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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. In the words of Aaron Rodgers... "can't lose a game like that to that team." I dont think they're good at all. Bills (Allen mostly and he'd be the first to admit that ) really crapped the bed. It happens though. They'll rebound (I hope).
  2. I'm still trying to figure out why kumerow sees any snaps on offense. As for Knox, yeah hes blocking for our crap line from what I can see.
  3. This is a classic 05 (after the Bledsoe era)-15ish drought lunacy drunk thread. I could understand then. But not now. Silly.
  4. This is craziness. We beat the Chiefs at Arrowhead with this roster and have fought injuries all year. Josh has, and self admittedly, sucked for 6 quarters now. And throw in some mind boggling offensive play calling with that. I don't care if you have 88' prime Jerry Rice on the roster. If the quarterback can't make the throw it doesn't matter. It will fix itself.
  5. This is ridiculous. We all love Josh. Allen is the first to admit the game was on him. There's some questions there that are unanswered on what is going on with his decision making though no doubt.
  6. Yeah but that 6 rec 50 yard beaze line of last year is not the same qb the last two games. Where is Josh throwing the ball? Literally throwing it into the d's hands. Not the receivers fault (as far as I can tell without watching "film"). This game and the second half of the Packers game is on Josh. And ge will be the first one to tell you this. Second it's on Dorsey.
  7. Maybe you're right, maybe you're not. I think right now this is a Josh Allen thing and not a Gabe Davis thing. After that game and those horrendous throws he made I cannot make Gabe Davis a scapegoat. He had a drop. Josh needs to reexamine himself and get back to fundamentals. Fix the playcalling too bc it's a problem. Still super doubtful OBJ ever wanted to come here, this game bearing no consequence on any of it.
  8. Josh has to get his head out of his arse. People blame the running game and oline in the running game, but it starts and ends with Josh. He's making headscratching throws right now.
  9. Agreed on the obnoxious thing. He's alright. Kind of a dbag though at the same time.
  10. Goathead is great and the black and red is coming back this year. But those unis tonight were absolutely terrible. Needed blue pants at a minimum. But hell of a win.
  11. Gonna be a Cowboy. Book it! Might be in ring chasing mode, but I guarantee he's more into money chasing mode. They actually need another weapon on the outside (where we have Gabe) and have over 6 mil in cap space. Down vote me all you want but that is a pretty perfect spot for him honestly.
  12. You're gonna be disappointed...
  13. I'd be happy to let cook cook if it stops the terrible cooking references. Let... it... die...
  14. Gabe Davis is like most likely gonezo if we sign this guy after this year right? I don't want that. I'll pass. Much rather have Davis. I still think the people that think he's coming here are in for a big surprise, but we will see.
  15. I dont like white on white. It's too white imo. Blue on blue is okay. Best is blue over white though. And I won't even acknowledge that red on red trainwreck.
  16. That's nice of them to send the codes out 3 months after the game was released and is in the bargain bin now.
  17. Pretty much. I live in the corporate world and any kind of "gifts" as a perk from the job is a fireable offense. And I'm not out here calling games. It's not a huge deal, but enough of one that should get him a warning.
  18. Not sure how some people can defend this... First off how pathetic is it that a man with a full head of white hair wants another man's signature on a piece of paper? And there wasn't enough time to say its for little Eddie on that sig. Can't happen with an official. You need that autograph that bad then get it in March when he's at the Saratoga Casino signing session or whatever.
  19. Exactly. And since this is now making its rounds on the internet, I'm sure this dude will get a call from the league to never do that again. If there's one thing Rodg hates its bad optics.
  20. One is a show of sportsmanship and the other could imply bias that affects the integrity of the game. These autographs are like currency these days. Dude is paid plenty as it is.
  21. It's not a good look and these guys get paid way too much to be doing this. Shouldn't happen.
  22. Long way to go, but I'm having fun. Very concerned about the injuries on d though.
  23. That missed field goal by Butker was nice to end the half. Maybe we get some help here.
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