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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Absolutely this ^^^ utilize the talent that is on board to its maximum benefit, so far it is not being done. Kincaid is a 1st down in yardage every one or to catches, Sherfield is much the same, at this point if the opponent doubles Diggs, Dorsey doesn’t appear to understand how to counter that with any regularity. The more the ball gets spread around in the passing game the more difficult it is for the opponent to defend the pass. Go Bills!!!
  2. Kincaid is not being used to best advantages, why this is, is anyones guess, but I have my suspicions…, GO BILLS!!!
  3. I choked laughing drinking my coffee, that was great! There’s a difference between mostly dead and all the way dead…, (Miracle Max)
  4. Sometimes our offense guys appear to play lazy, so to speak, they didn’t play with intensity in London, it’s was the defense that kept the game in check, imo, it is either player execution, play calling, or not using available personnel to the best advantage or a combination of the three. Anyway, there’s a long way to go yet, and there is everything to play for. GO BILLS!!!
  5. We were in Washington DC last weekend, we were out checking the sights, and Bills Fan after Bills fan past us on the streets and subway, always the “Go Bills” was exchanged, turns out they were all going to the “Bullpen” to watch the game, we basically stumbled onto the place, a few hundred of the Mafia were there, was a great time with a big bunch of friendly folk kicking back a few beers and high fives watching the fish get squished, great afternoon, we’re here we’re there we’re every fing where. GO BILLS!!!
  6. For old people 😁👍 like me…
  7. Even in “zone coverage “ it is always man as the play develops.
  8. Then they came up with Alumin(i)um, and then proceed to miss pronounce the word…, 😁👍
  9. we can all thank “Tom Fool” for all this Tom foolery…,
  10. One might conclude that DD is playing better because he has a real NFL guard to his right side and doesn’t have to keep track of what he is or isn’t doing all game long, and of course Our new 2nd rounder is a major reason that Brown is doing better, both of those guards are why Morse is more consistent, it’s a “ one hand washes the other” sort of deal, jmo of course,
  11. All of the above, but if I’m right, Josh has seen the light so to speak.
  12. He so old ( how old is he) he is so old he makes me feel young 😁
  13. So its true some fans will complain about a blow out victory, bet you will do the same about a super bowl win…,
  14. This has been my exact point in other threads, thanks for posting this, 👍
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