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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Sew a bunch of pockets the size of shoe foot warmers onto a heavy weight T-shirt front, back and sides, load the pockets and Bob’s your uncle,
  2. I’m tellin ya, its the smoking man, the guy has it in for us, I’ve seen the video evidence…,
  3. Kincaid if they choose to use him, add Shakir and Sherfield to this as well, we need to take attention away from Diggs and Davis to keep their defense honest so to speak, gotta spread the rock around to be successful. Oh, and take the open pass to move the chains…, GO BILLS!!!
  4. With any given players anatomy being capable of handling only so much, being that the skeleton tendons and ligaments load bearing capacity is not infinite, muscle strength loading/forces while impacting the playing surface or other players will at some point be greater than the structure can endure, and then something will give out, Only meticulous training methods can mitigate the eventual injury, be it minor or major, the NFL is an example of extremes in human physiology, with players pushing the proverbial envelope with strength training we will continue to see a fair number of injuries, is what it is.
  5. Sure there are specifics to learn but these guys have been around long enough to be able to play during the Bengals game, they haven’t stuck around in the league this long because they aren’t able to learn quickly, just the opposite is the case. But you are right we will see if Sean has the brass to actually play these guys.
  6. These guys are all seasoned vet pros, and likely already have an understanding of the Bills zone Defence, and our new RB knows how to pass block and run or catch a pass, so they damn well better start!
  7. Why not come here to post? I like a little bit of dissecting of what went wrong in losses, I like talking a bit of trash about how good we are, and how pathetic or opponents are, and celebrating the wins, 😁👍it’s a fun way to burn a few hours.
  8. I always put on my hip waders before I read your posts, and it’s a good thing I didn’t forget this time…,
  9. Which two games since we drafted him…., when you’re done talking smack do a little research,
  10. Much like the London games, the farcical traveling circus 🤡 goes on,
  11. Not very frequently, but I do realize that every team has its issues, and many of those issues are the same ones the Bills wrestle with. GO BILLS!!!
  12. Now there’s a guy…, that believes his own press clippings…, Colinsworth is such a massive Buffoon.
  13. I love those up lifting realist threads, they make my heart bark soft…,
  14. Put the pipe down dude, take a long nap, and have a chocolate cookie and a cup of coffee when you wake up, it will help your current psychosis, nuthin but luv, Don. 🍪☕️
  15. There’s only one answer to these questions, and its the Buffalo Bills! GO BILLS!!!
  16. Oh sure, go ahead and bring science into it…,
  17. It’s all because of the smoking man, he dislikes the Bills and has connections in high places…,
  18. Me and the Bills are the same age, so where’s my happy birthday thread…, okay so I was born in July, what’s the dif, this all about Ralph being cheap,
  19. A player can allow a statement without actual details, it’s likely contractual to some minor degree, but as an employer the NFL believe it or not has to follow the HIPA rules,
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