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Everything posted by millbank

  1. it best not prod the bear so to speak we just be quiet things may just go smoothly along, we don't want to find out why he isnt....
  2. Rich blessing to you a wonderful family occasion.
  3. whats the question and who ate all the oatmeal... ?
  4. this absolutely right on....
  5. this a fine method... but what i think is initially it most important to build endurance as this endurance will allow a person to do other things well and exercise longer, be more rewarded and inclined to stick at it. Going at a moderate pace building up to 60 minutes, then alternating high intensity every other day, perhaps for 30 min. and weekends resting to restore, will give a person a workout regimen that will burn fat at a good healthy rate. If you goal is to lose weight just a suggestion, forget the scales, be persistent with exercising , proper diet, perhaps every week try on a article of clothing you could wear before you gained your weight and intend to wear when you have achieved your goal, it rewarding to see from week to week the clothes coming closer to fitting. Scales can be such a obsessive compulsion and often we do not lose weight but we do inches. just a thought. - also we all can be impatient, working out and getting lifelong results takes time and patience, stick withitness, changing lifestyle in a positive fashion ,,, good for you dib you giving it your best shot.
  6. good increasing to hr. this will give you endurance for other exercise. When you able to do one hour, start to alternate on day regular pace, the next intervals. You will find you will burn about 500 calories a session or a bit more than one pound of body fat a week. Belly will soon be gone.
  7. great music history of course
  8. Nice Nice Nice
  9. the good ole in and out.... thats all they think of....
  10. . "We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee" "Okie From Muskokee"
  11. Coach Harbaugh will meet with media after practice today at 8:00 pm Timing right in middle of nationally broadcast game. . Writing on the wall...perhaps
  12. in looking at archives I see a number of threads archived that have 0 to two or three replies. Perhaps it may be a thought to delete such threads from archives as a start perhaps those without up to fewer than ten responses may be a start.
  13. Anyone going to tell me if a public official , politician, were to have such a video of he or she punching and knocking out companion demands they step down immediately and full force of law not be applied, it appalling the hand wringing about this. To hell with the six games , season , he deserves to be gone and now. Sponsors , media those who make their monies and support the game through it need step up and refuse to be part of cult of enablers
  14. Another Bills season just days away . How precious this site has become to so many. Before another season begins wish to take time to thank Scott , Nervous Guy , Moderators and Staff for their often anonymous and volunteered efforts this be a site full of much diverse opinion and lasting friendships . Thank you .
  15. Happy Birthday Keep your head up
  16. A thank you to one of the excellent ladies of the wall. You bring a sense of humor, kindness that is much appreciated Happy Birthday
  17. Wishing you a excellent day with family and friends Happy Birthday Walls greatest authority on the merits or lack thereof "pickle juice"
  18. there is no talking with you people you just flat out shameful or just wishing to be adversarial for the sake of it .... and dont give me the superior intellect crap, it a shameful name and it will be changed
  19. The story in my family goes that the term dates back to the institutionalized genocide of Native Americans, most notably when the Massachusetts colonial government placed a bounty on their heads. The grisly particulars of that genocide are listed in a 1755 document called the Phips Proclamation, which zeroed in on the Penobscot Indians, a tribe today based in Maine. Spencer Phips, a British politician and then Lieutenant Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Province, issued the call, ordering on behalf of British King George II for, “His Majesty’s subjects to Embrace all opportunities of pursuing, captivating, killing and Destroying all and every of the aforesaid Indians.” They paid well – 50 pounds for adult male scalps; 25 for adult female scalps; and 20 for scalps of boys and girls under age 12. These bloody scalps were known as “redskins.” - comes from article by baxter Holmes what is does take for you people, the name is going to go and rightly so, it only a matter of time... so many of you pretend to take the high ground on other minority rights , you are flat out ridiculous and shameful
  20. http://www.esquire.com/blogs/news/true-redskins-meaning if about Baxter Holmes article you has not been posted or you have not read, encourage to do so.
  21. Agree with you E, was a time while it was never a rule, there was a gentleman's agreement that each ran their horses in all three races. We do not live in a generation of honor these days, but one of the self far to often. Tonalist gets the skunk award for 2014 in my view
  22. do wonder when one becomes accountable for their actions. He not 14 - 16 year old teenager, he a 24 year old man occupying one of a limited number of privileged positions of a NFL football player. No doubt the wise course of action from a business point of view given he a hit on salary cap and team has take option for next season, is to wait out the legal process , await what league recriminations await and respond accordingly. He actions are ones of immaturity , actions that are going to cost him a great deal of money when his agent tries negotiate a long term contract. At this point few teams are going to gamble on a man who is not taking his career as serious as he can. He a good football player, be it a immature one, in the end who's actions are at this point only going to hurt himself, perhaps family and those who do believe in him. Hopefully for all concerned he will look in the mirror do some serious soul searching and take advantage of the great opportunity he has a be the best person and player he can be. His actions immaturity, not gangsterism
  23. One of walls most excellent people. Wish for you a fine day with family and friends. You great Happy Birthday
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