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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. 7 minutes ago, Phil The Thrill said:


    I don’t really have a problem with his work.  I think he works hard and has put together a staff, like an alternative press.  My issue is when fans use Cover 1 material to try to justify a point as though his word is gospel.  

    Their work appears to be essentially as good as all 22’s it’s all based in assumptions anyway.


    Go Bills!!!

  2. 2 minutes ago, CuddyDark said:

    Color analysts do it during the game. Cover 1 want to do it while Bills are still in camp. Who would want to have all their formations out before they play the first game? You don't think teams look at all of this? Why do you think the Bills blocked their own media from showing the Blue vs Red last night?

    Certainly a very good point, I think though after the fact analysis is a bit different though. 


    Go Bills !!!

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  3. 6 minutes ago, SDS said:

    Jeremy White was served with a cease and desist from the NFL for doing what Eric does. I think this was two years ago. 


    How Eric has not been taken to court is beyond me. He takes NFL footage for free and tries to charge people money to view that material. 

    Then why is the cover 1 pod cast on YouTube for free then?? 


    Go Bills !!!

  4. 11 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    How the hell is this "not news?"


    Definition:  newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events.


    Now, if you want to question whether it's noteworthy, fine.  Not necessary to comment on it, but fine.  But this is, indeed, news.


    Okay, we’ll call it a fluff piece then :)

  5. 1 hour ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    I mean that’s being a lawyer.  You have to rid yourself of morals for money. 

    Actually lawyers operate using the laws that are in place, put there by the people that the citizens of this country voted for.  That is how it really works by the way.  We, the you and me’s of this country who rarely participate in actual democracy that allow bad politicians to take office and install the laws that the lawyers use.  Yes it’s the individual citizens fault that we have crap politicians in the first place.  


    Go Bills!!!

  6. 1 minute ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I don’t know if he’s humble. He didn’t seem like it in the embedded series. But McDermott is trying his best to humble him.

    Yeah, I see that, but he shows respect to other players with his words thus far.  I think coach is trying to get him to realize that flying a bit under the radar is a good thing at this point of his career as it were.  Coach does indeed run the roost at OBD. 


    Go Bills!!!

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  7. Just now, MR8 said:

    No, Ryan Groy signed with the Saints back in May, he's there fighting it out for a spot as their backup interior linemen.


    Sooooo No he won't be on the Bills 53 man roster lol 

    That’s what I thought ? I was failing at easing a fellow fans angst about the center position, lol.


    Go Bills!!!

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  8. 2 hours ago, Socal-805 said:



    + 1


    I agree 100 %.  Anypne who is not somewhat concerned at this point shoul dbe.  If the Bills have to start the season with EITHER Bodine or Groy at C, watch out.  I am not 

    sure who is worse, but there was plenty of analysis and grading of these guys even going back a year to show they were probably the worst Centers in the league.


    This was a major rebiuld of the O-line, and if it fails, it might be very bad for Allan and this Team, and McBean.





    I may be wrong (again) but is Groy even on the roster?

    that, and counting Bodine we have three guys that can play center, not counting Morse. Me thinks you’re working yourself up a bit much at this point, just sayin...


    Go Bills!!!

  9. 12 minutes ago, nucci said:

    That's life, not football. We're fans. This is what we do here. Share our concerns and discuss and debate them.

    Being a Football fan is part of life, like I said, sit back and enjoy the spectacle, and our Buffalo Bills, no worries ?


    unless you like like to have concerns and worry, then go for it, and worry your backside off... 


    Go Bills!!!

  10. I don’t worry about things I have no control over, I’m retired living on my sail boat in the Bahamas for Five months of the year, hell, I rarely worry ever. (Except for Mother Nature having her way, it’s a boat life thing).   Training camp football is on the list of things to not be worried about.  Actual games, I like to see my chosen team win.  I’ll leave the “worrying ” to the GM and HC.  To the OP just sit back and enjoy the spectacle that is the NFL, and most importantly the Buffalo Bills.


    Go Bills!!!

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  11. 17 minutes ago, 1997WS6 said:

    Wow, I just read this thread and wish I hadn't.  I can't believe what jerks some of you are.  First, I want to say Maddy is a very good looking girl, but even if I thought she wasn't, I wouldn't say a thing.  I guarantee the "men" saying these things wouldn't be saying them if she were standing in front of them.  Why?  Because it's rude, and not true.  Thankfully, she's been told she's good looking her whole life and probably won't be too affected if she sees this thread, even still, I'm ashamed FOR you.

    It is indeed shameful.

    The trashy people do indeed stand out when given the opportunity, don’t they....


    Go Bills!!!

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