hate most of the penalties after a big play and showing emotion and celebrating. But flashing a peace sign in a defenders face while the play is still going on should be called. Thats not showing emotion, that's being a duechebag. Literally the definition of taunting. Probably inconsequential, but should be called.
  14. I'm not going to post any links, but the internet is not lacking rumors that Brady is trying to orchestrate a trade to Miami. Because it's the Dolphins, I'm not even sure I'm worried about that at all. And Tua... lol. Just no. He stinks. Edit... Just saw there's already a thread on the Brady rumor here.
  15. So you're saying you wish the Browns drafted Allen? I don't get it... who cares about attention? Josh seems to be more than happy with how things played out.
  16. This dude literally destroyed our season with that punt block against Pittsburgh and it didn't get much better from there. Piss poor.
  17. An elite moneymaking qb. And so average actual qb. Way to play the suckers though I guess.
  18. Agreed. Yeah it's not a free lunch. And the Texans still want a ton.
  19. An upgrade on the field in my opinion and younger. A slimy move, but man that would be a steal for them.
  20. It's not just that. The Sabres need a new facility too from what I've been told. Crazy in my opinion since it was built in 95', but reports are it is one of the worst in the NHL. And theres smoke around them selling the Sabres. More than just rumors. They got a sweetheart deal on the Bills and a deal that guarantees them (and every other team) to print money with revenue sharing. I get it that times are not good in the fracking business, but they are fighting any more out of pocket spending tooth and nail. Not good in my opinion.
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