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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. 1 hour ago, IDBillzFan said:

    This is really too bad. I'll never understand how and why players seem to tear their ACL so often.


    I *think* it was an ACL that Takeo Spikes tore during a game when he was with the Bills. I just remember he absolutely knew what happened the moment it happened, and was slamming his helmet on the turf out of frustration more than anything.



    I thought it was an ruptured Achilles for Spikes. 


    Go Bills!!!

  2. 1 hour ago, White Linen said:

    The NFL has been a huge ladder to minorities.  If that can't be celebrated then the issue is with the people that can't.  

      Society as a whole certainly  is better than it was a hundred years ago for sure, but as of late there has been a good deal of back sliding by many Americans of all socioeconomic strata when it comes to race relations. We as a people, as a country, should always aspire to being better souls on our planet. That includes objectively looking at our own actions and inactions and what those actions or lack there in bring about. 


    Go Bills!!!



  3. Weo,  football is not some holy thing to not be spoken against, it is just as filled with crappy people and situations  as the rest of society, even more so on some levels, calm yourself, the guy makes very valid points.  The NFL owners are not greedily rich for no reason.  Do you always get this upset when someone speaks out against their employers actions or methods? If you do so you shouldn’t. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Ittakestime said:


    Instead of this, they could be doing just shell practices back in OBD where they put millions into the treatment facilities.


    We will see what people say when multiple guys end up injured.

    Multiple guys throughout the NFL will get injured regardless, it’s a full contact sport, you do know they are trying to knock the sheite out of each other right? You do know football is gladiator sport in America right?  For your own sake try not to be so scared. Like you said they are not trying to cure cancer.. 


    Go Bills !!!

  5. What’s with this new buzz word “bias” come on people, it’s silly, it started the media, and now it’s on football message boards. 




    Every human being that has ever lived was/is bias on virtually everything they see say or do. “Bias” is the latest buzz word on social media, and is heavily over used. For Christ sake enough,  Thank you ?Rant over.


    Ed Oliver will be fine regardless of people’s opinions.


    Go Bills!!!

  6. 1 hour ago, SoTier said:


    Drinking and driving is more excusable to individuals who consider themselves "adults" than texting and driving, which they associate with irresponsible teens and twenty-somethings.  It's always amazing to me when I hear well-educated, "respectable" people my age -- 50s-70s -- who complain about "the gub'ment" lowering the BAC level and increasing penalties for drunk driving.   These aren't  alcoholics; they're arrogant and self-centered.

    You can add willfully ignorant as well.


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  7. 4 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    When Josh Allen leads the team in rushing 3 weeks straight ....  It says something about how the RB position had issues with staying healthy. 


    IF they trade Shady ....  Who's the 3rd RB going to be? 


    If Wade has more outstanding runs like he had Thursday I don't see a reason why the Bills wouldn't retain him in some capacity. 

    It says more about the O line during that season, wouldn’t you think?


    Go Bills!!!

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  8. Arguments can certainly be made for both locations. The biggest draw back for the Pegula’s is the fans who get drunk for the games, the potential liability is through the roof, this can not be argued.  If the fans were even a little self policing it would likely not be as big a problem for them, but they aren’t.  In fact fans outwardly encourage the behavior.  So what’s an owner to do?  Build the new stadium we’re that style of tailgating is naturally curtailed, where the location complements their other massive investments, why in the world would they do that??  hmmm...,


    Go Bills!!!

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