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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. Exactly I think it worked once the first time they tried it against the Jets. Maybe for a few the second. Now it's a complete dud and they keep going to the well.
  2. That's fair. But maybe we should blame the Bills planning moreso than the venue. They knew the schedule before the season. Injuries happen. But I blame this on Dorsey. We didn't have to establish the run. We needed to throw the ball.
  3. Would this thread exist if we won? Not a chance. But players and owners agreed on it. It ain't going away. Adapt and overcome. Maybe fly out immediately after the Dolphins game acclimate these players a bit more next time so they're not sleepwalking during the first half.
  4. I despise this play more than a Mularkey 3rd and 12 draw to Shaud Williams. Kill it dead now. Seriously it's terrible.
  5. Dorsey called a terrible game. This was the game to air it out. He waited way too long. He also had a responsibility to keep the d off the field with all those injuries. He failed that miserably.
  6. That won't help the Milano issue. Thank God 7 was okay. Just pray for Milano because we need him down the stretch. What a catastrophe that game was beyond the loss.
  7. To your credit, you did say this before the game. Pisses me off still, but you did.
  8. But they are greedy too and they are reaping the profits as well.
  9. I dont understand why they wernt in London asap after the Dolphins game.
  10. I'm just hoping to have him back for the playoffs now. Not good.
  11. Man, I can't wait til she dumps him. I could give two craps about either of them, but the whole thing is so ugh. NFL capitalizing on it for money. Just gross all around. Seems like a relationship thought up by two money advisors for financial gain. Go away.. Both of you.
  12. Edmonds almost with the big play. Story of his career.
  13. I cheered the Josh pick from the beginning (I have witnesses to prove it haha). But this throw was when I first knew this dude was special. It's still in his top 5 highlights in his career. Absolutely amazing.
  14. Deangelo Hall was the only example I could find. Tore it in game, recovered, and then tore it again 9 months later slipping in his house getting pizza. He then converted to safety...
  15. There was a thread earlier about the game today, espn, and the tour de France all wrapped up into one. That one actually made more sense than this one, but hell I've been celebrating the win since 4 so I'll just say Go Bills!
  16. Same with AFC North! Afc not looking as brutal as it was before. Nor is our schedule. I kinda think the eagles arnt very great either. That Hurts sure has his warts.
  17. Frazier + Edmonds = no bueno. Addition by subtraction.
  18. I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, but keep drinking or smoking or whatever you're doing. It was an incredible win!
  19. Nah they are too talented to finish that low. Tee Higgins doesn't look so great anyways.
  20. Did they not have the clock on the game the whole time in the late 80s? No score graphics at all? Was a tad before my time as my first memory of the Bills was SB25 unfortunately. And man that last pass Kelly made in OT was incredible. Thanks for posting this. Great stuff.
  21. Erie wised up and swapped out Steelers with Bills. https://twitter.com/ErieNewsNow/status/1707435647739273410?t=fHx7vv5io-Dlzt0jDwRThg&s=19
  22. Are we going so far as giving him flowers too or just props? Flowers is one step above props, right?
  23. Erie really dropped the ball here too. Can't believe they are showing Piggs Texans aka The Toilet Bowl over Bills Dolphins or even Browns Ravens. These Steelers fans are funny. They actually think they have a good team and will be a force come playoff time.
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