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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I don’t like waiting, 🍸🚬🚬🍸🚬🚬🍸🚬🚬🍸🍸🍸🍸
  2. So, has anyone heard anything on this other than Joe Brady?? inquiring minds want to know…
  3. Humans being what we are…, in any discipline there are only a few who don’t sit pat and truly are innovators,
  4. True enough, but the vast majority of the time any OC/play caller with out a half season audition is not seen before they get the job…,
  5. I think Sean is an above average HC, but if we are honest with ourselves its been the defense that lets us down the majority of the time, our Defense from the get go, and Dorsey’s marginal play calling skills for a season and a half bear the brunt of the failures, I can only think that if for a change they went big on offensive weapons for QB 1 things would be noticeably better, they have been whipping the dead horse (so to speak) for defense long enough, what’s that they say about definition of “insanity”…, GO BILLS!!!
  6. Josh vouched for Dorsey too, and that didn’t go so well, it’s good to get his opinion of course, but he should not be the deciding factor for who gets the job, jmo.
  7. True enough, he might very well be gone in three ish years if he doesn’t have success, conversely he might do very well, ya never can tell, it’s the nfl after all, sh-t happens…,
  8. I have no issues with him “competing” for a spot on the team, but if he doesn’t trust his knee repair and isn’t up to it performance wise he needs to be let go, jmo.
  9. Any person who would literally attack someone over what happened in a game is a pathetic immature loser, Bass is a good guy, there is no reason to get on him over a missed kick, that is the definition of being a first world snowflake…,
  10. I hope they both get absolutely top money, then their respective teams will be screwed for years, wouldn’t that be really cool, 😁👍
  11. I truly hope no-one hires him. Remember kids, don’t put your lips on it…,
  12. FFS, stop believing what 99% of these talking heads say, it’s all just part of the NFL machine, to drum up more hype, it’s mostly BS, that you guys fall for this crap over and over is mind boggling..,, get a second hobby already…, GO BILLS!!!
  13. WTF people! Everyone knows he has been playing injured, {abdominal injury} for quite some time now, i would have thought all you fuh king geniuses knew this by now…, that and we have limited help around him, which you would, again, think you bloody geniuses had picked up on at some point or another…, JFC people get your heads out of your - - - - - and pay attention once and a while…, Some of you could drive a sane man to drinking,,,. 🍸🍸🍸
  14. Of course not, I am pointing out the blatant greed and nonsense that is the NFLs hiring model, it’s ironic that so many hold the nfl up as an image of the good America, yet the nfl is the epitome of greed, which rewards some of the worst people to make their living off of, and by “their living “ I mean the owners, who are the nfl, ironic no? It’s not that me you and everyone else isn’t hypocritical at times, it the heights to which one takes the hypocrisy…,
  15. Of course I can, as should all of us,
  16. He’s a pregnant women beater and broke his kids arm, by nfl standards (which they none of) punt god is an easy hire, look at all the sh-ty people the nfl happily hires year in and year out Hill is the poster boy for hiring low life scum.
  17. And the punt god can’t get a job in the nfl, can y’all say hypocrisy…,
  18. Oh boy, some seriously childish whimpering going on in this thread, somebody needs a cookie, a nap, and their diapers changed, talk about sh-ting yourself…, GO BILLS!!!
  19. I tried my best to keep my sarcasm in check, you owe me a beer 🍺 GO BILLS!!!
  20. Hence the heart to heart conversation that needs to happen…,
  21. Actually it’s “ Insanity” … expecting different results… 😁👍 What we ABSOLUTELY NEED is two additional starting quality WRs to compliment Diggs, Shakir and our TEs, imo it’s a must have, Our defensive is predicated on an overly complex scheme that is not workable at the end of every season since it’s inception, due to injuries that always happen because it’s football, convincing Sean to think outside the box and make necessary adjustments to account for the schemes failings is where the issue lies, somebody needs to have a heart to heart with him, so to speak, jmo. GO BILLS!!!
  22. No it’s not, and when one starts to believe that, it’s time for a second hobby, 🍸🚬🤣
  23. Scheming pass catchers open has not been a strong point for our latest OCs, Brady although better than Dorsey at using Dorsey’s play book didn’t seem to insert plays that did just that, it can’t be that hard to do, being that so many other OCs do it, is it the OC or is it the talent he has to work with????
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