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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. It appears you did not read what I posted, yet you responded to…, There are many ways for players to influence outcomes, The owners own many of the gambling establishments and were/are instrumental in pushing states to pass said legislation, it goes hand in hand.
  2. Not the point, the point is that the owners opened “Pandora’s box” and brought the “ integrity of the game” problem upon themselves, sooner or later a group of players is gonna throw a game for big money, just a matter of time,
  3. Well it certainly wasn’t good…, it did show they had very good teams during those four years though, just not the best…,
  4. They own a fair number of the NFL gambling businesses, they have brought this on themselves, and it is only going to get worse, although they likely don’t care as long as the money is good,
  5. Can the team say the player/s violated the terms of their contract and void the whole thing? 😁👍
  6. Diggs is who he is, his actions here are no different than his actions in Minnesota, he is a bit of a diva queen when he feels wronged, to me it’s just being a whiny little itch, I feel that way about any multi millionaire whining about his job circumstances when he plays a game for a living. GO BILLS!!!
  7. It is a Bill Murray caddie shack inspired post, 😁👍
  8. In which that all those positions are unlikely to be worse this up coming season, one can argue that the odds of being better is a real thing, from what I have read of your posts you have a penchant to down play most personnel changes so your appraisal is not unexpected. You could of course be correct in your guess, and then again, maybe not, hope springs eternal for most fans.
  9. Okay, something something Losman something something.,, I am truly ashamed…,
  10. This upcoming seasons O-line is unlikely to be worse, so we got that going for us…,
  11. No doubt, my point wasn’t saying to only take the underneath stuff, but to incorporate more of it into game planning, my point is that adjustments in Dorsey’s and Allen’s methods is likely warranted.
  12. Concerning your first paragraph, For Josh to reach the promise land, he truly does need to change who he is to some degree, because who he is presently is holding him back. I’m not taking about wholesale changes, but he does in fact need to reel in some of his tendencies so as to operate as an overall more effective field general. He needs to take more move the chains options for three very important reasons, 1) it wears down defenses, and 2) it keeps the opposing offense off the field, 3) and very importantly Allen takes less hits/stays healthy. I hate to use Brady as an example, but that pos knew how to demoralize a defensive, and took every short / chain moving option that presented itself, and it was and is an effective strategy. Dorsey and Allen need to work together to incorporate more of this. Doing so will make the deep pass option all the more effective. This is how I see Allen being able to stay healthy and continue to be the scariest QB to defend right through the playoffs…,
  13. As said above, some of it is on Josh himself, a lot of it is on the O-line, and some on scheming guy open with more frequently, etc etc,
  14. He is special isn’t he, if you don’t believe me, ask him, he will be happy to tell anyone how special he is, oh, he did that already 😆🤣😂
  15. No, the only goal of the NFL is to make money, the game is merely the means to that end. And you get a banner ever time you win the division, 👍
  16. Snap out of it dude, fantasy football is not real. It is amazing that so many don’t know that winning one’s division for three consecutive years, and making the playoffs repeatedly is the sign of a successful team, by your logic, or lack there in, every team that doesn’t win the Super bowl needs to fire their GM & Coaches, every couple of years, regardless of how counter productive doing so would be. Beane said early on in his tenure that he is building and maintaining a team that is competitive every season, and you know what? He did just that, and everyone thinks that it is a solid plan, except for a hand full of knuckleheads around here. Those knuckleheads should just switch their fandom to what ever team wins the super bowl from year to year, that way they can always feel good about themselves…, 😂
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