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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. 1 hour ago, Tenhigh said:

    Who did that?



    Our society as whole condones this, and continues to do so, currently, and throughout world history.  Look up how many men beat up or killed their spouses or girl friends In the last ten years alone, the numbers are staggering. 


    I’ll leave it to you to do the research. Just look up the number of domestic violence cases in the last ten years, 


    Go Bills!!!

  2. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    I don't think Allen is anything like Newton, and I doubt Beane ever though so, either.  


    Granted, they both are big and they both can run, but Allen's game is throwing the ball.  Cam isn't all that good a thrower.  

    I agree with this, I think we would all be very happy if Allen became Willson esq. 


    Go Bills!!!

  3. On 7/11/2019 at 6:18 AM, Protocal69 said:

    Ok Im slow. What does LAMP represent lol


    It represents posters getting their panties in a twist when another poster puts up something they don’t approve of,  jmo, 


    it it is a form of socially trying to embarrass another Bills fan.


    Go Bills!!!

  4. 2 hours ago, Limeaid said:


    You sound like you were born in NYC.  When I was in college there was always a discussion on this (once economic major wrote his thesis on it) and those from SE NY were never in favor of it and the rest were not.  One guy from Lon Gisland (how he pronounced it) would say why would we want to let the serfs go?

    I grew up in Rochester NY, so no...

    i just don’t think dividing people vs finding common ground is a good idea, makes the country weaker when anyone does that. We are one country made up of immigrants from all over the this world. It’s who we are like it or not.


    Go Bills!!


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  5. 9 hours ago, Limeaid said:


    IF Upstate contributed to a downstate stadium (they did as part of NY payment) then they (NY) can afford a stadium Upstate.

    If not break the state in half as many have advocated.  In reality downstate and upstate have little in common other than taxes taken by Albany.

    We are all New York, it’s not two separate entities.  It would be the height of foolishness to even think about splitting up the state.  It would result in less national importance, and create the poorest north east state on purpose.  Why would anyone in their right mind want to be the Mississippi of the north east?  Just sayin, 


    Go Bills !!

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  6. I would be with the downtown contingent, The “P’s” are about long term investments when it comes to the sports entertainment thing.  The “P’s” legacy in Buffalo is what matters to them the most.  The downtown location works very well with all their other expenditures.  As I said in another post, eventually the old stadium will be taken down, leaving the playing field as part of the Bills training facility.


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  7. When push comes to shove, I suspect that the “P’s” will hire a smart designer/construction firm ( likely already have) who will create what the “P’s” want. Taking into consideration every aspect that is needed.  It’s not that hard to do for the pros, right now it’s about getting the financial ducks in a row.  This sort of thing takes a fair bit of time to fruition, so I suspect the announcement is approximately three years out.  Then the “P’s” will announce the new downtown location.


    Over time the old stadium will be taken down, leaving the field area as part of the training facility. 


    That at is how I read what’s going on at present.


    Go Bills!!

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