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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Irsay has evidently been dipped in sh-t Ya gotta be a special sort of DS(see above) to be a billionaire and get busted, what a schmuck,
  2. I agree that personnel use has not been optimal, to the point it has held the offense back from being the constant dynamic force it could be, it got much worse when Dorsey took over as OC, so bad in fact they had to fire him, Dorsey like Frazier never had a plan “B” and we all witnessed the results of that type of coordinator, does McDermott share in the blame? Yes he does, as well, things like Benching the best RB for a fumble or an up and coming receiver for a drop for an extended period of a game, that is an WTF moment, and he has done this throughout his tenure here, its a cut your nose off to spite your face move, especially when there is no one better to put in that players place during the game, its these sorts of decisions that hold teams back. I certainly hope that Joe Brady ignores McDermott when appropriate and does what needs to be done to win games, GO BILLS!!!
  3. This may explain why men die before their wife’s…
  4. And he shall be called DOOT, and there will be much rejoicing
  5. I’m thinking that penalty bongs have taken their toll…,
  6. The truth!! This board can’t handle the truth! GO BILLS!!!
  7. Makes you wonder if Dorsey ever picked up on the cues and tendencies of his own offense let alone other team defenses,
  8. The NFL/ the league/ the owners make no changes unless it enhances the revenue flow…,
  9. He currently has a broken bone in his foot that the team is treating, yet he is still out there, 👍
  10. I think Josh is F—-ing relieved that Dorsey is gone,
  11. I thought Shakir was the year before? 😂 Like I said I could be off base, but it seems to appear that both Shakir and Cook we’re under used for a year, “slow to integrate them into offensive playing time”, but hey, I’ve been wrong before, hard as that is to believe 😂 GO BILLS!!!
  12. I may be off base but, they take to long to integrate our O side draft picks into playing time on the offense, just a peeeve on my behalf, GO BILLS!!!
  13. We used to have a DC with a no plan “B” problem as well…,
  14. Yes, a small sample size, and its not going to get easier, but there is viable hope that we have a solid opportunity to move forward.
  15. It’s like we have an OC that knows what he is doing, and knows why he is doing it, yes one game, but damn nice to see. GO BILLS!!!
  16. I don’t celebrate our opponents with my food choices on game day, I would rather go outside the box and choose Sushi 🍣 pork buns and rice wine with dinner, then later a single malt or two as a dessert. GO BILLS!!!
  17. Imo, neither Dabs nor Dorsey were particularly good at integrating the run game into their offenses while here, although Dabs was slightly better at it…, GO BILLS!!!
  18. Imo, we have had the weapons, Dorsey either refused to use them or didn’t know how to use them, McDermott shares blame for not insisting that available personnel be used effectively, Joe Brady already new how to use available personnel…, Could we use a real #2 WR? Yes we could, but that doesn’t preclude using the guys we already have on the roster. GO BILLS!!!
  19. It looks like Dorsey didn’t know how to use most of his available weapons, sad really, GO BILLS!,,
  20. Nice to see good use of available personnel, this Brady guy is showing some potential, 😁👍 GO BILLS!!!
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