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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Listen BR, there are players that play with injuries pretty much every game throughout the season on every team, go clutch your pearls somewhere else…, everyone would appreciate it, GO BILLS!!!
  2. On the “O” - Cook, Diggs & both the TEs On the “D” - Ed, Floyd & Douglas oh, and the whole rest of the team! GO BILLS!!!
  3. Y’all remember the KC game at home a few years back? We fumbled out the back of the end zone and lost the game…, We drove up from Connecticut for that game, thought we were going to win until that play…, GO BILLS!!!
  4. Can’t be, it’s not going up hill…, 😂
  5. When I was in high school I had sex with another high schooler, I guess I’m not a good guy either? 😂
  6. It’s pretty damn obvious that our opponents are doubling Diggs to make us have to target our lesser weapons on offense, if those weapons perform as we hope, our opponents will have to spread their coverage which will make targeting Diggs more fruitful, that some folk don’t get this doesn’t say much for their thought process, GO BILLS!!!
  7. Add in the Floyd acquisition and Beane has done very good work bolstering the Defense this season,
  8. You may be missing some sarcasm mixed in, just sayin, 😁👍
  9. Yup, the OC wouldn’t or didn’t know how to use them, good thing he was fired aye, 😁👍
  10. I like Gabe, he is a very good WR 3 / 4, a mediocre #2, jmo. GO BILLS!!!
  11. Maybe they are trying to light a fire under Gabe’s seat…, weirder stuff…,
  12. The odds are real bad the Bills bring him back, but we could sure use that leg…,
  13. Wasn’t that the same concern about Miami earlier this year?
  14. The answer is, YES, if Miami loses a few games to include our next meeting with them, and we win out. GO BILLS!!!
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