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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. All our players include the “ next man up” just sayin 😁👍
  2. Iirc There is a place in Canada called, “Head smashed in Buffalo jump” we were smashing heads! “ Buffalo Stampede” works for me
  3. Its so nice, it’s like the thanksgiving game from a couple year back all over again, only better!!!!😁👍
  4. Well maybe the rule should be refreshed to include intent with these sort of hits that are known to be injury causing, what ya think in this sort of case? So disregarding overt hits to cause harm is okay then…, it goes both ways,
  5. How about the rule that prohibits purposefully trying to injure an opponent…, is that one to be disregarded? Rename him Damontae Kamakaze
  6. Not if the defender just tackles him instead…, just sayin,
  7. Not if the league is serious about player health, sends a message to everyone, and that is a good thing imo, 😁👍
  8. The first thing to know about fight club…,
  9. Who are you and why should we care what you whimper about?
  10. Come on Guys, come out angry and under control, continue the whooping.
  11. We have nothing to compare such a scenario too, GO BILLS!!!
  12. We can all call him Mr Elusive coming back from that Achilles tear…, 😂
  13. Do they all wear those cute little uniforms?
  14. Hypocrisy is pretty active in the nfl, that unnamed GM will likely sign players of questionable reputation with no hesitation…, Look at Tyreek Hill, he beat a pregnant woman and broke a child’s arm, for gods sake, yet he is employable in the NFL. The league is a one legged man in an azs kicking contest, it has no leg to stand on when it comes to morality. What is being left out in all this is that girls will be girls to get what they want to, just as boys will be boys…, is it pretty? No, but it is human nature, and neither party should have their lives permanently ruined because of this.
  15. Yup, when you’re old that is a few years ago, 😁
  16. Bizarre how people segue into irrelevant nonsense to double down on their initial erroneous statements, but you do you, 😁👍🍸🚬 GO BILLS!!!
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