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Everything posted by millbank

  1. Every time OJ touched the ball he was a threat to take it to the house .
  2. Where would you ever hear a kick in the pe - cahns . They are just nuts for Gods sake
  3. Act with Respect our we will just leave .
  4. There is no argument that the team needs see what they potentially have in Josh and there are now six games remaining and counting . Only the coaches know the dynamic in the room. I do believe success and effort should not be rewarded by the bench. Yes the quarterback position the most important going forward , but it is a team game it’s about all of them . Just don’t any of you start crying about him not doing as well as you may think he should . There will be ups and downs . Likely more downs than ups . It’s my opinion he is likely a couple of years away from getting to be what they need . Not so sure what consequence a nothing game in November will be . Hopefully next season the unit he is working with will be drastically changed .
  5. https://www.awarenessdays.com/awareness-days-calendar/world-kindness-day-2018/ Just a thought don’t get all upset
  6. Merkel, Macron , Trudeau, could each walk into a local Tim Hortons , order a double double and a muffin walk out and not a single person would take notice excepting perhaps those in their respective countries . Given the President would need travel counting return trip 100 miles over roads those who he is under protection to protect him from danger could not possibly have time to find a assuredly safe route for him to travel. It is obvious to any reasonable and fair minded person logistics made this not possible. Of course the optics are terrible and those looking for a way to demean the President have and will.
  7. Thank goodness it was live and recorded . It was there for all to see and hear.
  8. High school will be higher now
  9. https://ocs.ca/ This is the website
  10. I think we will find the NFL in light of the accusations of workplace romance/ harassment perhaps . If they be true and what do the Bills have in place as support for any subjected to harassment. Making Mrs Pegula President President gives in a person someone who would have a ear to such problems and do something about it. It was a short while ago the Dallas Mavericks and Mark Cuban went through such . Many claiming Cuban as head should have known. The apparence of wring doing the NFL does not need and do need be assured all is in place that work place harassment does not occur
  11. One thing I know i will be extremely happy if this turns out to be the right decision . The teams owners and Coaching staff did meet with this player made this decision and ultimately will answer for it. One thing we all know is that this market has had it with losing and the pressure will be on huge to at least see some hope this was the right decision . It is difficult when a fan base has waited a few generations for a winner year in and year out with not a great deal of real hope of visable substance. The decision makers are going to need be extremely strong to be patient with a young man in a position that does require time , patience and hard work . The fan base needs to see some hope now and are out of patience
  12. The 16 th death due to this tragic accident yesterday with the passing of the teams 24 year old female trainer . The driver of the truck did survive unscathed at least physically . Authorities are investigating as to why this accident did happen and have said it will take time . Funerals are beginning today with the teams radio announcer . Heartbreaking
  13. Makes good evil fish sandwiches
  14. Happy Birthday cgf , amongst the finest people of the wall
  15. From billsbackers Then came that fateful day of' November 17, 1964 (two clays after Boston had handed the Bills their first setback of the ‘64 season). Lou Saban put Gilchrist on waivers. This meant that any AFL team could claim him for only $ 100. It would have been the best bargain since the fluke that sent Jack Kemp to Buffalo for the same amount. Saban's reason for Gilchrist's firing: "The club is more important than any single individual player." During the game, the Bills players themselves got frustrated with Gilchrist. "If you're not going to help us, take off your uniform and get out of here," yelled one offensive lineman. Seems that Gilchrist was so hungover that he decided that he would not block opposing blitzers in their attempt to sack the Bills quarterback. When the Patriots realized that they had a free lane to the quarterback, they had a hay day at the expense of QB Jack Kemp. It turned out to be one of the most physical beatings of Kemp's professional life. Gilchrist had substituted Willie Ross for himself in the November 15th game with Boston. This is not done in football. Only the coach can substitute. Another reason for the Saban's placing Gilchrist on waivers was that Cookie had used inflammatory statements against Lou Saban, Jack Kemp, and halfback Joe Auer. The final reason was Cookie's absences from practices on several occasions during the ‘64 season. This was due mostly to difficulties with customs officials at the Peace Bridge connecting Buffalo with Canada when Gilchrist made his frequent trips to and from Canada. There were many other minor incidents which helped turn the relations between Saban and Gilchrist from bad to worse. Cookie had been seen in a cocktail lounge at 2 AM, 12 hours before the start of the first Boston game in November of ‘64. That was the same game that he was too hung over to play and took himself out of the game. Gilchrist stated after learning of' his firing, "I was surprised at the timing of the Bills' action, although I had expected it to come at the end of the season." Jack Kemp persuaded Gilchrist into apologizing to his teammates and Coach Saban. He then apologized on local television. Cookie later said that this had humiliated him. After the season was over, Gilchrist demanded the bonus that he thought Saban had promised him. When he didn't get the bonus, he told Ralph Wilson,, "I wouldn't play for Lou Saban for $150,000. I'd. rather go elsewhere and play for less money. He went so far as to say, "If I'm forced to stay with the Bills, it will be against my will. I might even retire. I see no reason to play where I won't be happy." Gilchrist talked about retiring from the game, and said that he would not miss the physical aspect of the game. "That will never be a problem with me," Gilchrist said. "I take the game as a game, in perspective with life. The game is played on Sunday. During the week it doesn't bother me. When I was younger, frustrations would build up. I'd get mad if some guy waited too long at a stoplight, and when I got to the ball park I wanted to take it out on somebody. But I have progressed as a man. I find other ways to take out those feelings. I'm a gourmet. I like to cook. I marinate steaks for two and a half days in a special wine sauce I make myself. I buy most of my wife's clothes. I'm interested in interior decorating. I read books that tell me how to live a better life. I'd rather take my kids horseback riding than watch television, but when I do watch television I prefer programs with strong motivation and good stories that make sense. My favorite TV show is The Fugitive. I can understand that guy. In fact, some of the players in Buffalo call me ‘the fugitive.' But one thing I'm not is a sports fan. I can't see why anybody would pay $6 to see a football game. The only pro football game I ever saw was the Giants and the Redskins in 1960. If a football game comes on TV, I get up and leave. I play the game out of a competitive desire and pride, and I'm a natural for it. But I don't like to watch it if I'm not involved. I think maybe I would have liked to paint, but I've never had the peace of mind to sit and do it." Cookie finally got his wish to be traded. The Broncos were one of the worst team. In pro football at that time, both talent and attendance-wise. But with Gilchrist teaming up with Abner Haynes, who Denver obtained from. Kansas City in a trade, the Broncos became a much better rushing team the next year. This not only improved the Broncos' team. play, but also drew big crowds to Bear Stadium, something the Broncos had not done since 1962 when they came in second place. From that point on, Denver had sellouts through the rest of the century.
  16. State If Honour A muddy ride for sure
  17. It unfortunate CNN goes from one petering out to the next one beginning according to time zone , disingenously making this seem more than it is
  18. http://www.socialistalternative.org/ These said to behind the protests origins starting on twitter
  19. Happy Birthday to a excellent person
  20. where it as bottled and sealed and presented on the Shark Tank for the cure for
  21. and all the while the entire group stood together doing arm pit farts and yelling .....
  22. peewee herman recommended
  23. it removed and replaced by a .............
  24. Happy Birthday to finest man I know.. always proud to be your friend wish you a great day .
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